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                I shot awake, sweat pouring down my face. My shirt unstuck from my back as I threw the big blanket off of me. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock hanging on the wall, it read, "2:06 A.M."

I swallowed, unfortunately feeling that scratchy feeling on my throat. I must've fallen asleep with my mouth open, I hate when that happens.

I sat up with a grunt and began to make my way blindly, feeling around the walls for a light switch. I accidentally jammed my finger into the light switch, wincing at the pain before flicking the light on. The kitchen was lit up with a dim yellow light.

I made my way to the cupboard, opening the swing door and grabbing a small glass. I stalked over to the fridge, pulling the bottom open and scoping ice from the ice maker into the cup. Hitting the door shut with my hips, I opened the fridge and looked through my options.

"Lemonade, milk, chocolate milk.." I whispered the options to myself.

I finally settled on milk, pulling it out of the fridge and slamming the door.


I stared at the yellow man to my side who had been hiding behind the fridge door. He stood there with a crazed look in his eyes, almost fully entrapped by the darkness towards the pantry.

"You're sure up late. Why don't you go back to bed, hm? I can read you a story if you'd like." He cooed, dragging out his words as he spoke, making it sound almost.. flirtatious.

His intense eye-contact made me feel trapped to the floor. My hands were trembling, threatening to spill the milk and glass I was holding. For some reason, my mouth wouldn't open. I wanted to scream for help but I couldn't let myself.

He giggled under his breath, reaching his hand up and hooking one finger under each of his eyes. He tugged hard, pulling the skin beneath his eyes all the way down resulting in his eyes to slowly roll out of the sockets and roll on the floor.

"Or I could watch you sleep, to keep you safe." He laughed hysterically, letting go of the flaps of skin and dragging his finger through the blood that had started to run down his face before putting it into his mouth and licking it off.

With that, I passed out on the tile. I heard the sound of glass breaking as I hit the floor and felt a cool watery sensation on my hands. I heard faint noises of talking before I was lifted and my mind completely blanked.


           When I woke, I presumed it was around 6 A.M in the morning, just a few hours had passed since my collapse. When I walked downstairs, I saw my mother waiting on the couch, sipping a cup of coffee from her favorite mug.

"Good-morning, mom." I said in almost a whisper, my throat being in an absurd amount of pain from the past few days of screaming, crying, and dreading my existence.

"I want- no, I need to have a conversation with you after work today. But since we both have places to be today, I left you some medicine on the counter. Take it. It should help with the hallucinations you're experiencing." She said, not looking at me.

I walked past where she sat and stared down at the white pills and glass of ice water that laid before me. I glanced back at her then back to the pills. I picked them up and tossed them into my mouth, chugging water down after and swallowing.

"Done. I'm going to get dressed and head in to work, I'll be back before dinner."
I gave her a dismissive wave before making my way back up the stairs, not bothering to wait for her response.

The second I opened my door, everything felt off.

My computer screen was switched on showing the same deep blue screen hiding the eyes as last time. I followed its eyes to my bed.

A trail of glitter and googly eyes covered my bed spread, leading to the bright screen envelope that laid in the middle.  It was different from the last.

A pair of googly eyes were glued onto the package, staring right at me.

In bold sharpie, the words,

"I see you."

Were written on the top of the package. My lips parted in surprise, a gasp escaping as they did so. My eyes quickly moved to my now open window.

How did someone get in through my window?

I held my hand to my mouth, trying to muffle choked out sobs that escaped me as I  slid down the door. Out of nowhere, my record player started spinning.

The sounds of trumpets fading into an orchestra sounded as the song, 'We'll meet again', flooded my small room. I let it play for merely a minute before getting up, grabbing my bag and walking to the green package wearily.

I can't do this alone, I thought.

I grabbed it and stuffed it into my bag before running out of my room and slamming the door.

I decided I would tell the detective everything. I'm being stalked and haunted by something and I'm scared. If anyone would know how to help it would be him,
He will help me.


         I opened the office door in a rush, causing it to slam the filing cabinet rather harshly. The detective jumped in his chair before spinning around and letting out a relieved sigh at the sight of me.

"Jesus kid, you almost gave me a heart attack. What's wrong with you today?"
He said, holding a hand over his heart and quickly dropping it to rest in his lap.

"You remember the missing persons cases from the 70's?" I said, my eyes shifting from him to the floor where my bag had fallen during my entrance.

"Of course I do. Never able to solve it.. was always missing a piece of the puzzle. Why?" He threw me a cautious glance. I stood up straighter.

"Since I started working here, I've been receiving mysterious packages filled with photos of the children and their drawings all linking to the one lost show I talked to you about the other day. I was able to align some information and I found that all their parents worked under the company in some way behind the scenes." I paused, letting him take it in before continuing, "And if things couldn't get weirder, I think I'm being stalked by.. the puppet. I know it sounds crazy but I keep seeing him everywhere. My computer screen has been popping up with images of his eyes. A-and just two days ago, I got a mysterious call when I worked overnight. It started as just breathing into the phone so I thought it was a prank- but then, he spoke to me. The puppet."

I stopped and searched his face for any sign of a response to my rambling.
All it seemed to read was "you're insane".

Standing slowly and cocking his head towards his desk, "Show me." He spoke in a hushed tone.

"Yes, sir." I let out a breath of air and made my way to the desk, sitting down.

There's no going back now.

There never was.

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𝑩𝒆𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒆𝒚𝒆𝒔 (Wally darling x reader)Where stories live. Discover now