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I had showered

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I had showered. I had brushed my teeth. I made sure to bring some extra clothing. I even had a good night's sleep. So why did it still feel like I was having a walk of shame moment? Even more so when I almost ran into Felix in the hallway who decided to get some baked goods outside of the hotel to give to his favorite hyung. I had to make a very fast U-turn and thanked myself afterward for wearing a hoodie and pulling it over my head to cover my hair.

That would have been a total disaster.

My heartbeat went up a notch as I stepped into the elevator with a lunatic grin across my lips. At the beginning of the descend, my stomach started to flutter, but it never left when it reached its constant speed. It felt weightless and heavy at the same time and it triggered a wide-open smile. I couldn't remember the last time I had such fun. Normally my types of fun existed of; partying, being drunk, misbehaving, having one-night stands, and pushing Lee's buttons—obviously. But genuinely laughing didn't exist in my box of memories.

Or getting my dick sucked by my sworn enemy.

But the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday was anything but fun. After my father found out I used the company jet for a city hop, he was all up my ass. He gave me the most useless shit to do that even stapler boy would say no to. He loved to be passive-aggressive with me than talk it out with me about what bothered him. But it was fine, I could handle his denigrating ways. And to be honest, it was worth it. No one could turn my mood sour. They could try.

"Why'd you go to Tokyo?" At the end of the office day, Yang came by my office with take-out. He was preparing the food on the coffee table with his back turned to me. I was going through the last papers, my eyes burning from too much screen time and reading numbers all day. You would think the heir would have his ass in the white sands of the Maldives the whole year round. Think again.

"Shopping." I pushed the backrest of my desk chair back as I leaned in, holding the last document of the day above my head, and tilted my chin up to read it. 

Yang sat down and faced me. "Shopping?" He stuffed his mouth with a dumpling. "Why didn't you ask me with? More fun you know." The second one filled his other cheek and continued chewing.

"Because I had other things to do. Next time we'll go together." The paper got discarded back on my desk and ran a hand through my hair for the millionth time. "We'll even bring Seo with us if you want." I watched how Yang's face fell, not loving the idea. I wasn't stupid, I knew Yang had a clear motive when it came to me. Still, I kept myself stupid. Besides our mutual agreement of him sucking me off, there wasn't going to bloom a relationship out of it. This wasn't some shitty drama where the impossible was made possible. 

"Okay, we can do that." His face changed and I knew that look all too well. "What are you doing tonight?" It has been a while since Yang and I hooked up, and I understood where he was coming from, but it wasn't the same for me. Lee was skillfully filling in Yang's place that I didn't need him to suck me off in my car beneath a bridge.

𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ~𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now