Chapter five

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I have had the best day I've had in 5 Months. A smile I didn't realize could even be there anymore has been etched on my face the whole entire walk home, the cold october air hit my face as we reached the outside of my house. Conversation with Seb flows like I have known him my whole life, and i can't help but think accepting this proposition may have been the best decision of my life. We walk up the stairs to my house and he stands in front of me,
"Thank you, for today" I say, causing a slight grin to grow on his face.
"Well, there's many more to come" He replies, his hazel eyes burning through my green ones. Tension builds as we look at eachother, and for a second i think that if he kissed me i wouldn't mind. For a second, I want it. That is until the door is swiftly opened by the woman who has ignored me for the past 5 months, My mother.
"Abigail" She says, causing my head to snap. Her even saying my name makes me want to cry, i think a part of me thought she didn't even know me anymore.
"Mom" I say, and as soon as I say it I know she didn't see me. Her face changed into the one I've seen for the past 5 months. Anger. Sadness. She saw Adeline when she looked at me and it killed her. I hate that I still get suprised when she looks like that, I hate that I don't expect it.
"Come in" She says sharply, walking away from the door her hand covering her mouth. I swallow my emotion and look back at Seb who is already looking at me.
"What just happe-"
"I have to go" I say interrupting him and shutting the door. I run up to my room, the beautiful day i just had turning into somthing darker. Instead of passing her room today, I stand in the doorway. Staring. Sometimes I think if i look long enough she will turn up, she will smile at me and tell me everything's going to be okay. She never does. Tonight, the grief of her consumed me. I run into my room, tears that i don't remember crying streaming across my face and i look everywhere for the pink box. The box that has what I need to stop this mental pain. Turn it into physical. I grab the sharp blade, and hover it over my skin. Everything In me wanting to press it across my skin and convert the emotional pain into the physical.
My mother can't stand to look at me. My twin sister is dead. The darkness consumes me until my phone buzzes, I look over to see a notification from Seb.

S: you ok?

His message makes the strongest part of me take over, throwing the blade across the wall. My head falling in my hands. I gather myself together, breathe. Focusing on the one good thing i currently have in my life. Seb.

A: i'm fine, sorry for leaving like that
S: all good, come over tmrw?
A: sure

One day at a time.

I open the door expecting Abbie, but Matt and Ri come in uninvited arguing about something to do with the moon landing.
"Guys?" I say as they come in, both heading for the kitchen, their loud voices drowning out mine.
"It never happened, baby. It's all CGI" Matt says grabbing a bag of Doritos out of the top cupboard and pulling himself up to sit on the counter. Baby. That's a new one in their little dynamic.
"It is real Matt! Why would they fake it" She says walking up to him, leaning in-between his legs.
"GUYS?" I shout and they both turn.
"What?" Matt says at the same time Ri says,
"Just because I live alone doesn't mean you can just waltz into my house without letting me know" They both look at each other  and turn to look at me like i've just said the most ridiculous statement in the world.
"I have plans" I say and they both start laughing.
"With who?" Ri says grabbing the Doritos off Matt and stuffing one in her mouth.
"Abbie" I say and they both still look confused.
"Abigail? Lancing" I say and both their eyes widen.
"Why is she coming here?" Matt replies, jumping off the counter and opening my fridge.
"I-We have been hanging out" I say, feeling like a boy telling his parents about a new girlfriend. Matt pulls out two Diet Cokes and opens one before passing it to Ri, Than opening his own.
"Hanging out?" He says. I nod. A grin appears on his face.
"You like her" Ri butts in, a smile on her face.
"I am not speaking about this with you" I say as she starts laughing, and i can't help the smile on my face.
"Oh my god!" She turns to Matt.
"Our little Sebastian is all grown up!" Kill me now. As soon as Matt is about to reply the door rings and they both jump like children.
"Oh my god is that her?" Matt says and i nod.
"Please for the love of god shut the fuck up when she comes in, make her feel comfortable" I say looking at the both of them. Ri nods.
"I'll make her soooo comfortable" Matt says mocking me as i throw up my middle finger and open the door.
Her hair is down, dead straight and goes just past her shoulders. She's wearing baggy blue jeans and a cropped white shirt that shows her stomach. She sees me and smiles.
"Hi" She says, fiddling with her necklace once again.
"Hi," I tell her to come in and she does,
"Ri and Matt are here, but they can leave if you just want it to be me and you-"
"-No thats okay, i don't mind leaving if you'd rather just be with them?"
"No, i want to be with you" I reply, too fast. But it's true, since the rooftop. Every part of me has wanted her company, her presence. She smiles at my comment and than walks into the kitchen where both of my friends eyes land on her.
"Hi, im Ri" She says giving her a nod.
"Matt" He winks at her and she blushes slightly. A new feeling i haven't felt before rises in me as the blush of her cheeks. Jealousy.
"Abbie" She says, smiling at them. They all start speaking to each other but it all drowns out when i see a large cut on her back. It looks healed, but around it is bruised and slightly red. It goes from where her top begins to where it ends and my mind immediately goes to where I assume it's from. The crash. I didn't even consider the fact she may have been physically hurt and the thought of it breaks my heart into two.
"Seb?" Abbie's voice brings me out of my daydream as she turns around, she smiles again but her eyes don't. I look at her for the first time today, Really looking at her. And the pained green eyes that weren't visible yesterday have made an appearance today.
"Sorry, what did I miss?"
"We want to bake a cake!" Ri says, walking up to Abbie and folding their arms together. She looked shocked by the physical touch, but the smile that erupted on her face after it made me not even question my answer for a minute.
"Whatever the sunflower wants" I reply, and the blush on Abbies cheeks was tenfold what it was earlier.

authors note: may be my fav chapter yet,
WC: 4618 💗

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