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It has been a while. 4k chapter, enjoy!

When I parked the car under the house as instructed and went upstairs—passing the indoor swimming pool on my way, where I noticed the first hint of what to expect sitting on the stone rim of the pool; it was an empty bottle of soju—and entered the...

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When I parked the car under the house as instructed and went upstairs—passing the indoor swimming pool on my way, where I noticed the first hint of what to expect sitting on the stone rim of the pool; it was an empty bottle of soju—and entered the living room, I wasn't sure what I was looking at. 

"What are you guys doing?" Two heads whipped up to look at me, both with a messy bun on top of their heads. Hwang's bun wasn't as big as Min Su's with most of his hair escaping from under the elastic that kept his hair up. While Min Su's hair looked like a rat's nest—and I believed there was actually something in it.  

"You are here!" Min Su cheered as she scrambled up to hug me. She looked up at me with her eyes red as she tightened her slender arms around my waist. "We are playing a card game. But Hyunjin cheats!"

"Am not!"

She stuck her tongue out—which was directed at me. Not letting go, I studied her hair up close and could see now what was wedged into it. I took it out, frowning.

"Oh! I thought Hyunjin cheated... there it is." Min Su took the Queen of Hearts from me and waved it at Hwang. "Found it!" She plopped back on the ground, a pillow softening the impact, and went back into the game like I wasn't even here in the first place.

I walked toward them with my hands pocketed in my jeans and peered at the situation down below. There was a stack of messy cards, empty bottles, opened bagged snacks, and half of the inside of Min Su's purse sprawled over the carpet. 

Swiftly, my gaze trailed from the lipstick that lost its cap and gave attention to the burning stare that prickled my skin from the moment I came in. Oh.

"Are you wearing makeup?" A light smokey brown accentuated his eyes. His lashes dark and long. And cherry-red lips. I was so wrongly drawn to the plumpness of them that I couldn't take my eyes off it. It awakened a small flame in the pit of my stomach, slowly spreading the warmth.

"Isn't it pretty? I'm so jealous of his lips!" Min Su's voice was nothing more than background noise I easily tuned off. My fingers curled around Hwang's jaw, lifting his chin to get a better look as I dipped my head closer.

"Pretty..." I muttered, lost by the foreign feeling they gave me. His bottom lip stuck out a little from the way I dug my fingers into the hollow of his cheeks, and I had to swallow down the desire to latch my teeth into it. Our last kiss felt ages ago when it had been no more than twelve hours. Was this how an addict felt when their hit faded?

It was ridiculous how one single kiss in an alley shifted my world on its axis. This invisible barrier, a force, that I kept around me to guard me from Hwang's advances on me was gone. It didn't matter how stupid he looked right now. How drunk of his ass he was right now. For the love of god, Min Su was sitting right next to us drunkenly staring at the cards strewn on the carpet, I wanted to kiss him. God, I wanted to kiss him badly. 

𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ~𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now