Chapter 15

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I walked into my house exhausted. Dealing with trials and the media all day was exhausting. Sometimes I wondered why I wanted to go into this as a career. But I honestly believed I could make a small difference this way. Use my natural ability with words and persuasion as a career path. Yes, I was good with magic. And I loved magic. But magic was a way of life, not just a tool to use for a job. Maybe that was the biggest difference between muggle raised and wizard raised. For muggle raised, it was fantastical, and an extension of them. Not who they were. Magic was who we were. It was in our worship, our customs, our beliefs, our very beings. We were magic. And everything we did was because of magic. We weren't just people who happened to have access to magic. We were so much more.

I stripped down to my underwear and pulled on an oversized shirt before greeting my fiance and baby Eros. He was just over a month old and still the cutest boy I had ever seen. I wasn't quite sure what to think about his hair. He had his father's blonde hair, but it was a constant mess like every other Potter. It would stick out in every which direction. There was no taming it. His eyes were a brighter forest green just like my own. And he was just getting cuter. He had big chubby cheeks and was the perfect picture of a healthy baby boy. And he was so happy. Such a sweet boy, just like his father. It made me miss Vincent all the more, but I was glad to have Eros go remember him by. He would carry on his father's name, and blood. And I was thankful for that.

I got an IUD immediately after having Eros. They were good for up to five years and that was perfect for what I needed. After I finished my apprenticeship I could think about having another child. Then Greg would be free as well.

I sat down on Greg's lap and began feeding Eros. Greg stroke my sides and I rested my head on his shoulder. It was nice, just relaxing with my family after a long day.

I looked up at Greg, "How are you doing?"

He nodded with a grunt making me laugh. Always a man of words. Instead, I began telling him about my day and my interview after the precedings.

The next week was interesting, the media was jumping on my interview. And many other prominent neutral families came forward expressing the same concerns. Even Vivian Zabini talked to the Witch Weekly and added her observations and concerns. And usually she stayed out of the lime light. It was clear that the Neutral or Gray faction was sick and tired of both sides. They just wanted peace and common sense for once.

I was surprised to see that even Neville came forward and express concern. He was a prominent light family. And he was a Gryffindor. It had to be a shock to everyone. But it showed that even Light families could feel that the light side was going to far. And that appreciating tradition didn't make your evil.

This seemed to snow ball. Other light families began coming foward as well, like the Diggory's. It was an age of moderation. Or it appeared to be.

As week after the neutral Gray faction started voicing their thoughts and concerns, Hermione Granger had an interview. And I think that just cemented our case. She never learned humility. She was arrogant and patronizing the entire time. Demanding freedom of all house elves, and bashing every wizard belief and tradition we held dear, calling them barbaric, backwards and evil. She also proudly anbounced that Harry Potter agreed with her on all of her superior beliefs.

This was the last straw. And people came forward in droves. Nobody was going to sit by and let our way of life be stifled. Over the last couple decades most people had sat by and did nothing. They suspected that The Dark Lord was evil, so they just assumed the other side was right. But they were hesitant as well, they didn't honestly believe that the Light was trying to dismantle everything we held dear. If they hoped not. Now there was now denying it. The light and muggle raised were systematically dismantling everything we believed in. And nobody would stand for that. It was a wave of massive resistance to the far light faction. Or blood traitors, as less eloquent people would say.

Finally we were seeing legislation that turned back the invasion of Muggle beliefs and dismantling of our way of life. Yes, this was what some Dark families had fought for all along. But we were seeing things finally turning out for the better. Of course this pissed off the muggleborn. They threw tantrums about how we all hated them. But it had nothing to do with them. We just refused to cater to their delicate sensibility any longer. People's eyes were open, and they could clearly see everything they had sacrificed and gave up for those who were essentially feigners in our world. If they wanted to be here, they would adjust to our ways, not the other way around.

Harry Potter did an interview a few weeks after Hermione, trying to use his fame to draw people onto their side. He insisted that we needed to change and accept muggle beliefs and ideas. That we were stagnant. And that we didn't treat magical being right. Admittedly, there had been some awful laws inacted against werewolfs. And they were being looked at. But the demands to free house elves were ridiculous. It came from a place of ignorance. House elves lived in a symbiotic relationship with wizards. Our bond with them grounded them and their magic. It also gave them structure and clarity. Without that bond, hey would slowly lose their sanity and completely lose control of their magic. In return they would help us with household chores. They were technically slaves, but that didn't mean people mistreated them. And they needed that bond to function. Some Purebloods mistreated their elves. And it was worth considering, having laws in place to make sure elves were respected and treated right. But to fire them, or set them loose was completely out of the question. This demand that Potter and Granger were making just solidified wizard beliefs that they were not an authority in anything magical. They were seen and naive and ignorant.

It was amusing that Harry Potter and his close friends were actually doing all the work for us. They were proving to the whole wizard world that we couldn't base out beliefs off them. The funny thing was, they didn't even realize they were destroying their own cause. They would read their articles and pat themselves in the back. And the rest of the world read it and looked at it in horror. Unfortunately, because they thought anyone who didn't believe exactly as they did was evil, they didn't have anyone around to explain to them why it was stupid. The Weasleys those wizards like them, had given up their family history and tradition a few generations back, so even if they were purebloods, they didn't know any more than the muggle raised. And so it was mostly just continued on thinking they were right. It was en echo chamber. They were sure the world would see their way of thinking. they knew they could convince us with their sound muggle logic.

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