Chapter 22

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At home, things were fantastic. I was receiving all the love I could handle. My baby was now nearly six months old and my wedding was nearly all planned. Neville was pick the flowers and he made my back yard into an outdoor paradise worthy of any Pureblood. There was a pond at the back of the property with a beautiful arched bridge. On the back end of the pond, Neville had grown wisteria to drape over it for privacy and beautiful. I had ordered some koi fish and clams to keep in the large pond. Koi because they were beautiful and represented new beginnings. And clams because they naturally cleaned the water, keeping it crystal clear. I could have used magic, but it was easiest to do it naturally.

My garden was an array of colors, but pink and purple were most prominent because Neville knew they were my favorite colors

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My garden was an array of colors, but pink and purple were most prominent because Neville knew they were my favorite colors.

My garden was an array of colors, but pink and purple were most prominent because Neville knew they were my favorite colors

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There was a round area close to the house that was just moss

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There was a round area close to the house that was just moss. And in the center was a statue that he commissioned to have made for me. It was a naked sculpture in a perfect likeness of me. The sculpture almost looked life like. It was as though Neville had built a shrine for me in my garden. To say I was thrilled was an understatement.

(The general look of the woman, but every detail of the woman's body and face would be an exact replica of Heather, and she is sitting on the back of a lion)

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(The general look of the woman, but every detail of the woman's body and face would be an exact replica of Heather, and she is sitting on the back of a lion)

I grinned as I walked through the garden. Neville and Greg had spoken once Neville finished the garden because next thing I knew, Greg and Neville had commissioned four more sexual, nude scriptures of me, smaller than the main statue, and placed them throughout the garden. This enormous garden entirely dedicated to me by my lovers. My body, and my sensuality, and my beauty. And their devotion and love for me. And let me tell you, I was not complaining one bit. I loved it.

The center status would make my wedding more difficult, but my lovers insisted that they would hire someone to carefully move the sculpture to the edge of the clearing for the wedding and have it moved back afterwards.

My life was amazing and Eros was almost eight months old. He was starting to babble and coo as well as crawl. He was a happy baby that could not make me more proud. I loved a glamorous life.

It was June 1st and I was getting married today. Just before my eighteen birthday. I chose a gold dress this time. I didn't want repeat the colors of my last wedding. So this was purple and silver.

(Silver dress, the black is dark purple) there is enough tulle at the bottom of the dress to hide anything inappropriate

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(Silver dress, the black is dark purple) there is enough tulle at the bottom of the dress to hide anything inappropriate. And it was a mermaid shaped dress. It was slightly sensual, but not inappropriately so. As a Lady, that was important.

I smiled at Neville he would be standing by my side during the wedding. Draco would stand with Greg. I stood on my tip toes and kissed Neville. He pulled me flush against his body and drew me into a deep, passionate kiss. "You are beautiful Heather. Greg is a lucky man."

I giggled. "Yes, but you are just as important. I would not be complete without you both. I am happy to have you stand by my side. You will be spending the next two weeks with us will you not?" I asked.

It was our honeymoon. It would be here. But the elves were taking Eros to the Potter Manor so I could focus on my lovers completely. They raised me, so I knew Eros would be fine.

He leered at me and kissed me again. "Yes. But we better not be wearing clothes these next two weeks. I let my gran know I was busy for the next fortnight."

I bit my lip and nodded. "I am glad. It would feel wrong without you. When is your wedding?"

He kissed my forehead. "In two years, she needs to graduate first."

I nodded. "I just want to birth your heir. So cast a contraceptive charm every morning when you wake up. Once I finish my apprenticeship and give Greg an heir first. I will give Greg an heir right after I become a lawyer. Then I can give you an heir a year or two after you get married. This way she will be more willing to let me carry your heir. After I give birth, or get pregnant, you can let her have a child if you wish. I don't care. In fact, if she has her own child she may decided she doesn't want to raise your heir as her own, and might give you another excuse to come over." I said deviously.

He chuckled. "You have it all figured out, don't you?"

I nodded "of course. I know I have to share you with her. And that is fine. As long as I am first in your life. I want as much time as you can give me. Your evenings, weekends, any time you have to spare. She can get you at night before bed. That should keep her appeased." I shrugged.

He shook his head with a chuckle. "I will always love you most. Do not worry."

I grinned and we walked out to get married.

We married before friends, family and the pureblood community. I danced with Greg all night. Neville stealing dances every couple songs. We all celebrated our union.

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