Chapter three

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I wake up on a sofa in my house, a blanket draped over me. I'm not cold, something is wrong. I open my eyes to see Seb. He's here, In my house.
"Abbie, are you awake?" He says, pain and worry distilled in his hazel eyes.
"Oh my god" My anxiety reaches a sky high, he saw what happened. He's going to tell everyone. They are going to think the worst.
"Please don't tell anyone, I'm so sorry to inconvenience you-" His hand removes a piece of hair from my face and tucks it behind my ear. My heart beats faster at the physical touch i have lacked for the past 5 months, and partly because he's the one touching me.
"Are you okay, sunflower?" sunflower.
"Ye-yeah, I'm fine" He removes his hand and looks at me. He keeps his stare for a second too long before I look down, breaking the eye contact.
"You don't have to stay" I play with my necklace.
'Do you want to talk about what hap-"
"No" I reply, too fast.
"Sorry, no thank you. Please don't tell anyone about what happened" I say again, begging he listens.
"No one will know anything, I promise." he replies, a look of sincerity in his eyes.
We look at each other for a moment then, in complete silence. I notice the scar on his cheek and that one of his eyes lean closer to green than hazel.
"When are your parents back?" he asks.
"Soon." I lied. They won't be back until I fall asleep.
"Does this happen a lot?" He asks, and for some reason I nod. I don't tell anyone about anything, partly because i have nobody to tell and partly because it's better that way. What people don't know they can't use agains you.
"Do your parents know?" I nod again. They don't care. I want to say, I don't. He pulls out a pen from his pocket and grabs my hand, writing down numbers onto it.
"Here's my number" He says.
"Text me if you need anything, and if you agree to my proposition" He smiles. Dimples.
I had completely forgotten about that, the dream of making me happy. I want to tell him that it's unattainable.
"I'm not sure-"
"Think about it," He demands before sitting up and leaving my house. Part of me wants the dream, to live, to be happy. To have friends. Then the other, darker half doesnt think I deserve it. Why should I live my life happy and fulfilled when she's not here to experience it. I took happiness away from her, I took friendships away from her. I took love. I was driving the car that day, I wasn't looking where I was going for one split second and I crashed it. I walk upstairs to my room, pretending not to feel a rush of sadness as I walk past Addy's. Just how she left it. I get ready to sleep and decide to message Seb.

A: hey it's abbie, thank you for today. you home safe?
S: yes im home safe since you are just so worried about my safety
A: i was being polite
S: that's what they all say sunflower
A: your very frustrating
S: thought about my proposition?
A: it wont work
S: let me try

I know it won't work. What's the harm in trying?

A: one month.
S: you won't regret this, sunflower. I'll make sure of it.

I go to bed debating on wether i've made the best or worst decision for myself. And also thinking about Sebastian.

authors note: short chapter LMAO, i just needed to separate from the next one😍😍

WC: 2609 💗

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