Chapter Fourteen

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We walk out of the bedroom, attempting to not look like we had just done what we did and Matt and Ri had left anyway. That isn't like them, usually they stay for dinner or at least text us when they are leaving but they just left. Weird. I walk into the kitchen and sit on the island whilst Seb strolls in behind me with only plaid pjama pants on,
"You hungry?" He asks as he walks in, standing infront of me. I nod and he kisses me on the forehead before walking over to the cuboards and pulling out frying pans.
"You can cook?" I ask and he whips his head around to me,
"Im actually a very good cook" He replies, walking over to fridge. I shrug.
"Hm, i'll see" I say causing him to laugh quietly. He gets different vegetables out the fridge and pulls out his phone, connecting to his speaker.

"What are you playing?" I ask and his head turns up and he makes eye contact with me, a massive smile growing across his face as My girl by the temptations travels through the speakers. I laugh, and cover my face as he strides over to me,
"Can i have this dance?" He says, I chuckle and jump of the counter, his hand coming to my waist and mine reaching his shoulder. Our other hands firmly together, we move to the music. I can't stop smiling. He dances with me around the kitchen, the whole song playing. It reaches the chorus and he spins me around multiples times, causing me to go dizzy.
"Your a good dancer" I laugh and he shrugs.
"Im a lot of good things when your around" My god. Im such a fucking sucker when he says things like that to me. I smile up at him as the song ends and he mouths the lyrics "I've got sunshine on a cloudy day with my girl" And i kiss him softly. All i can feel as he dances with me, spins me around is pure happiness.

For a split second, in a moment that terrifies me I think of us when we are older. Dancing around to this song, our children moved out. Us. Together. And it terrifies me because I want it, I want it so bad. The song comes to an end and he picks me up and puts me back on the counter, starting on our dinner. We have school tomorrow, what's it going to be like now we are like this? He hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend but he's definitely insinuated it,
"Do you need a drink?" He asks and I nod, he passes me a sprite and i awkwardly take it.
"What?" He asks,
"Im sorry, I don't like sprite" He takes it off of me immediately,
"Whats your favourite?"He asks and i think.
"Hm, I love Fanta" He nods and passes me a coke as he knows i'll drink it and carry's on cooking. He places the steak in the pan, the smells wafting through the kitchen.
"That smells so goo-" A ring on the doorbell interrupts me and Seb goes to get it, I get up first and he carry's on cooking. I open the door, to see Ri. Without her other half.
"Are you alright?" I ask and she comes into the house immediately, I notice she's not wearing any makeup and she's just in joggers and a white crop top. She doesn't look like herself, her eyes are slightly red.
"Ri, what's up?" I say quietly just incase she doesn't want Seb to hear and she looks at me for a moment, she grabs my hand and takes me into the bedroom. She shuts the door quietly, and sits with me on the bed.
"Ri, what's going on?" I ask and she looks down.
"Me and matt, we got into an argument" she says quietly,
"Okay," I say in a tone that insinuates her to carry on.
"I-we, Ugh i don't know how to say it" She says clearly getting stressed. I grab her hands and smile at her,
"You can talk to me, im not one of the boys. On your side always" She smiles and talks.
"Me and matt have always been complicated, he says all this stuff about me being beautiful and he acts like he, you know...wants me," She takes a deep breath like this hurts her.
"And i've always acted like I don't like him like that because he says all that stuff but he carry's on kissing girls at the parties he goes to, carries on sleeping with everything that moves. Where's i can't even imagine kissing anyone but him, Abbie. I- It makes me feel sick to even think about it" Jesus this girl is in deep.
"But he knows how I feel, So does Seb. I can control what I say but not the blush on my face whenever he calls me beautiful, or the way I always want to be around him or the fact whenever he holds my hand I squeeze his,"
"What did you argue about?"
"When we were here, we had a moment. More than ever. He looked at me and I genuinely thought for a moment he was going to kiss me, and that I would allow it to happen. And he did, Abbie. He kissed me."
"Why is that so terrible?"
"Because he kissed me and I kissed him back, and than he left. He said nothing, he pulled away from the kiss after 30 seconds and ran out of the house" This poor girl.
"Oh, Ri" I say pulling her into my side for a hug,
"Was i not good enough?" She says quietly sobbing into my side.
"I know that he is more experienced, I know it. But that's only because I love him so much the thought of getting with anyone other than him makes me sick" She said it. She loves him. I'm about to say somthing before I hear Seb shout my name,
"You can call him in here" She says so I do, He opens the door fastly. His eyes immediately going to Ri.
"What happened?" He asked her and she just stood up and hugged him. Everything about them was brother and sister, The way they spoke, hugged and acted towards eachother. It made me miss Adeline a little, The idea of knowing no matter what that person is going to be in your life. Bound not just by emotion but by blood. Too bad the other people im connected to by blood are fucking bastards. Ri spoke to Seb and he listened intently,
"Matt loves you, Ri. We all fucking know it" I heard when I first started listening.
"But why would he leave?" She said and he shrugged.
"I don't know" He said quietly. They stood in silence for a minute before I interrupted,
"Ri seb just cooked steak, lets all have some and than you can sleepover. Do you have spare clothes here?" Seb looked at me slightly annoyed, And I laughed to myself.
"I can run home and get some later" She said pulling me into a hug,
"Lets eat!" I say and Ri walks to the kitchen, Sebs hand wrap around my waist and he pulls me into the front of him. My back landing on his chest.
"Inviting people to my house?" He whispers into my ear.
"You mean my house?" I say jokingly, turning around to see his face. He kissed me on the forehead, and than on my lips.
"Your lucky your you" He says quietly and I shrug, grabbing his hand and pulling him to the kitchen.

The night went fast, Ri and Seb arguing about the same things, me listening along and laughing at there dynamic. She seemed to get happier throughout the night, I accompanied her to get her stuff for school tomorrow which included a outfit I knew she'd get dress coded for but I didn't mention it. When we got back, we all cleaned after dinner and the door rang. I knew who it was, I opened it and it was Matt.
"Hi, Abbie" He said looking as sad as she did.
"Matt," I replied and he looked at me desperately.
"Is she here?" I nodded.
"Please let me speak with her" His tone was so pleading it scared me, Ri came up behind me. She nodded at me,
"Ri," He said as soon as he looked at her.
"It's okay, we can speak" She said, touching his arm. His body visibly relaxed. I shut the door giving them their space, walking back to Seb.
"Matt?" He asked, I nodded.
"Do they do that often?"
"Argue, yes. Not serious like this though" He yawns, and i wrap my hands around his neck.
"Tired?" I ask and he nods, putting his head towards mine.
"It's been a hell of a day," He laughs.
"Yeah, about what my mom said. I'm sor-" He removes his head from mine,
"Don't apologise, you didn't say it to me. I know what she's like, baby. I knew what I was getting myself into" He replies sofly.
"But it isn't fair, you don't have to it again. I wont ever expect you to defend me like that okay?" I say and he cuts in.
"Sunflower, I am going to be the first person to defend you in any situation okay? Not because I feel like I have to, because I want to. I have placed you in the center of my world, my every thought revolves around you and i can't see that going away either, so don't ever ask me not to defend you. Because I will every fucking time" His words bring up emotion in me, because I have someone in my corner. I have that person again.
"Me too" I say and he tilts his head.
"Every time, i'll defend you. I probably can't fight as well as you but I can with my words" He smiles one of his brilliant smiles and kisses me, we walk out of the kitchen together to Matt and Ri in the hallway. Kissing eachother.
"Oh my god!" Seb screams and covers mine and his eyes,
"Um" Ri says as Seb moves his hand from our eyes. Matt is till looking at Ri and Ri is looking at us.
"In my house, oh my god. Go somewhere else" I can't help but laugh at his disgusted reaction, he pulls us away to his room and Im still laughing.
"Oh is it just so funny?" He says as we reach his room, he than picks me up in a fireman carry,
"Seb, put me down your gonna drop me!" I choke out during laughs, he places me on the bed and kisses me.
"I'll get that tattooed on me one day" He says moving next to me,
"What?" I smile.
"Your laugh, the sound waves of it" The smile stays there as i place my hand on his face and I just look at him. I look at him and feel such overwhelming and all consuming love. It terrifies me.

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