Chapter 13

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I had to admit, it has been cathartic to vent my anger my Harry Potter. I knew I owed him. Well, I didn't. But my fiance did.

After that spat with Harry I began thinking about how good it felt to put him in his place. Verbal beat downs were always my thing. I thrived on verbal spars. I decided to contact my family lawyer and ask if they knew of anyone I could apprentice with.  Being a family representative would be a good job for me. I would do well. Yes, I had Os in Transfiguration and Charms. And I could go into something with that. But I thought being a lawyer would be far more rewarding.
I was well versed in law. And I knew the wizarding old laws like the back of my hand. I just needed to learn the more modern laws. And apprentice with a well established lawyer.

They suggested Mr Pritchard. He had high reviews and he was getting close to retirement. He was looking for someone to pass his law firm down to. This I was quite excited about.

We signed a contract that would start in a years time. August 1st. This would give me time with the baby, and getting settled. As well as marrying Greg. We were planning for July 2nd at his home. We would have a honeymoon and be a true family, then I would start my apprenticeship. It was a three year Apprenticeship. Although it could be a little longer or shorter depending on how I did. The only stipulation was, I couldn't have another baby during that time. I would miss too much otherwise.

October came quickly. And before I knew it, I was giving birth to my first baby. I considered naming the Baby Charlus. I had heard many stories about my great uncle and great grandfather. Still, Harry was named after my great grandfather Henry. And I wasn't sure if I was proud of him or not. As a warrior and savior. Sure. I was proud of him. but he was rather uncouth and quite unpleasant as a person. And he also disrespected my home. And stole all my pictures of my parents. I wasn't sure I would ever forgive him for that. How incredibly rude. My home was clearly lived in. And he just walked through and stole anything he wanted. He was a complete asshole.

So, there were a couple of other pureblood options. Name them after family. Which was a no.

I could name them after God's or goddesses. That was a maybe.

Or I could name them after great rulers. Like Alexander the Great. Or Caeser Augustus. That was a strong possibility.

The last option was name him after other famus wizards. I wasn't so keen on that.

So, either name them after the Gods or great rulers.
For rulers I liked Marcus Aurelius. He was under rated and a good ruler. Hadrian was another great one. But, it sounded much like Harry, and I was rather angry with him right now. Even if he did save Greg. Gallianus was good. But the name was a little obscure. Tiberius was a great name. Not necessarily a great ruler. Okay. He was a good ruler at first, but then he sort of got bored and retired to the mountains and molested children. Claudius was a fantastic ruler. And I would most likely use that name. Although, this chikd didn't seem like a Claudius. Julius Caesar was another wonderful leader.

For the Gods Ares was a great name. But I didn't know if I wanted to perpetuate war. I had enough of it.
Eros was another cool name. And he was the god of love. But it was romantic love. And sexual love. Would it give him a stigma? Dionysus was a nice god. But maybe he didn't take life seriously enough.
Apollo was a good God. The god of prophecy, arts, and music.
Atlas held the world up. Too much responsibility, and he was also cursed. Still, the name was very nice.

I looked at Greg. "What do you think I should name him. Obviously Vincent will be his middle name. But I am choosing between Julius, Claudius, or Aurelius. Or else Apollo or Eros. Do you like any of them?" I asked.

He sat and looked at the my little baby. He had blonde hair and green eyes. I was kind of sad to see he did not have his father's black eyes. He had adorable little cheeks and I honestly thought he looked like a cherub.
"Eros." He said softly. "He looked like he could be cupid himself. Our son is beautiful."

I grinned. "You are right. Eros is most fitting. His name will be Eros Vincent Crabbe. Heir to the ancient and Noble house of Crabbe." I said softly.

The medi-wizard quickly wrote up his birth certificate.

I could not take my eyes away from my little angel. And that was the only thing that properly described him. My angel.

I smiled the tiny human and carely passed him over to Greg. Greg sat down beside me in my bed and wrapped an arm around my shoulders as he held the baby with his other hand carefully against his chest. "You and Vincent made a perfect little boy. I hope we make a baby as nice as this.'

I laughed. "we will. I am sure of it. As soon as I finish my apprenticeship with Mr Pritchard, we will have a child or two."

He nodded. "I can't wait to have make you pregnant. You looked beautiful when you were fat with Vince's baby."

I rolled my eyes. Always a flatterer. "Thank you." I didn't even bother trying to correct him. I doubt he would truly understand what he did wrong.

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