Chapter Four

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"Where are you taking me, Sebastian" Abbie says, my hands over her eyes. Today was day one of the project I called 'saving Abbie' and i'm taking her to the spot i usually go by myself. I want to start off with something I usually do, that i know she will like.
"If I told you it would defeat the element of surprise, Abigail" I say as we enter the door to a abandoned building.
"Okay, we now have to walk up ten flights of stairs but trust me okay?" I say removing my hands, revealing a dark room with only a door and stairs. She looks at me, green eyes piercing through me like a knife and then she starts walking.

We reach the final door to the rooftop i'm taking her too and she does not look happy. She turns around and looks up at me,
"If this was all a ploy to make fun of me I'm not going to tak-" I can see the anxiety spread across her face. Have people done this before? Hurt her? Even the thought of it makes me want to beat whoever it is black and blue. I place my hands on her shoulders and look at her,
"Your safe with me, I promised you" I say, the anxiety slowly leaves her face and she nods slowly.
"Now," I say, opening the door, the orange sunlight pouring in.
"Does this look like a joke to you?" She walks out and I swear, for a minute the golden light hit her and her blonde hair flew back slightly. She looked like an angel, She really did look beautiful. Her hand reached her mouth and within a second she ran over to me hugging my waist. As soon as she touched me I felt dizzy, I wanted her to hug me forever.
"Seb, this is beautiful" She says, moving to look up at me. She looks like she's going to cry, over a sunset?
"I told you that you wouldn't regret this" She removes her arms from me and she smiles. It's the first time I've seen her smile like this. For a moment, I want it tattooed on me so I can look at it forever. I lead her to the spot I have made. In the dip of the roof, I laid out a blanket with food in a little basket for us to have whilst we watched the sun go down. She sits down and watches it set. We sit in silence for a while, but it isn't awkward. It's comfortable.
"I look for her in sunsets, sometimes" She says randomly. Her sister.
"You do?"
She nods.
"I know it sounds crazy" She laughs.
"It doesn't, I look for my Dad too" I say hoping it comforts her instead of making her annoyed, he died from Kidney Failure. We had no clue. My mother took it the worst.
"When did he die?" She says looking at me.
"I don't know, about 10 years ago now? I was seven" She goes quiet again, before asking the one question I never know how to answer.
"Does it get better?"
"You learn to live with it, the sadness doesn't really ever leave but It becomes manageable. There's a quote from a book I read once that helped me, Would you like to hear it?" I look back at her and she's already looking at me. She nods.
"It basically says that grief is a most peculiar thing, we are so helpless in the face of it. It's like a window that will open of its own accord. The room grows cold, and we can do nothing but shiver. But each day it opens a little less, and one day we wonder what has become of it" She's quiet for a second and I see a tear leave her eye.
"That's beautiful, Seb" She says, than smiling a sad smile.
"Wish i could take credit for it" I say causing her to laugh quietly. We fall back in silence, staring at the pinks and oranges of the sky. Both wondering if the people we love are out there. After 20 minutes, she breaks the silence and says.
"Im sorry you lost him" and in that moment I think that she might be the one saving me.

WC: 3335 💗

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