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Prepare yourself. This will be a hell of a chapter, containing 5.7k words. No love. Far from fluffy. So don't read if you don't like the heavier stuff. If you do... then I hope you enjoy this rollercoaster ride!

I would pay another hundred million won to relive that expression of his when the realization hit him that it was me who bought him

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I would pay another hundred million won to relive that expression of his when the realization hit him that it was me who bought him. It was impossible to contain the satisfied grin I was showing. My skin itched, wanting to break into a wider one, so I held my glass up to not make a total fool of myself.

Hwang kept staring at me in disbelief.

You're fucking with me. It wasn't you.

I broke our stare-down to read his reply. A corner of my lip curled up even higher. Hwang wasn't buying it, which I get. I hadn't paid any interest to the auction. Reason one: I was a little busy with Felix. Reason two: I couldn't afford any slip-ups. This could never be directed toward me—ever.

You better believe it.

His frown was clear from the other side of the lounge. He stared at the screen of his phone he held in his hand.

I have so many fucking questions!

I snorted at that and attracted Chan's attention who sat next to me. "What's so funny?" I turned my phone face down on my lap and shifted to my right where he sat. Chan was having bourbon tonight. I noticed by the rich golden-brown the liquor had, and the way he was smiling lazily at me. He could hold his liquor damn well but for some reason bourbon made him extremely mushy.

"I was thinking about the auction again." Which was true. But I was mostly thinking, picturing, Hwang on his knees, surrendering to me this time.

"The prick deserves it," Chan lisped a bit from the alcohol. He scootched closer, his bare upper arm now pressed against mine. The almost empty glass was set aside to let his cold, wet fingers touch my face. He forced me more in his direction. I frowned at his behavior. Like I said; mushy. "He shouldn't have treated you like some lackey. I don't know why you put up with his crap... Did he delete that footage?" His thumb rubbed over the side of my chin. I watched his clouded brown eyes trying to focus on me.

"He did." I hadn't asked yet but for some reason I trusted Hwang's word. He wouldn't stoop that low by letting me go through all that and in the end still fuck me in the ass. Figuratively speaking. The way he looked at me made it very clear that fucking was still on the table.

That was a bridge too far for me. And I crossed and burnt a lot of them since the contract. And now I was burning my money just to get back at him.

"Good. Because even drunk I can make him a few inches shorter."

"I bet you can," I smiled at Chan. "Would you now be so kind as to let go of my face?"

"Oops," Chan grinned, then retracted his hand. "I think I needed my dose of soft Minho." His teeth were still full on display as I wrinkled my nose at his words. Chan's eyes hid behind his bulging smile, getting a kick out of my reaction. With his bourbon in his hand again, Chan leaned back into the blue sofa.

𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ~𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now