Chapter 5

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The summer was actually great. Both Vincent and Goyle were seventeen so they had their apparation licence. They visited me all summer. I still needed to get tutored on wizarding politics and how to be a Lady each morning. But they came over every afternoon they had free. And usually stayed over the weekends.

I had admitted to being a Potter immediately to them. And I expected them to be upset with me for not telling them earlier. I had been nervous about it. But they didn't care. They promised they wouldn't tell their families or their Lord. This was huge, because they were die-hard supporters. Loyal to a fault. But they were loyal to me first. And this made me love them even more. I introduced them to my grandparents and I was happy they approved. I knew my family was light. But they were neural/light. I admitted to my grandparents that I loved both of them, but was officially dating Vincent. They weren't thrilled with this, but purebloods weren't known for monogamy. Sure, my grandparents were mostly monogamous, or so they said, but it was unlikely. Their marriage was arranged like most purebloods. My grandmother demanded Vincent have his parents write a contact, but only after they knew who I was. She insisted on an unbreakable vow from his parents first. She would not sacrifice my safety. I had admitted that they were hard core Pureblood supremacists, but because of their weak magic and looks, they didn't have many options for wives. Neither were in a contract. This was unusual in Dark families.

My grandparents knew I adored them. They worshiped me. And I loved all the attention and affection. This was most important to me. And my grandparents just wanted me to be happy and treated right.

By the end of the summer I received my wedding contract and a ring. Vincent and I were official. I had to meet his parents and we negotiated the contract in the sitting room with my grandparents. They walked me through the negotiations. I knew Vincent's parents weren't thrilled about me being their daughter in law. But they didn't have many options and Vincent was persistent. I held myself like a proper witch. Behaved like any Pureblood. And by the end they were rather impressed with me. Our kids would only be first generation purebloods. You needed four grandparents who were magical to be a Pureblood. I was a half blood. Our kids would be pure. But just barely. Not enough to truly be respectable in the hard core Pureblood families you needed at least three generations of witches and wizards to be pure, but again, It was better to have more. Preferably much more. It was enough for the Crabbe's to give in to Vincent's desire to marry me. But they would not openly discuss my blood status in wizard circles. I didn't advertise it so that helped. Most assumed I was a pureblood with the way I carried myself and was raised. I never bothered to correct people. Those closest to me knew. But that was all. I had told Vincent and Greg when we began getting serious.

It was August and we would start school in a week. It was hot and I usually just wore my panties around the house unless in classes. I smiled as Greg and Vincent showed up. I squealed and ran to them. They just walked in I didn't have wards up, but they owned a key.

They both grinned and I jumped in Vincent arms. I kissed him And he devoured my mouth. I moaned as he grabbed my ass with his meaty hands. After he set me down I jumped in Greg's arms and gave him the same greeting. I pulled them both into the dining area and we sat down for lunch. "I didn't know you were coming today!" I said happily.

Greg smiled. "We decided to surprise you. We got done with our lords meeting quickly and didn't have any raids for the rest of the summer. We will be here until Thursday."

I grinned. It was Saturday. We had almost the full week. "I can't wait. You guys better give me a week to remember" I said with a wink.

After finishing our meal I pulled them upstairs to my room. I had changed to the master bedroom after my fourth year. It seemed appropriate.

While the room enormous, but I demanded the elves remove the cheep bedroom set and bring me respectable bedroom furniture

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While the room enormous, but I demanded the elves remove the cheep bedroom set and bring me respectable bedroom furniture. I was a Heir Braithewaite. I deserved better than a waterbeds and ugly muggle eighties furniture. It was an embarrassment to our family and name. What on earth had my parents been thinking. I was essential the master of this house, I deserved the master bedroom. And a king size bed. Thankfully the room was large enough to accommodate. I still had Harry's and my nursery the way they were when we were little. I had my old bedroom from my childhood, and the master. All were clean and well out together. But I liked my current bedroom best

I pulled them into the king sized bed and began removing their clothes. I hadn't seen them in days and needed to have them love me again.

I grinned as they pulled my panties of revealing my hairless skin. It was a new thing I was trying. Before now I had just trimmed. But I liked this look better. It felt cleaner.

I moaned as Vincent climbed on top of me and pressed into my core. It started slow and sensual and quickly became wild and passionate. I arched my back and Greg's cock touched my lips. I quickly began licking and sucking his cock as Vincent fucked me. I loved their cocks. I think part of the reason I loved them so much was how perfect their cocks were. I was a very sexual girl. I needed six like I needed air. And they fulfilled me in every way. Sexually, emotionally, physically. If they worshipped me, I would love them. But they fucked me like a god and I didn't just love them for that. I needed them. Craved them. It helped that when one was tired the other picked up where they left off. I knew they fucked each other on occasion. I fucked either one if the other wasn't around. It was really an equal relationship where we all loved each other. But when they were both with me, I was all they saw. They loved me like I was the only thing that mattered. And that was what mattered most to me. I needed to come first. At least when it was the three of us. I was top priority.

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