Abyss Monarch x Stardust pt 2

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THIS STARDUST ART>>> [Creds to the artist I couldn't find em]

Stardust got dressed in his own room ready to go out with Abyss monarch after an..eventful morning. Although he wasn't excited to be meeting with his sister today but as long as he gets to bond with his new partner some more. Abyss Monarch knocked lightly "Are you done? May I come in?" they asked in a polite tone. Stardust smiled and opened the door "Yeah, I got some new clothing by the way..do you like it?" he asked, fidgeting with his vibrant yellow sleeves.

Abyss Monarch looked at him in awe "it looks incredible Mi vida! It's different from what you usually wear though" they praised. Stardust narrowed his eyes  "yeah, it's only for a day then I'll get back to my space attire. And you look great too my love!" He said returning the praise. Abyss Monarch blushed "Thank you..." flustered and surprised at the pet name. They then walked down the long hallways and chatted "do you want me to make breakfast or do you want take out?" Abyss Monarch asked willing to spoil him no matter the choice they picked.

Stardust chuckled nervously "it's up to you, I'm not a picky eater.." they said trying not to seem like a burden. Abyss monarch narrowed their eyes smugly "Amor, If we are going to bond, I'm going to need to know your food preferences." Stardust stayed silent for a couple moments knowing they had a point "Alright then, but please tell me yours too" he said trying not to sound too pushy. Abyss monarch nodded "I will." they agreed.  Stardust thought for a while longer. "I don't mind having takeout while we are already out although, I prefer homemade meals...y-you don't have to do anything! and I can buy my own materials too.." Abyss monarch cut him off with a sly chuckle "Mi vida it's ok, I can cook for you if that's what you prefer. we are partners remember?" they said trying to reassure him.

Stardust sighed "Right, b-but if you need help with cooking; I will me glad to help.." he said nudging his fingers together. Abyss monarch took another mental note that he is a huge people pleaser. So they had to improvise between making him happy along with making him work for it so he wont feel too bad. "Alright, You can help me cook breakfast for us, I'm sure Moonlight and sea fairy aren't gonna mind us being a little late"

Stardust smiled "That works, I want to stall as much as possible anyway..I'm going to be honest I don't want to see them" he frowned. Abyss monarch cupped his cheeks and kissed his forehead " I'm sure it won't be that bad, they are really excited to see you" they said trying to untense them a bit. Stardust sighed again "You're right." Abyss monarch noticed the blush on his face and he backed off, blushing themselves. "Alright, come on" Abyss monarch said before they pulled him to the kitchen.

They both made breakfast before heading out to visit Sea Fairy and moonlight, Stardust had an annoyed look the entire time. Abyss monarch waved happily at Sea fairy when they arrived "Oh hello Abyss monarch!" she greeted, hugging him tightly.  Stardust stayed quiet but then immediately got noticed by moonlight "Stardust?.." she said in a soft tone as she slowly walked toward him "Hey.." he said awkwardly . Abyss Monarch and sea fairy cringed a bit at their interaction, moonlight looked like she wanted to hug him but Stardust looked like they wanted to leave. Sea fairy stepped in between the thick tension "How about we get something to eat, and catch up a bit..is that ok darling?" she said turning to moonlight. "Oh of course" She responded with a smile. Abyss Monarch nodded in agreement then turned back at Stardust to see if he would agree. 

He did and they all went to a quiet and expensive restaurant (obviously expecting Abyss monarch to pay). Stardust stayed close to Abyss monarch practically sticking to them. Moonlight cleared her throat and smiled "So big brother, what have you been up to?" she said politely desperately trying to get to know him better. Stardusts eyes shifted to her "Traveling..." he mumbled. Sea fairy sighed and leaned over to Abyss monarch "This is so awkward..." they whispered and Sea fairy agreed "Yes, I've never seen her so tense.." she said looking at moonlight in worry.

Sea Fairy chimed in to lessen the tension "I see you and Monarch are partners..how's that going?" Abyss Monarch lightened up a bit "I really love him and I personally think it's going great" he said leaning on Stardust. Stardust smiled slightly "I too feel the same way" he said quietly. Moonlight smiled "That's adorable! speaking on relationships, Sea fairy and I got married 2 months ago!" She seemed to light up as well when talking about her wife. Stardusts tension lowered "Congratulations!" he said in a light and generous tone. The siblings began to speak a bit more over drinks and food, some of the conversations were awkward but they managed to catch up.

After a few they said their goodbyes and planned to meet up again some day. As they were heading back home Abyss monarchs gaze shifted over to stardust and they slightly frowned the conversations they had at the restaurant brought back old memories and they needed to get things off his chest to Stardust if they were to hold a healthy relationship. Abyss monarch took a deep breath and gripped  Stardusts hand.

"You know stardust...I thought I would never get get to meet a life partner..even if I traveled years and years after being sunken into the dark depths of the sea to find you..I trust you enough to tell you what happened to me" they said keeping their head down. Stardust was taken back but the suddenness of the topic but accepted any type of honesty and anything that would build their bond. "I'm listening.." Stardust said holding their hand and staying close to them. 

Abyss monarch smiled a bit "Thank you..." they said in a soft tone before being completely honest of what happened to them (IDK HIS LORE I LOOKED UP A BIT OF IT BUT IDK THE FULL DETAIL DONT ATTACK ME)

Stardust narrowed his eyes in understanding and guilt "I see the history you and sea fairy have now.." Abyss monarch huffed and held back their tears to seem strong. Stardust hurried them  home so he could give them all the affection he possibly could. The entire time they were walking Abyss monarch had regret but relief on their face now that they got that off their chest Once they got home he walked them to their bedroom and sat down on the side of their bed with them. "..Abyss Monarch, I can tell that you usually aren't like this with everyone.." Abyss monarch looked at him in confusion  "what do you mean?.." they said holding the lump in their throat from restraining their tears making their voice crack.

Stardust smiled "The way you treat me, You said you were always in a dark place but you seem happier with me, sea fairy and..her" Abyss monarch nodded "Yeah, I'm happy I'm with you because I have been wanting you for years.." they sniffled and their eyes started hurting from holding back tears. Stardust pulled them into a hug "It's ok my love, you can cry..it's just us.." he said holding them close to his chest.

Abyss monarch broke down in tears making quiet gasps. Stardusts eyes flood with guilt as he tried his best not to cry along with them, trying not to worry them even more. At the same time he felt honored because Abyss monarch mentioned that they don't open up to people.Stardust kissed their head a couple times and looked down at them "It's gonna be ok..at least you told me!...your trust is all I care about.." he said still holding them in a tight hug.

 After a while of them quietly sobbing they yawned. Stardust smiled looking over at them "You sleepy my love?" he asked stroking their hair. Abyss monarch sniffled "Kinda...my head hurts from crying..sorry you had to see me like this.." they said blushing and wiping their irritated eyes. Stardust chuckled softly and pulled the covers toward the both of them and covered them.

Stardust shifted toward the middle of the bed and pulled them on his chest and wrapped their wings around them. Abyss monarch relaxed as they listened to their slow breathing and loud heartbeat. They eventually both fell asleep cuddling each other.


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