Chapter 12

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Over the next month I took my NEWTs at the ministry with Greg, then we began going to one funeral after another. Thankfully Greg's trial was quick. He had over a dozen families, some Pureblood, come and speak for him. There were many accounts of him saving their children's lives during the final battle. His mother also claimed that Greg was forced to become a death eater. He wasn't, he happily joined but there was no proof otherwise. And they had nothing to hold him on. He did get five years probation, and I requested he serve probation at my home. I showed them the ring Greg got me the first week after the battle and said we were engaged.

The courts approved my requests. He had to either be at my home, or his own. It was rather lenient, and I appreciated it.

Right after my birthday, I immediately went to the bank and claimed both Both Potter and Braithewaite, head of house. Fuck my brother. He may have saved Greg, but he also broke into my house, trashed it, disrespected my grandparents, threw curses at them, and fired my house elves leaving them homeless and without any place to go. It was infuriating. He clearly was not fit to lead the ancient and noble house of Potter.

I then asked the Goblins to erect powerful wards around my house. He would not be breaking into my house again.

After a month things started to die down. We both got out NEWTs results. We got Es on most everything. Not great. But this last year wasn't great in general. I got an O in Transfiguration and Charms. Otherwise I had Es in almost everything. I got an A in CoMC And Herbology. But I didn't even take CoMC, so I wasn't complaining. I also got As in Runes and Arithmancy. And since I didn't even study seventy year material, I figured that was pretty good. Defense was a wash this year. Like most. I got an E, but just barely.

Greg got mostly As with a couple Es. Not great. But better than I expected honestly. School just wasn't really his thing.

I was five months pregnant and I had just had a muggle ultrasound. I was having a boy. I was thrilled. And I fire called my mother in law. She was just as excited. She would have a grandson. After losing everything, she finally had something to look forward to. Yes, she had a house and money, but she lost both her son and husband. She would be leaving the country for a while. She would come back once the baby was born, at least for a while, but after that she would leave again.

It had taken a couple weeks for the Ministry to get my floo in the system after I took over the Family inheritance. But now I was finally connected to the outside world.

I heard the wards go off and it sounded like someone was attacking them. Greg and I ran outside to see what was going on. I glared and crossed my arms angerly. "Potter, what the fuck are you doing?" I growled.

"Breaking into my house, trashing it, leaving it to look like a trash bin, attacking my grandparents, and firing my house elves so they had no home and nowhere to go, wasn't enough for you. You needed to attack my home again?" I spit out angrily. "And this is a Muggle/Wizarding village. You are in violation of the Statute of asecurecy. Greg, contact the ministry." I ground out angrily. "Just because your parent lived here does not give you the right to barge in and destroy the place. You egotistical little shit."

He glared his face red with fury. "this is my home. You stole it from me."

I scoffed. "No Brother, this is my home. I was raised here. I've been here my whole life. You are trespassing. You may have a cute little statue in town, but this is my family home. Surely you saw that the house was clearly lived in. You may be the savior of the world, but that does not give you the right to take and destroy whatever you want. You tore through all of my belongings. Stole all the pictures and any jewelry I had from our parents. And attacked my grandparents. What is wrong with you." I yelled. I wasn't about to be shut up.

When the aurors came I pointed at Potter. "Arrest him. He tried to break into my house. As lady Potter I demand restitution."

They looked at us both. "Your lady Potter. I scoffed. "Yes fool. I am Heather Euphemia Crabbe neí Potter, Lady Potter, Lady Braithewaite. And Lady Crabbe. Mister Potter here, believes just because he is also a Potter, he can come into my house, fire my house elves, and destroy my home. He already did it over the last school year. And he attacked my wards and tried to break in again. He may have killed the Dark Lord, but that does not give him the right to attack people's homes. And on top of it, he was waving his wand around foolishly in the middle of a muggle neighborhood breaking the Statute of Secrecy. Now you will have to obliviate the entire neighborhood." I wiped around and stormed back inside as he screamed at me.

"That's my house, my parents lived there! That death eater stole my house!!"

"Madam Crabbe, could we have proof that you are in fact Lady Potter. We know mister Potter, we haven't heard of you."

I sighed and walked back my five, nearly six months belly causing me to waddle a little. "Of course officer. How very rude of me." I said politely as I showed them my lordship rings. "This is my Braithewaite ring, and the Potter ring. I claimed them as soon as I was seventeen. Just last month. I had considered giving my brother more time to claim his Potter Lordship, but after he attacked my grandparents Portraits, destroyed my home, and fired all of my house elves. We collectively decided he was not worthy of the house of Potter. I have been generous in not completely disowning him. But his behavior is not worthy of our Ancient and Noble house. We are all quite appalled at his behavior. He treated our noble home as nothing more than a trash bin. My elves were absolutely devastated. The whole ordeal was quite a mess. I am sure you understand. unfortunately while the war was going on, I needed to hide my affiliation with my brother. We knew my safety was in jeopardy. And after seeing the way he treated my friends and family, and disrespected my home, I no longer have any interest in catering to his over inflated ego. I am quite ashamed of the way he treats us little guys. Even his own family." I said in a melancholy voice.

Harry began screaming again. "You stole my home!!!"

I looked at the aurors with a sad face. "This is what happens when someone unworthy of the title lord tries to claim what they don't deserve. He may be the savior of the Wizarding world. But that does not make him a worthy lord. He has no respect for our family or its traditions. He attacked my grandparents portraits because grandfather told him he was being disrespectful to his elders. All because I had pictures of my family and friends in the house. I think his game has clearly gone to his head. It's quite sad really." I said pouting."

The aurors nodded, "yes, you are clearly Lady Potter. We will take Mister Potter in to custody."

I nodded. "He did save my fiance Heir Goyle. And for that, I would like to ask for leniency. But I need to be firm so he does not believe he can just come and attack my home for a third time. This is all getting quite arduous if I am honest."

They nodded. "Of course Lady Crabbe. We will make sure he understands the seriousness of the crimes he has committed."

I glared at my brother. "You can't just stomp on the little guy just because you are famous. Your behavior is not respectable and you need to learn a lot about proper wizard etiquette.  And laws. This is my home. The fact of the matter is, you have no respect. Not for our community, not for your family name, and not for our Ancient family home. If this continues, I will be disowning you. You will be Harry No Name. I won't have you drag our family name through the mud. Harry Potter may be a savior. But Harry No Name will just be a recluse that thinks the world owes him something. And maybe we do. But that doesn't mean you can just take whatever you want. There are laws and traditions that need to be upheld. You would be wise to learn them."

I turned and walked back to my house. Greg picked me up half way back to the front door and I giggled as he carried me like a baby inside.

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