Chapter 17

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Three months after giving birth and creams to fix loose skin and stretch marks help to bring my body back to a semblance of normal. My waist might not have been quite so small and tight. And my breast and hips were definitely bigger. But over all, I was happy with my body again. Greg and I had also been very sexually active, and the physical exercise seemed to help us both.

 Greg and I had also been very sexually active, and the physical exercise seemed to help us both

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I smiled as Greg and I got out of the show together. It was the second time we had sex, and it was only ten AM.

We had a very healthy sex life and it was wonderful. I knew we both missed having a third. But what we had was enough. I walked downstairs with Eros in my arms. He was feeding as I sat in the receiving room. The elves had just told me we had a visitor. I looked over and smiled. "Hey Neville. How are you doing?"

He chuckled. "Did you forget your clothes?"

I shrugged. "I knew it was you, so I wasn't so worried. If it was an in-law or future in-law, or anyone I was more formal with, I would have been more concerned. But I figured I've known you since I was seven or eight. Surely formality isn't needed."

Neville shook his head with an amused smirk. "Yes, but are you not engaged?"

I shrugged. "He doesn't care. Honestly, he would probably let me have an open relationship if I asked. He, Vincent and I were a triad. And before I started to date them, I was known as the slut of Slytherin. Although, they didn't openly say that around me, it's no secret. I am a bit of an exhibitionist. Even while we were dating, I loved having sex in the dorm while the other boys were there watching. Of course it isn't well known, the Slytherins are known for their secrets. He would never make me cover my body if I wish to expose it. And it's too early on a Saturday to wear clothes."

Greg came out in fitted pants and a v-neck shirt and sat next to me before pulling me into his lap. "It's true. I don't care who sees her or fucks her, as long as she is mine."

I smiled and kissed his cheek. Then turned to Neville. "Aren't you dating that Lovegood girl?"

Neville shook his head. "No, she has decided to travel the world looking for mythical creatures. The girl is a free spirit. There is no tying her down."

I grinned. "She is an odd one. But very sweet. Are you upset to see you go? When did she leave?"

Neville shook his head. " She left right after the war. I don't think I ever expected her to stay. I miss her, and a part of me will probably always love her. But I know she will always come around when she is in the country."

I nodded and switched Eros to my other breast. He was a voracious eater. "Neville, have you ever held Eros? I think this is the first time you've come over since he was born!" I exclaimed.

He grinned. "You are correct. I read the birth announcement and statement of him being Heir Crabbe. And sent a gift to you for him. Congratulations by the way. I hadn't realized you two were expecting."

I grinned. "Yes, he's the best thing that ever happened to us. We are very proud of him. It is nice to have a piece of Vincent with us, even if we lost him in the great battle.
When he was born, I thought Eros looked like a little cherub, and Greg said he reminded him of Cupid. So we named him Eros. And he is a very lovely baby. Both in looks and temperament."

Once Eros was done feeding I jumped up and skipped over to Neville and sat nearly on top of him. "Would you like to hold him." I grinned.

He carefully took the baby from me and looked down at him. "He is beautiful. And he has your pretty green eyes. I would say he took after you in looks."

I shrugged. "I am not so sure. He has Vincent's blonde hair and nose. He also has his fat little cheeks and appetite. We will have to see how he looks in the future."

Neville looked at me with a smile. "Still, I believe he has your facial features. And your skin tone. He is very lovely."

I grinned. "So, what are you doing with yourself these days?"

Neville looked down and stroked Eros blond hair. "I am helping clean up and reconstruct Hogwarts. And I believe I will be apprenticing with Pomona Sprout. I haven't decided if I want to be a teacher yet. But I do want a mastery in Herbology."

I nodded. "You will do well there. And I bet you would be a great teacher. If you ever wish to design a magical back garden, I would be happy to commission you. I know Greg gets sick of seeing the same four walls. And there isn't much to do in my yard right now. Even if I have a few acres. He obviously can also visit his family home. The judgment was rather lenient in that way, but there is only so much you can do without going crazy."

I looked at Greg.  He smiled indulgently, "well I have you and Eros. That helps me forget about my imprisonment. It's far better than most."

I scowled. "Yes, but you shouldn't be imprisoned at all. You saved so many children during the battle. Even right after losing our lover, you put your grieving aside to save those innocent kids. But since you have the mark they still treat you like a pariah, it's not right. I am incredibly proud of you. And many owe their lives to you. Yet, you are locked away from the world for the next five years. It's not right."

Neville nodded. "I think immediately after the war people were looking for revenge rather than justice. Thankfully we are moving past that some. I think time has begun healing out pain. But your trial was one of the first and people weren't so understanding. You were a bit unlucky in that."

Greg nodded. "it is fine. It just gives me an excuse to be with Heather and Eros all day."

I chuckled. "Not that you need one, Love"

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