Chapter 19

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For Boxing day, Neville came over and we had Christmas with him. Greg and I had Christmas with Eros just yesterday. Greg was disappointed that his mother had fathered spend her time in America with a new boyfriend. But seeing as she was in her thirties and still quite beautiful, it wasn't a surprise that she was already in a relationship. And since I was also a widow, there was no way we could complain about it. It would be hypocritical. Even if we had been in a triad all along. I had my suspicions that Veronica Crabbe was also dating. Although she rarely talked to me. Vincent's mother didn't like me from the start, so that really was no surprise.

During Christmas/Yule Greg and I gave Eros a large number of presents. He may only be a few months old, but he was still a pureblood, and deserved to be treated as one. He would never want for anything.

The biggest thing he got was a rocking Unicorn, that neighed and shook its mane and tail. He was still too small for it, but he would like it in a few months. We probably should have waited to give it to him on his birthday, but I saw it and had to get it for him. The rocking Unicorn was velvety soft to the touch and the mane and tail were like silk. The horn was charmed to not stab or injure a child. And it was absolutely gorgeous. How could I resist?

Normally we wouldn't make such a big deal about Christmas. We knew it was a muggle holiday. But, we lived in a muggle neighborhood, and Christmas was so big, it seemed impossible to ignore. And really, I liked having an excuse to giving my loved ones gifts.

We had already celebrate Yule with Neville. He came around almost daily now. He didn't hide his attraction to me. But he still didn't touch me. And I refused to make the first move. If he wanted me, he needed to get her courage up. I knew he had it in him.

I smiled as I greeted him. I wore a white dress made of lace. It was mostly transparent. I loved teasing him and seducing him. And nobody but him would be here. Both of my in-laws were here on Yule and I wore an appropriate yule dress. But with just family and Neville, I had long decided that less was more.

If you saw the dress in the distance, you would just assume the cloth was a skin color

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If you saw the dress in the distance, you would just assume the cloth was a skin color. But up close you could see my naval and nipples through the sheer fabric quite easily. Eros was in a cute little outfit and Greg wore slacks and a dress shirt. Although I will admit that I got a thing silk shirt that was almost as translucent as my dress. We both wore beautiful gold jewelry. And my engagement ring was on full display. My wedding ring was now worn on my right hand. I didn't ever want to completly remove it.

 I didn't ever want to completly remove it

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I had always loved my engagement ring. It was beautiful and covered in diamonds but didn't feel overdone either. It was classy. Class was something I had in spades when in public. In private was a completely different matter. What I did in private was nobodies business but my own. And my husband's/fiance.

I grinned as I greeted Neville at the door. "Come. We had a feast waiting for us to enjoy."

It was no time before we all finished eating and sat around the sitting room hanging out presents. My grandparents were in the room talking to us as well. "Grandmother, grandfather, I believe you know Lord Neville Longbottom. Neville, this is my Grandfather Fleamont Potter, and grandmother Euphemia Potter. They taught me everything I know. They, and my house elves completely raised me. I am indebted to them."

Neville walked up and gave them proper greetings. I knew he had met them a couple times over the years. But nothing of real substance. I wanted my grandparents to be impressed with him.

My grandmother looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Are you pursuing a relationship with Mr. Longbottom?"

I smirked. "We are nothing but close friends at the moment. Although I would never turn down more. I miss having a second lover. And I know Greg enjoys his company as well. We are just waiting on Neville to get the courage up to make a move. Time will tell."

My grandmother chuckled quietly. "Yes. I suspected as much. He is as lovely as the other two. Such a shame that your late husband had to pass so soon. But Mr Longbottom would be a fine lover. Very respectful and white handsome. Would you have his heir as well?"

I sighed. "if he would let me. But you know how purebloods are. Children outside of marriage are not considered heirs. I am marrying Greg this summer. But I suppose if Neville is unable to have an heir for any reason I could say I was a surrogate. People would not need to know the details behind that. There are a number of ways to be a surrogate. We would just do it all natural. At least I day dream about such things." I smiled.

My grandmother nodded. "Yes. That would work out nicely. He would just need to be married at the time and conveniently not make them pregnant until you gave birth to his heir. Then she could miraculously be fertile. Very clever. And contraceptive charms are amazing for faking infertility." I giggled in response.

My grandmother may have been a Ravenclaw, but I knew exactly where my Slytherin tendencies came from.

I grinned as Neville came behind me and wrapped his arms around my small waist. His hands never wandered, but he was getting far more comfortable touching me. I rested my head against his chest as he pressed against my back. I could feel his cock twitching. No doubt after hearing me and my grandmother talk. I did not hide my interest in him. He knew. But he was shy and nervous to move out relationship forward. "What are you and your grandmother laughing about?"

I looked up over my shoulder and grinned. "Just scheming how to get you in bed." I joked. It was not completely untrue. "Is your grandmother arranging a marriage for you?"

He nodded. "Last I knew, she was talking to the Greengrass's"

I nodded. "Daphne is engaged to Zamini, but Astoria is still free. You better act quickly though. I know the Greengrass's are also talking to the Malfoy's. Although I am sure they will see you as a far better option politically."

Neville nodded and it felt like he was going to pull away so I wrapped my arms around his, holding him against my body.

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