Prune Juice x Brute (smut

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This was requested by 

@Bumble_fox12 .

- omegaverse 😱

Prune juice was shuffling around in his lab putting stuff in stuff and figuring shit out. He laughed menacingly as he took a sip of a bitter potion, he flinched at how it made him feel " Needs something.." he muttered. You looked through his herbs drawer and juice fridge but couldn't find what he was looking for, he took a deep long sigh and walked out his tavern to find ingredients for the perfect bitter potion. 

He started searching around for some spoiled jellies and expired raspberries and he heard thumping from behind him, he clutched his potion with a black slob monster inside.

Prune juice hid behind a tree spectating where he was grabbing his ingredients making sure nobody grabs them. A huge cake hound looking figure came out..but it looked injured. Prune Juice slowly creeped out " Psh...they probably need those more than I do.." he whispered, The figure then pounced on Prune Juice as he was walking away. " ACK! " Prune juice squealed as The figure temporarily disabled him with a hammer, " HAHA! YOU THINK YOU CAN OUTRUN THE BRUTE??!!11!1!" they yelled still on top of prune juice, 

Prune juice sighed " I showed some sympathy and this is what I get uhg" he rolled his eyes, Brute tilted his head " HM?". Prune juice didn't bother to struggle " I thought you were injured so I was gonna let you have the plants idiot" he said narrowing his eyes. Brute looked down " Oh. Thank you" he said calmly, Prune Juice was shook at the personality switch do they have D.I.D or something? he asked himself.

Prune Juice shuttered feeling that potion kick in again or was not now, not here. He brushed it off...for now and Brute asked if he was ok " good.." he panted, Brute backed off of him as Prune juice stood up shaking.  Brute clutched his hammer ready to fight just in case the tiny juice guy pulled anything.

Instead, Prune Juice collapsed on Brute. He hadn't smelt an Alphas pheromones in so long, Brute was about to swing but then realized he was hurt!? Brute panicked with Prune Juice in his arms. " hmmmph.." Prune juice whimpered, Brute looked around nervously and aggressively threw Prune on his back " ALL ABOARD THE BRUTE TRAIN CHOO CHOO" He laughed running through the woods to find the nearest hut to give Prune some medicine. 

Prune gripped his chest tightly as he was being carried bridal style, Brute found Prunes tavern and rushed in " HELLOOO??" He yelled looking for someone to help prune juice, " This is my tavern ya big lump.." he said between huffs. " Oh, didn't know that" He said looking puzzled. He looked around looking for something to give the juice man, he found the potion that Prune was making earlier and put the drink up to his lips " HEAL" Brute said, Prune chugged half the bottle before collapsing and having 1 billion 0gams.

Brutes jaw dropped and he looked at Prune Juice for a while, " Ah....hah..mmmph~" he moaned shivering to the floor, Brute poked him with his hammer and Prune Juice lunged at him climbing on top of him. Brute didnt attack him for some reason, " me.." he muttered asking for consent before doing anything, Brute blushed " What if I hurt ya? THEN WHAT?" he yelled worried about Prune juices well being. Prune shook his head " You won't...p-please.." he whined. Brute hesitated but then let Prune Juice do whatever to him. Prune put hair up and lifted to robe sitting on Brute in a cowgirl position, He gripped in brutes chest and took off whatever Brute was wearing.

Brutes tail started wagging and Prune juice slid himself on Brute and realised a long moan while Brute let out a " ACK" and he grabbed Prune to stop him from moving any further. Prune struggled and finally got loose from his grip, he began riding the hell out of him with wet slapping sounds filling the tavern. Prune slid in easily every time because how wet and sticky he was.

Brute was making loud chaotic noises and Prune was letting out long lude high pitched moans, Brute huffed " Arghh..Mn..Grrr.", Prune felt close and went even faster, Cum and other sticky fluids were leaking from Prune as he came all over Brutes chest " A-Hahh~!" he moaned with his eyes rolling and tongue out. Brute was going to finish as well but Prune got off before he could.

" I don't need to be bred thank you very much..." He said with an attitude between pants, Brute was breathing heavy and aggressive. He looked like a panting cake hound...well I mean he was but you get what I mean. Prune flipped his hair out of his face as he backed off of Brute, what now?...he thought looking at the big cake thing in front of him. Brute stood up after panting like he just got out of a track race. " Well, thanks for helping" Prune said in a nonchalant tone watching Brute catch his breath, Brute stood up fully and then stretched "I've lost my home." he said calmly. Prune shook his head " Wow well I can take you in..It'll cost ya though" he said tapping a table, Brute stomped " I HELPED YOU" he pointed, Prune shrugged " I gotta do what I gotta do to be wealthy" he said kinda smirking.

Brute searched his pockets looking for something to magically appear, " J E L L Y " he stuck out his hand giving a melted blue half ate jelly, Prune observed it " Fine." he took the jelly putting it in the jar. " You can stay in the room on the left back there" He ordered, Brute wagged his tail in excitement " I AIN'T SLEEPY YET" he said bothering Prune juice. He sighed " Can you see im doing something you big lug? Go crush some other random stranger in the woods." he said multitasking while making a potion, Brute tilted his head kinda intrigued by the Juice guys potion making skills. 

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