Chapter 23

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This summer both Neville and I started our Apprenticeship. Neville was able to apprentice with Dupont after a letter of recommendation from Sprout and some of the highest Herbology NEWTs ever seen. Dupont may have mostly retired, but now he would have someone to carry on his business and work.

I started my apprenticeship in late summer. And while it was very demanding and hard work, it was also really rewarding. It was hard with both of us having busy schedules, but we always made time for each other. And Greg was amazing. He would always pamper me as soon as I got home. And usually fuck me around the house.

Now that I was married to Greg I was now Lady of four houses. Crabbe, Potter, Braithewaite, and Goyle. Greg's mother had no interest in politics and was happy to pass the title to me so she could move on with her life. Greg visited her from time to time. But she was mostly interested in traveling and enjoying life.

I sat next to Neville at the Wizengamet and chatted with a few lords next to me. Lady Zabini saw Neville stood a little too close and smirked. "Trying to get more power than me?"

I laughed. "No, four houses is enough for me. I don't plan to collect any more." She had four as well. The men she married were always wealthy but most were not Lords of their houses.

She nodded but didn't look convinced.

I giggled and turned to someone else to make formal greetings. I grinned as Draco walked over. "Lady Goyle. Well met?"

I nodded. "Lord Malfoy well met. What brings you to this area? I thought you would be making alliances with your fellow dark families."

He nodded. "We already have many alliances there. All the alliances we can get after the embarrassment of my father, that is."

I nodded. "I understand. It's unfortunate how many dark families got caught up in that whole dark lord business. I'm glad to see you made it through unscathed."

He nodded. "I have Lord Black to thank for that. I had saved him a couple times during the war, so he spoke for me during my trial. And at the time he was still respected by the community. But I was not able to take up my lordship until I was married. Thankfully we were able to get a contract with the Parkensons."

I nodded. "Or you Lord Parkinson as well then?"

He nodded. "I am. Her father is incarcerated, but her mother was thrilled to bring me into the family."

I smiled politely. "Pansy and I have always understood each other. She's a sweet girl."

Draco laughed. "Yes, you both love men more than any other woman I've ever met."

I burst out laughing. "Well, that will remain a secret of your dorm room."

Neville raised an eyebrow. "I have been loyal to Vince and Greg for a couple years. However before that I was quite the little tart."

Draco raised an eyebrow at that comment. "I'm sure that's not entirely true."

I gave him a playful glare. "You know I favor triads. Surely Greg has said as much. Yet, I am still completely loyal to my lovers."

Draco nodded. "Yes. That sounds more accurate. I'm just glad to see everyone happy."

I nodded. "You should come by and see Greg more often. With my new apprenticeship, I am quite busy. I am sure he would love company while I am out. How is your Apprenticeship at St Mungo's? That is a very respectable job."

He smiled. "It is good. I considered going into potions. But it wouldn't feel right working under someone other than Professor Snapes."

I nodded.

"I will visit Greg more. I want to spend more time with Eros as well. He is a wonderful boy. You must be quite proud."

I grinned. "I am. We all are. He reminds me so much of Vincent. I am just thankful he left me such a precious gift before he left us."

Soon they were calling us to order and we all sat down. Neville discreetly grabbed my hand as we listened and voted on things.

Harry was trying to make the government pay for wolfbain out of the ministries pocket.

I stood up. "The request is very admirable. And I know we would all like to add this to our budget. Unfortunately, we are still in the process of rebuilding and fortifying our shopping centers, hospital, school and ministry building. All spare money we have is already going out faster than we can take money in. On top of that, we have more aurors employed than ever before. As well as hit-wizards. We cannot even begin to cover this new expense. Our top priority needs to be the magical community as a whole. Not a project that helps less than five percent of our population. Surely you can understand that the math just doesn't add up. There are ways for you as Lord Black can start a charity and collect donations from others who value this cause. It would even be tax deductible. A worthy cause for the Lord of an most Ancient and Noble house. But to ask the ministry to fund it is just impossible at this time."

Many nodded and murmured their support. As soon as I sat down a few other Lord voiced ways that Harry could help make his vision come to life.

But by the end Harry was fuming. "You're telling me, that you just can't spare a few of your extra gallions from the millions you have stashed away in your manors and vaults! These people can't even work, and we expect them to pay for an expensive potion? This is ridiculous! How dare you sit all high and mighty while these people suffer." And he continued.

All of us looked around in exasperation as he went into another uncontrollable rage over the system.

Once he finished I stood back up. "Lord Black. We all pay taxes. We all contribute to our community. Many of us have donated to the rebuilding effort and we all have our own pet projects. My pet projects is orphans and making sure every child finds a loving home with parents and guardians to care for them. This is bwacsuse I was abandoned and forgotten inside my own home as a four months old baby. And I was raised by my elves and portraits. Lord Longbottom's pet projects are rebuilding the school and protecting endangered magical plants. Lady Zabini's project is helping widows and abused women who are broke and destitute. Lord Malfoy's pet project is giving financial assistance to those who cannot afford medical care at St Mungo's. All purebloods give to charities and open charitable organizations. And we all help each other raise money and throw charity balls. You are not above doing such things as well. If you see a need, it is your responsibility as a Lord to meet that need. The ministry is not able to help every single person in every single circumstance. The ministry just helps govern the community as a whole. As you said, those with the financial means to do so, are expected to help those who are not able to help themselves. We have a responsibility to the community. But that does not make your project any more important than any other. If you see a need you can, and should do something about it. And if you have a charitable ball, many of us will come and support you, and even help by donating some money to your cause. But this is for you to do. Not the ministry."

Harry spat out some scathing words at us before sitting down still stewing in his righteous anger.

The rest of us were exasperated with Harry Black. He refused to research what it meant to be a Lord and just expected everyone to bend to his will. And people thought we were entitled.

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