Chapter sixteen

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Everything about this felt wrong, her being mad at me felt worse. I've never felt this strongly before, never felt this strong of a need to make things right with someone. To show them that I love them, and prove it to them. I leave the school in frustration, walking home fastly to try do somthing to get her out of my mind.

R: where are u???
S: Home. Will explain later.
R: um no you will explain right now.
S: I fucked up
R: with abbie?
S: Yes, I took her to somewhere thinking no one would find us and a teacher did and said some shit to her
R: seb if you took her to that closet im killing you
S: I told you ri, I fucked everything up. She probably wants nothing to do with me.
R: don't panic yourself. your fine okay? she will forgive you because she loves you seb. but make it up to her or die trying.
S: You think she loves me?
R: i know it.

make her forgive me or die trying it is.


"Hi, babe" Ri says as I sit at our lunch table, Matt is sat next to her looking at a textbook.
"Hey, Ri" I reply attempting to put on a smile. In all honesty? The whole day i've felt like a piece of me has gone, that piece being the part of my heart Seb seems to hold. Ive never felt as cheap or used as I did when that teacher spoke to me today, and i also felt like I didn't know Seb. I know the deep things about him,  the things that have shaped him but I don't know the little things. I don't know his favourite book, or his first kiss story. I don't know if he's had any ex girlfriends or if he was a player, and he's never wanted to tell me them things.
"Seb went home, by the way" She said taking me from my thoughts,
"He did?" I reply almost too soon.
"Yeah, are you two okay?"
"I don't know" I say quietly, she kisses Matt on the cheek and whispers something in his ear that causes him to smile and she stands up.
"Where are you going?" I ask, as she pulls my hands to make me stand up with her.
"We are going to have a girls day," She says grabbing my bag and walking with me arm in arm.
"But we have another lesson?"
"Girl, let's live a little! One lesson won't hurt" She says as we walk out the school.
"Yeah, I guess your right" I smile faintly,
"So what happened?" She asks opening her car.
"So when we got into school I was nervous, and i just needed to be away from people so he took me to this room, he helped me breathe and calm down like he always does," I breathe in and out.
"And than we kissed, which isn't anything abnormal but than that old lady teacher caught us" I say getting into the car.
"Ms White?"
"Yes, her. She basically said that he took me to the place he takes all the girls he's made out with- girls im unaware of- and than when i reacted to that she basically acted like it was a common occurrence and made me believe i'm not the only girl" I laugh, Ri doesn't.
"There's no other girls, Abbie"
"There's not?" I say turning to look at her, hope in my eyes.
"Never since he had his eye on you" Her words hit me like a truck,
"We are on our way already girl" She says laughing, and I smile to myself.

I knock on his door, and it swings open fastly. His eyes land on me and i can see the stress leave him.
"Sunflower," He says, releasing a breath.
"Can we talk?"
"Yeah." He says letting me come in. I walk into the house I know so well, kicking off my shoes and walking into the kitchen to get a drink. I open the fridge and see rows and rows of Fanta bottles. My favourite.
"You got fanta?" I asked, he leaned on the doorway and crossed his arms. He than shrugged.
"You said it's your favourite" He says so calmly, like he didn't just make me fall back in love with him all over again.
I close the fridge and turn to him.
"Hearing her say that really upset me," I say and his head tilts down.
"I know, baby" He replies, his voice racking with emotion.
"It made me feel insignificant" I stated, attempting to control the shake of my hands. He remains quiet, allowing me to state my point.
"Are there other girls? I know we never really stated if we are together but I just wan-"
"Nobody. No one but you." He interrupts, stepping closer to me.
"I need to say this, Seb" I say, backing away from him. He becomes immediately still and nods.
"I know nothing about you"
"I know the events that made you the person you are, but I don't know your favourite colour. I don't know who your first kiss was, or your first stupid crush. I dont know the little things, Seb" I say, he steps back.
"Anything you want to know you can. Ask and i'll answer, I just didnt think you cared about them things" He said, voice nonchalant.
"Of course I care! God can you not see how utterly obsessed I am with you," I say out of frustration.
"I want to know it all. Every part of you" I start walking back up to him again, and I place my hand on his heart. I can feel it beating rapidly.
"All of you, seb. The bad parts too. I want to know them all."
"You want this to be real, Abigail?" He says, smirking. I nodded.
"Come here," He said pulling me in by my waist and kissing me softly. He pulls away at looks at me.
"Be mine," He whispers.
"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" I laugh.
"And hoping you will say yes"
"I think I like the title girlfriend,"
"Oh yeah?" The hand he had on my hip remains there and one moved to my face, his thumb tracing my cheek.
"Do you realise how beautiful you are?" He says quietly,
"I think that's a difficult question to answer" I reply, he rolls his eyes.
" I wish you saw yourself the way I see you, Abbie." He whispers, just loud enough so I felt like the only person in the world who could hear it.
"And how's that?"
"Like you are the thing I was wishing for my entire life" Both of his hands are on my face now, moving the hair away and exposing my full face.
"So unbelievably beautiful" He continues. I feel my eyes well up, unexpectedly. Just from the niceness, the kindness I have been longing for since Addy died.

"I love you" I say, shocking myself and him. It just comes out, but saying it felt so real and so right that I didn't even care if he didn't say it back. I just wanted him to know it, to know that's where i'm at. His eyes light up,
"You love me?" He says slowly, like he can't fathom it.
"I love you, Sebastian" The most beautiful smile grows on his face and he pulls my face to his, kissing me like he means it. He doesn't pull away, he lifts me to the kitchen counter and continues to kiss me,
"Seb," I say as he moves down to my neck.
"Sunflower, you can't take that back" He says ripping my shirt off my body, leaving me in just my bra.
"I know" I say, he pushes my body down so i'm laying flat undoing the buttons to my jeans.
"Tell me you love me again," He commands, ripping my jeans off my body.
"I love you so much" I say, my heart beating so fast i feel like it could fly out my chest,
"Im not amazing with words, baby" He says in between kisses running down my body.
"So i'm going to show you how much I love you by fucking you on this kitchen counter, is that okay?" This man is going to be the end of me.
"Please," is all i can get out before he starts kissing me where i need it,
"Oh my god," I say, as he continues. His hands holding a solid grip on each thigh. As i'm about to reach my climax he stops. I hear his belt unbuckle and he pulls me up,
"Is this okay?" He says,
"Yes- Please" I say he pushes me back down on the counter again. Slowly going in me to begin with and quickly increasing it.
"Fuck," He groans,
"Come here" He says again picking me up, and continuing to fuck me whilst holding me in his arms, He walks over to the bedroom and lays me down on th bed.
"Seb im about to-" I say as every sense becomes heightened. My love for him, My need.
"Me too, baby. You've got this" He says as we both finish at the same time, him on my stomach. Tired and breathless he lays next to me. I turn towards him and he's already turned to me.
"Such a good girl," He says tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. I smile, and he kisses me softly.
"Stay there baby okay? i'll get you a t shirt and clean you up" He says and i nod, yawning.

He does what he says, and i lay on his chest. My favourite place, my safe place.
"I never want to argue with you again" I say looking up at him. his hand strokes my hair.
"Im never going to do wrong by you again, sunflower" He kisses my forehead, and in that moment i can't ever imagine anything going wrong. Anything breaking this, what we have.

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