Scream & Shoes

375 19 9

hello hello please do not kill me for such a long break, major writers block was a big factor but also lack of motivation. that was my bad guys,

Though a short chapter, I hope you enjoy it al l the same, and once again if you have any ideas for the story please let m elbow as i love to include my readers.

Content warning:
Mentions of low mood
Mentions of self deprecation


"Please don't kill me Mr.Ghostface, I wanna be in the sequel!"

Sirius barked out a laugh, gently slapping Mary on her arm repeatedly, "As if! She's in the bloody movie as well, give me the script I'd do a far better job."

Mary snatched her arm away in annoyance, ignoring him with a huff, "Do you have to commentate every bit of the movie? Is it really that necessary?" She mumbled, snatching the remote and pausing the screen.

"What did you do that for?" He shoots a glare, spreading his legs even further across the couch. "I was watching that."

"Really? Were you fucking really? Funnily enough, I was trying to watch it too!" Mary sits up and walks off to the boy's kitchen, no doubt fed up with his voice.

Sirius throws his head back childishly, "I was only talking! It's a habit, I don't do it on purpose!"

"Can't hear you," She replies, her voice echoing across the apartment rooms, a simple reminder of how lonely Sirius had been during the racing ban.

It seemed Remus had encased himself in a self deprecating sort of way, his life without a job to keep him busy turned out to be no life at all.

Every opportunity of socialisation that Sirius gave him, he denied immediately. As if the thought of going outside was the worst thing in the world. This was fine with Sirius, because he knew exactly how it felt. To be trapped in an endless cycle of staying in your room, constantly putting off any self-care.

It wasn't odd, and he didn't blame him. Not at all. Though that didn't stop him from checking up on Remus, morning messages followed by the afternoon messages, and always the late night messages.

Can you see the moon?
ᴿᵉᵃᵈ ²⁰:¹⁶

I bloody hope so?

It's a full moon
ᴿᵉᵃᵈ ²⁰:¹⁸

It's pretty

Isn't it just
ʳᵉᵃᵈ ²⁰:²¹

Why aren't you asleep?

It's only 8.

Why aren't you?
ʳᵉᵃᵈ ²⁰:²²

I'm looking at the stars

Well, I'm also a star, really.
ʳᵉᵃᵈ ²⁰:²⁵

Do you want me to look at you Sirius?

ᴿᵉᵃᵈ ²⁰:²⁸

He liked their conversations, a lot. He's not too sure if the messages were helping remus more or him at this point.

The daze Sirius was in was cut short by a slam to the face with a soft fabric, "Get off your fucking phone and use your ears, I said do you want coffee?"

"What the hell was that for? Are you mad? Resorting to physical violence!" Throwing his phone further into the couch, he leaps up with a different pillow, quickly launching it at the girl.

"Sirius Black!"


James threw the clothes out of his wardrobe with a rage like no other, the room was stuffy and he was panicked.

Regulus asked to take him to to the shop. As in escort him there. Obviously he told james it was for protection purposes, but clearly this man was besotted with James.

Who could not?

His room was strung with piles of outfits, "Where the fuck are my shoes!" Though it was only a shopping trip, this was obviously an opportunity to show off to Reg.

His white-graphic, sleeveless-shirt was complimented with a pair of beige cargo pants. His wrists were decorated in gold dusted bracelets and his fingers were coiled with rings.

However the only problem he faced was his cold case of the missing trainers, sure this wasn't a massive deal compared to the other problems around the world.

But he was sure that the love of his live would not fall in love with him if he wasn't dressed like a total slag.

That sounded terrible now that he thinks about it. He's sure Regulus would find him attractive no matter what. If he finds himself sexy then everyone else should too.

He spots the familiar black striped shoes and steals it from its home at the back of his wardrobe.

"Fucking finally."

A shuffle was heard from behind James, "Are you done?"

He turned around and stood up quickly, holding up his shoes as a threat, "Get the fuck- Regulus?" His eyes widened with surprise, "What the fuck?"

The boy in the doorframe uncrossed his arms and stuffed them back in his coat pocket, "Your mum let me in, said you were struggling to find something?"

"My breath." James sighed, shamelessly checking him out, "You look great by the way." He put his shoes on the ground and shoved them on both feet, walking to where Regulus stood.

He responded to James with charming grin,"As do you. Finished getting ready now? The shop will shut before we even get to my car." A jingle was heard from the bottom left of his coat, a habit Regulus did often before races.

"Car?" James repeats, a look of confusion cast over his face, "Wont that like, be risky?" They start the walk down the hallway together, side by side.

"Isn't everything I do risky?" He quizzes.




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