Shooting star?~Stardust x Cream uni (fluff pt1)

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This one is a personal fav I wanted to do smth of these 2 but I lost energy

I have no idea if stardust is a bird but hes gonna be one today.

contains: (fluff, rut)

Requested by: IJUSTWANTT0EX1ST

Cream unicorn stared into the sky narrowing their eyes, there was something about the stars that just made them feel warm inside. they spotted a huge star moving at a fast rate, they lifted their head looking into the sky thinking it's finally time they can wish on a shooting star, but then they noticed the star was getting closer and closer In their direction. They flinched and backed up as the star crashed into the ground making a crater in the ground. 

Cream unicorn fell on their butt and looked down at the crater "Hello? Is anybody there?" They asked, they didn't seem scared at all, they were more of curious what could have fallen from the sky like that. Stardust had  poked his head out the crater and looked around. Unicorn looked at the blue eyed, winged creature in utter shock. Stardust tensed up and his wings bushed up and he snarled "Who are you?! g-get back!" Stardust said getting defensive. Unicorn smiled, that poor creature was so scared.."I'm not  gonna hurt you, are you ok?" they smiled and reached their hand out.

Stardust softened his gaze and for some reason trusted this being, he took their hand and was pulled out the crater. This poor winged creature was in distress and could barely stand. Cream  uni helped him off the ground and took him in to the nearest shelter, they gently set him down on a mattress and kneeled down to scan this creature. 

Stardust was whimpering with his wings wrapped around his body and he was trembling. "...nngh...hahh..." he panted in a softer voice than before, Cream Uni placed a hand on his forehead to see if he had a fever "What's wrong? d-do you need help?" they asked looking concerned for this creature. "What's your name?" they asked trying to get answers out of him. Stardust narrowly looked at them "..S-stardust..nnng..mmm.." he worded out in between  whimpers and heavy breathing.

"Ok Mr. everything ok? You seem in pain.." They said trying to get an understanding of his distress, Stardust twitched his wings "I-it's hard to explain..just stay away from me....nnngh...t-thank you for sheltering me..." he said trying to reassure their safety and thank them for his deed. Cream uni nodded in understanding and kept their distance from him, they then sat down trying to think of what to do with him. Cream Uni smiled and crossed their legs "My name is Cream Unicorn, I promise i just want to help, do you know what's happening to you?" they said tilting their head with a soft look in their eyes. They didn't look threatening at all so Stardust trusted them. "I-It's..none of your concern.." he said in between heavy breathing and overwhelming feelings, Cream Uni sighed and then smiled "Okay, tell me if you need anything!" they said walking away.

Stardust furrowed his wings near his body and fell asleep after a few hours, he huddled up near a pillow cuddling with it still asleep. Cream uni peeked their head in on the injured? creature and sighed in relief that he wasn't in as much pain as before and was sleeping peacefully. 

Stardust then felt himself getting hot again when cream uni approached  which woke him out of his sleep. Cream uni smiled and looked at him "Ah, you're up! would you like anything to eat or drink?" they asked while walking in to sit over by him. Stardust trembled at their scent and kept a distance from them. 

Cream uni then lifted their head "I made some tea and biscuits! would you like some, It'll cool you down" they said with a soft glare. Stardust shook his head refraining from making any contact with them, Cream uni just wanted to help him in any way he could. 

Stardust backed up with his wings bunched up near him, he still looked distressed and wasn't willing to explain his situation. Cream uni sighed "I need some type of information of what you're going through..I want to help, I know you barely know me but I just want to help you.." They admitted.

Stardust sighed "Well, Thank you for hospitalizing me, I truly appreciate it. I'm sorry I didn't communicate when we first encountered.." he said still trying to keep a distance but he was being honest. Cream uni smiled  "It's ok, I don't hold you against it, I mean you were in distress i don't blame you.." they said trying to be friendly. Stardust nodded "Well, It's like a...rut..thing.." he said kinda embarrassed to admit  it. Cream uni kept a smile on their face "I understand, it most be hard for you.." they said in an understanding voice. 

Stardust smiled slightly "You know..I'm not too fond of cookies..I find them quite annoying..but're so nice, what made you want to help someone like me?" he asked genuinely enjoying their aura around him. Cream uni chuckled "Why wouldn't I? it would be rude to ignore someone in pain..oh! my tea is ready, I will be right back!" they said before leaving out the room.

Stardust smiled having a warm feeling when he was around them though, his rut would get worse and worse when he would enjoy their company too much. Cream Uni came back with his treats and set them down, "Thank you kind sir.." Stardust said hoping that the food would make it better. Cream Uni nodded and had some tea for themselves. 

Stardust finished and sighed as the rut would increase later in the night, Cream uni and him talked about each other's interest with dreams and stars etc. Cream Uni grabbed both of their plates and stood up "It was nice talking to you! you can stay as long as you need.. " they said as they headed off to bed. Stardust waved good night and immediately tried to catch his breath, he's been holding his urges in for hours and couldn't make another encounter for the night.

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