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A swirl of nerves and excitement coiled through my core. It made me lightheaded for a moment, so I curled my fingers over the edge of the tub to steady myself as I left my other hand up to keep the camera pointed at my face.

"How do I know you're not going to record this?" My eyes stayed on the black screen as if Lee would magically appear somehow.

"I had a conversation about trust earlier with my cousin." When he was quiet, I tried to find clues of where he was or that he was alone, but I heard nothing more than white noise. "So the bigger question is: do you trust me?"

"Fuck no!" There was a low chuckle coming through the tiny phone speaker, and it made the hairs on my arms rise. 

"Thought so. Then maybe you should ask yourself why you think I would pull this stunt."

My brain was acting up. I lost too much blood to support my situation down south, and Lee's riddles weren't helping me either. "Can't you just come to the point? I thought you didn't have much time."

"True," he quipped. "But I don't mind spending some extra time if that means I can witness this expression of yours." Frustrated, I rubbed the scowl off my face. "I think that the reason why this is the first thing you think of, is because you've done this to me. You're expecting the same treatment. Karma maybe?"

Why was I being lectured in the bathroom of the Lim's? When he just ordered me to pleasure myself... I was sporting a semi-hard-on and an upcoming headache. 

"Fine. I'm expecting a kick in the face ever since I won in the ring and showed you that footage. I don't know what you're plotting against me but I don't care anymore. Do whatever the fuck you want. But right now I'm fucking hard and very done with your antics."

There was another chuckle. This man was enjoying my despair way too much. "I love it when you're getting desperate. Alright, get in the tub." A white heat speared through me like a lightning strike when his voice went from fun and airy to low and demanding. I sucked in my breath, still fucking staring at a black screen, but I didn't know where else to focus on. So I did what I was told, hoisting one leg over the edge of the tub, and then the other. When my back molded into the curve of the tub, Lee spoke again, "What the fuck are you wearing?"

I glanced down, eyeing my fugly sweater vest, and scoffed, "Don't even start." 

But of course, he wouldn't pass up an opportunity to make fun of me. "You look like those fifties door-to-door salesmen trying to sell their make-up line. Or vacuum cleaners."

"I said shut up."

"Or a Math substitute." 

Well, that was what I thought.

𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ~𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now