Chapter 26

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It took about five months for me to get pregnant. Neville was already married. And he come over most every day and all weekend. His excuse was he was visiting his gran. She was getting older and her health was fading. All true. Except that he couldn't even stand being around his Gran more than a few hours. His wife hates Mrs. Longbottom. She was a very unpleasant woman, so she never came with him.

This gave us all weekend together. And we took advantage of all the time we could.  Now that I was pregnant with Greg's child we didn't have to worry about any kind of contraception charm. I tried to make sure Greg was the father of my next child. We weren't perfect about the spell. But it still worked out.

I was pregnant and the men in my life could not be more thrilled. Neville saw Eros as his own. And he looked at this next child as his as well. As well he should. I had two lovers and we were all a family. Even if the world never knew. Eros called Greg father and Neville Papa. I was obviously mother. Eros knew that his original father had died. We didn't hide that. But he was three so we didn't go into more detail.

We were thrilled all of us.

I knew this would be a boy, Neville had told me that the reason so many lords had a boy instead of a girl was because most prominent families had cast curses on their family to ensure the first born male had a male heir first. So a Lord of House almost always had a boy. Then maybe girls if they had more children. If a Lord gave birth to a girl first, it was safe to assume he had an illegitimate child somewhere. Although they would never admit as much. So Lord Parkinson and Lord Greengrass likely had an illegitimate child with someone. But since you needed to be married to have an heir, their first born child didn't count. If the wife even knew about it. Usually it was very hush hush. If I was going to have Neville's child, I would have to sign a contract as a surrogate mother before we conceived. It would give him all rights to the child. Although he would bring his heir over every time he came. This way I would see them almost every day and every weekend.

I was excited to have Greg's baby. I was three months along and I would be due mid July.

It was Eros fourth birthday and Neville and Greg had hired a muggle to build an elaborate playground in my back garden. It looked like a wood castle with turrets and bridges. Slides and swings. It was a child's paradise. The wards didn't keep muggles out of the yead at all. Although the large eight foot stone fence would. Once it was finished I would cast preservation charms on the playground so it would not decay or break. I did the same for the fence around the yard last year. I did have a ward that made muggles feel uncomfortable when they were inside our property. This kept kids and adults out. But they could come in if need be. It would be strange to make a house disappear or make it so muggles couldn't come to the door. So muggles could walk through the wards where wizards and witches could not. We had to be smart about our wards since we lived in a muggle neighborhood.

Eros almost combusted when he saw his present. He had talked about having a play set. But he never expected anything so grand. He should have. We always got him the best of everything.

We invited Draco, Pansy and Scorpius, as well as most of the neighbor kids that were Eros age. He was thrilled to have so many friends over. Scorpius was almost three but Eros loved playing with him. The other neighbor kids all ran around happily with Eros and Scorpius. I had lowered the anti muggle ward for the party. It wouldn't do to have all of the neighbor kids scared while attending Eros birthday party. I would raise it again after they left.

Some of the muggles were not amused by the art in my back garden, but the play set was off to the side and didn't really overlook any sculptures. Pansy saw them and just laughed. I happily walked her around and showed her my most recent one from Greg. The man was again a perfect mix of Greg and Neville. And the woman was a dead ringer of me.

They always hired the same artist. He must have made a killing off the four sculptures he made my lovers every year. I had suggested they pool their money together and just get me two a year. Otherwise I would run out of room. They agreed to start that on my next birthday. They already commissioned their Christmas gifts.

Pansy giggled and examined the art. "These are very good. I need Draco to make a shrine to me this impressive. You men clearly worship you." She saw with awe.

I nodded. "As they should. I would not be with them if they didn't. I demand adoration."

Pansy nodded. "Is this really how Greg looks?" She asked as she stroke the copper cock.

I shook my head. "This is an amalgamation of both my lovers. And I would say this is an exact replica of Neville's cock. You will see Greg's cock on the other one."

I said as I walked to the one I meant.

She nodded and grinned. "You are a lucky woman. I'll tell you that."

I winked. "Oh I know. They are both thick and long. But not so enormous to make sex painful. They are everything I could ever ask for in a lover."

She nodded. "I'm very jealous."

I smirked. "I just have different priorities than others. My men are handsome. But I didn't get with them because of their looks. I only care about good sex and being treated like a god. The other things are far less important to me. Draco is very handsome. Some would say stunning. But he would never worship me. He loves himself too much. And he's average in the bedroom. A wonderful man. And a trophy husband if I ever saw one. But not for me." I joked.

Pansy laughed. "Yes. You are correct. But I care much more about image and money. If I need good sex, I can find a lover."

I nodded. "I promised to be faithful to my lovers. They don't demand it. And wouldn't hold me to it. I just wanted them to know they are my world, just as I am theirs. I dearly love them. So, I figured it was the least I could do."

she furrowed her brow, "even Neville? He clearly has sex with his wife."

I nodded. "Even Neville. I know she means very little to him. He comes home to her in the evenings, but he returns to me every day and every weekend. I know where his loyalty lies."

She gave a look of pity. Although fake. "Awe, his poor wife."

I laughed. "Yes. well, it's not my problem. I'm very selfish with my lovers. She's lucky I let him go home on the weekdays. he would stay if I asked. Clearly you can see my lovers worship the ground I walk on. As they should." I said with a smirk while spreading my arms, showing the expanse of my garden.

She chuckled. "Yes, clearly. You lucky bitch."

We both broke out into giggles.

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