Chapter 28

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I was 21 when I gave birth to Apollo Gregory Goyle. We wanted to keep with making our kids after God's. And Apollo was a great god. He was God of Music, art, prophecy and healing. And a hundred other things. I gave Greg the choice for names again. And he seemed to love the name.
I loved that this child has Greg's curly brown hair and dark brown eyes. I smiled at the baby. He seemed to mostly have my facial features. But that was fine. He would likely look a lot like Eros that way. But the hair and eyes were completely different.

 But the hair and eyes were completely different

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Apollo was adorable. And I couldn't wait till he was old enough to play with his older brother.

It seemed Eros felt the same. He cooed at his little brother. "Mother, he is quite beautiful. Congratulations."

I grinned. "Thank you Eros."

"He's very small. When will be okay with me?"

I chuckled. "It will be almost a year before he is able to run around with you. But I promise that year will fly by. Then you can teach him everything you know." I assured.

He nodded and climbed on his father's lap.

When we got home Neville came to visit immediately. "Sorry, Astoria insisted she was finally pregnant and wouldn't let me leave all weekend."

I laughed. No, she would not be giving birth any time soon. Neville was always up before her and cast a contraceptive charm before he got out of bed. There was no possible way. Not by him. And not by anyone else. Cause us mean. But I wanted his first born. And I didn't care if it hurt her or not. He was my love. And I got what I wanted.
"That's unfortunate. But you know you are always welcome here. Give me a year, and I will give you a baby. Just write up the contect." I grinned.

Neville laughed and nodded. "That gives me a year to convince her that we need outside help."

I nodded. "She doesn't even need to know that she isn't the mother of you don't want to tell her. It might make convincing her easier."

He nodded.

It was mean, I knew it was. Astoria was a lovely girl. Very sweet. But she married my man. And for that, she would have to wait until I had his baby before she could have one of her own. That was just the facts. I was sure Asteria and I could have been friends if she wasn't my lovers wife. But I hated her for taking my lover away from me every night.  I wanted to be in Greg and Neville's arms every night. And she kept him away five nights a week. And I was Neville's one true love, he would always give me what I wanted. And I wanted to birth his son. Yes, I could have his son and nobody would know the difference. But I wanted his heir.

I sighed. "If you can't get the contract, that's fine. The world doesn't need to know my next child is yours. It might actually be less complicated that way. I have enough family names to pass down anyway. I shouldn't be greedy. You and Greengrass can have your heir if you want. I know I am being unreasonable. It doesn't matter. I know it doesn't. I just want your first born.  If you end up with a girl, and anyone asks, clearly the Greengrass's always have girls." I shrugged.

Neville laughed and nodded. "I think that will be much easier to pull off. I want you to have my son as well. I want you to have your every desire. I can wait a year. Then we will have a son together. Afterwards I will stop contraceptive charms with Astoria."

I grinned and kissed him soundly on the lips. "Thank you."

I passed Apollo to Neville and let him hold my newborn baby boy. He smiled and kissed his head. "he will be a handsome boy. You make beautiful children."

I grinned. "Thank you. Our baby will no doubt be just as lovely."

He smiled contently.

I grinned as Greg picked me up and set me on his lap. I nuzzled into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. "It's good to see you again. We got worried when we didn't see you last week."

I pouted.

Neville gave a sheepish smile. "Sorry, Astoria was holding me prisoner. I promise to be around again."

I nodded "it is fine. We just missed you. Especially Eros." I missed him most and everyone knew that. There was no point admitting it.

Neville looked at me. "What will you name your next boy?"

I tapped my long claw like fingernails.

I tapped my long claw like fingernails

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"Well, Greg picked the last two names. We will name him after a god. That's a given. Adonis is good. He's the god of fertility, renewal and beauty. Ares is a nice name, but too violent. Hades is seen as evil. Dionysus is the god the fertility, wine and pleasure. And we could call him Dion for short. Jupiter is the god of the sky and thunder. Do any of them resonate with you? We find that it's easiers to name the child after you see him." I said excitedly.

Neville smiled. "I like Jupiter or Adonis. Maybe Dionysus. We will have to see."

I nodded. "I will remember those names for you. We will use them in a year or two."

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