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DID U MISS ME? it's been a total of 12 hours.
Content Warning
Brief mention of addicts and a drug ( it's used as a metaphor )
Use of alcohol ( no characters get drunk )
Mentions of family feuds/arguing

Regulus was not dramatic. Truly, he wasn't. Sure he liked parties and crowds, but if anyone offered him a cozy house in the middle of the nowhere,he'd accept it with wide arms. He grew up with a status to his name, The Noble House Of Black. Known for the long running legacy of F1 drivers, it was hard to stay out of that spotlight.

"You don't have a choice, boy. Do not fail us like he did."

What his father meant by he, was his older brother. Sirius Black, a pretentious name for a pretentious dickhead. He was kicked out of the family, caught at a street race gathering and was immediately shunned. Of course mother and father made sure that no word got out about what he had chose to be, and instead the pressure that was once comfortably resting on Sirius' shoulder, was now barely balancing on his.
Regulus thought back to three years ago, when he was only 18 and decided to leave the house on his own accord.

"You don't care about what I need! I never wanted this!"

Even though Regulus had nowhere to go and an unstable career ahead of him, he dragged himself to an event in his town. With no word of what would be there except alcohol, he just hoped it wasn't some criminals planning to kidnap him and ship him off to a random island.

As it turns out, it was a bunch of criminals, but instead of shipping him off to an island, they got him inside a car and told him to race. Regulus wasn't one to say no, so he raced like his life was on the line, he raced every-time they needed him to, he raced every gathering they had.

What he didn't know though was that his own brother was doing the exact same, but on the opposite side. Sirius Black wasn't smart enough to stop what got him kicked out in the first place, so he just carried on. Regulus couldn't voice what he thought about it either way, because he was in the exact same position. Not because he was ran from the family house, but because he chose to leave.
That night, when he came face to face with Sirius for the first time in five years, Regulus swore to make his time at the track living hell. He did just that, snarky comments were thrown out over the hoods of the cars, both eager to start up the engine and smash into the sides of each-other sharply.

This went entirely too well with the people that watched, the rivalry between him and Sirius was cocaine and the crowd were raging addicts, they couldn't get enough of the Black Brothers.
Regulus huffed and downed the third drink of tonight, he won his race a little over an hour ago and he had been dragged to some down town bar which was surprisingly empty for a Friday night.

"Dude you should of seen the Flag-Boys face, he looked gobsmacked."

"Maybe because he fucking slapped his ass Evan?" Barty gave him a concerned look, raising his eyebrows as if it was common sense. Regulus don't know how he ended up sitting next to both of them by the bar, but his head was already starting to throb painfully. The topic of the boy however intrigued Regulus, he didn't expect to drive up to the starting line with a boy who was pathetically taller than him holding a little flag in tight leather pants that hugged all the right places on his body. He genuinely thought he'd accidentally crash into the wall because he was so busy ogling him.

"Don't think I didn't see you two getting cozy with each-other before the race."
Evan stole the drink Barty was toying with and sipped it with a knowing look.

Regulus turned his head towards Barty.
"You what?"

The boy looked up at him and a curtain of wariness was thrown over his face. "We were just talking, i asked him if he was the Flag-Boy, and told him where to go."

Evan pursed his lips and took another swig.
"Looked more than that to me."

Barty swivelled towards him with a sour scowl etched on his lips."Are you trying to fucking get me killed?" Regulus knew he didn't like the Flag-Boy, it was quite disgustingly obvious how much Barty admired Evan, even if it was from afar. He signalled for another drink and idly tapped his fingers against the sticky wood.

"Did you ask for his name?" He looked at Barty with full attentiveness.


"James," Regulus repeated, wearing the name on his tongue like he was getting used to it. It wasn't a unique name, it wasn't a name that needed a second look, yet Regulus was dizzy from the feeling of even saying it.

James the Flag-Boy, with his dark hair that sprung with curls messily, his dark sun kissed skin that had went perfectly well with his little glasses that framed his large brown eyes. This boy had dressed for Regulus today. That was made quite clear, absolutely no one would willingly wear all black to a street race in the boiling hot weather. Unless you were trying to match his car.

He had to give it to James, he looked fucking spectacular with his hands up in the air, teasingly bending his hips. He remembered the way his fingers flexed as he fought the urge to go over and grip his waist so violently that it left a mark.

Regulus knew he was winning that race, he didn't have to show off the control he had over his car, he didn't doubt that James had been watching him race for awhile. He also knew that he definitely didn't have to lean halfway out of his moving car just to hit James' ass. But he did, and there's really no point reflecting on past decisions, especially ones he didn't even regret.

"I heard he just bought out the previous Flag-Girl to take her spot, he's one of the Potters." Evan took the last dregs of Barty's drink and moved it away from him, turning to Regulus.

His eyebrows raised slightly, the Potters were known also for their legacy of F1 drivers, but their family was absolutely more freeing than Regulus' ever were "A potter as a Flag-Boy?"

Evan shrugged and skimmed his eyes around the bar, that was beginning to host more and more people by the minute.

"He must really like you."


now yk i'm not making barty and evan stay in the dark, they're gonna be cutie pies soon don't worry.
so for background sirius is 22, regulus is 21. sirius left when regulus was 16, regulus left when he turned 18.
sirius has been racing for six years.
regulus has been racing for three.
ANYWAY HOPE YOU LIKE THIS ONE, i promise the chapters will start to get longer, i have exams coming up soon so please please please bear with me

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