Chapter 27

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It was May when the Alt-light declared war in Magical Britain. Ron Weasley and Harry Black were fired almost immediately when it became clear that they would not capture or arrest the dissenters. The other Aurors arrested those two almost immediately. They were not hiding the fact that they supported the rebels at all. And while they screamed and threw a Fit, they seemed convinced they could get out of it because of their fame. It didn't work.

When they were on trial I demanded we use veratiserum on them. "it is clear they know something and we need to stop this before it becomes as big a problem as the last evil Lord. I think it's a safe assumption that Lord Black is a budding Light Lord. Much like the last Dark Lord."

I was the lawyer working against them both. As such, Neville would be my proxy in this Wizengamet vote.

Percy had taken up as Lord Weasley and Lord Prewett. When I suggested the Weasleys take up their Lordships again four years ago, Percy immediately went to the bank and got registered as Lord of his house. He knew politics. And he knew how to navigate the ministry. And thankfully, he was not even remotely Alt-light. He looked disgusted by his brother and his friend.

I was the lawyer so I would be asking the questions. I needed to weave an argument and prove they knew what was going on.

"State your name"

"Harry James Potter"

I scoffed. "That is not your name. You were disowned. Do you not understand how disownment works?" I asked sarcastically. This was stupid.


The whole place groaned. "And even years later, you never bothered to look it up? Do you even care how the wizard world works?" I couldn't believe this.

"No. I don't care. I know how I want it to work. And I will force the world to bend to my will." He stated in monotone.

The place was already up in arms. This was ridiculous. "Your name is Harry James Black. You absolutely cannot go by Potter. Once you were disowned, you lost your last name. Never to use it again. You are considered a shame to the family. And the Potter's don't want any association to you. As you are Lord Black, you are still able to have a last name. Otherwise you would have to go by Evans your mother's maiden name or no name at all.  So you would either be a Black or Evans. That is up to you." I explained. Not that he cared.

"I will go by whatever name I wish. I was named after my father. And you can't take it away from me." He said belligerently.

I shook my head. "Sweet Merlin. May the gods have mercy on us all. Do you know who the leader of the Alt-light is?"


I nodded. "Could you name all the leaders of the Alt light movement."

"Me, Ron, Mr and Mrs Weasley, Ginny And Hermione."

I nodded. "So you are one of the leaders. What do they call you?"

He faltered trying to keep quiet. "The Light Lord Lucifer. The light bringer."

I nodded. "So everyone answers to you."


I sighed. "Please state the name of every follower."

In the next fifteen minutes he announced name after name. Including a few lords in the room. I was appalled to find out half of the aurors were also his followers. As people tried to sneak away I would cast a stunner at them and keep going.

In an hour we had names of every person in the organization. At least every one he knew about. Which was most likely all of them. He was the leader after all.

Once the trial was over. He and Ron Weasley had life in Azkaban. And we had rounded up all the people working within the ministry.

We would need to hire a number of new aurors. And hopefully soon.

Still, even while short staffed, we were able to round up all the followers in only three weeks. The organization was already a hundred strong. But like Neville said, most were muggleborn and none of them knew much about our community. It was wilful ignorance. They didn't want to know.

I was happy that we were able to put a stop to this before it ever became something as dangerous as The previous Dark Lord. A few had died in the terrorist attacks, but almost none. At least we had that advantage.

It was probably the shortest lived powerful Lord to ever come to power. I found it embarrassing that that infamous title was held by my own brother. It was pathetic. If I wanted to be a Dark Lord or Light Lord, I guarantee I would make some waves. I almost felt stupid for fearing the war I thought was coming. It ended in a quiet whimper.

We also found that he had a mark like the dark lord on the chest of each of his followers. But he chose the deathly hallows. In fact, I found out I should be Lady Peverell during the questions. I would need to go to the bank and look into this. I didn't need any more power, but it would be stupid not to take the power I was due.

I went to the bank with Neville. I was six months pregnant and didn't trust people enough to go alone. "I was told I am lady Peverell. And I wanted to double check that. I am lady Potter. And I was told that Peverell is in the Potter family. Once The Dark Lord died, I was the last eligible heir.

The goblin waved his hand and I felt magic engulf me. "Yes you are head of Both the Peverell family and Slytherin. Is seems your mother was the daughter of a squib in the Slytherin family a few generations back." He said handed me a paper stating as much.

I frowned. "I see. Well, I would like to take up these inheritances please."

Great, now I had six houses to look after. This was actually ridiculous. It would be a full time job just investing and fixing up the homes I owned. Never mind having heirs for each other them like I hoped.

I slid rings one two more fingers and walked out the doors holding Neville's elbow. "What am I going to do with six Noble Houses?" I asked. I sounded lost to even my own ears.  It was so much responsibility.

"How are you a Slytherin, when you don't speak parselmouth?" Neville asked.

I sighed. "I do. I just didn't tell anyone. I saw what happened when word got out about Harry Black, I wasn't going to make the same mistake."

He nodded. "That makes more sense. It also explains why your brother was a parselmouth. I think we all had questions about that. But Harry just said it was from his connection to Voldemort."

I nodded. "Except I didn't have that connection. So, I should not have had the same gift. And I do."

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