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                  I slowly regained consciousness, my vision unblurring. The faint sound of old romance music echoed through the small living room. I tried to move my arms but soon realized I was tied up. I looked down to examine the ropes that binded my arms to my sides, noticing I was seated on a couch. I started to panic and screamed for help - but to no avail. Someone had taped my mouth shut. I turned to my left, noticing that there was the front door. There was a big blue, red, and yellow striped carpet just beneath it. The windows and blinds had been shut and locked, not allowing the light to seep through. Beautiful arrays of paintings covered the walls as I glided my eyes across the walls to the bookshelf in front of me where an old model television sat. I turned my head to the right, seeing a kitchen filled with the oldest equipment.

Someone definitely needs to get an upgrade, I thought. Suddenly, I felt the couch my back leaned against shift under a new weight. Then I felt soft hands gliding through my hair, followed by a contempt sigh.

"Oh, my darling, you can't imagine how long I've been waiting to do this." The monotone male voice said, whispering into my ear.

I began to wobble my head back and forth to shake off his hands, it seemed to work because he removed them shortly after. I could hear the sounds of shuffling behind me, then he came into view. Wally sat down in the reading chair next to the couch, his eyes never leaving me. His eyes traveled down to the tape that covered my mouth.

"That must be uncomfortable. Here, I'll make you a deal." He leaned forward in the chair, "If I remove that for you, do you promise not to go shouting? It's awfully late and we shouldn't wake up the other neighbors. That certainly isn't neighborly at all. Okay?"

I thought for a moment, weighing my options. If I got him to remove the tape, I could distract him while I work through these ropes. Then I can make a run for it and get out of.. wherever I am. I looked him in the eyes and nodded. He looked pleased as he stood, making his way over to me.

He slowly removed the tape from my lips, trying to ease the pain. I winced as he tore the last bit off. He moved his thumb to my lips, caressing the pain away before he turned to throw the piece of gray tape away. The closer I looked at it, I noticed he had drawn a smile onto it. I grimace in disgust.

"I'm sure you're starved." He walked into the small kitchen, stopping before turning back to me.

In the light, I could see his features so much better. He wore a blue cardigan layered over a white dress shirt, a red ribbon tied perfectly around his neck. He had baggy pants that were striped to match the carpet I had seen beneath the door. His hair looks like it was held up by at least five cans of hairspray to create the perfect spiral. He was rather.. handsome. And this fact grossed me out.

"What would you like to eat?" He finished, smiling over at me.

"I uhm.. Whatever you want to make should be fine." I said, uncertainty danced across my words as I spoke.

He hummed in response. I heard the clicking of a gas stove and the metallic clinking of pans. He was turned away, distracted. I took this opportunity to move my hand up and feel the knot he used to bind the ropes together. It was simple, but would certainly take some time to work the ropes through with the way my hands were positioned.

"I know what you're doing." Wally's voice sang from the kitchen. He leaned back from the stove, staring at me as I wiggled on the couch.

"Even if you undo the knot, where would you go? There's nobody waiting for you here." He laughed at me.

There was nothing I could say back to him. He was right. I had no idea where I was or how to get back home, no phone to call for help, I was alone. I stopped struggling and began to overthink.

Does my family think I'm dead?

Wally entered the living room again, holding a plate of neatly put together spaghetti. He sat awfully close to me on the couch, picking up the fork and spinning some noodles onto it. He held the fork to my lips, signaling me to eat.

I looked up at him and spit in his face. He dropped the fork back onto the plate and quickly set it down on the small coffee table in front of me. He grabbed my face hard and brought us close together.

"I control if you live or not. If you see your family again. you should thank me for making you such a nice meal and not locking you up in the basement alone. We're going to try this one last time, and if you do anything to disrespect me, I will not hold back. Is that clear?" His pupils had dilated, a crazed smile forming on his face at the power he held over me. I nodded.

Satisfied, he picked the plate back up and held the fork to my lips. I hesitated for a moment before opening my mouth slowly. He placed the fork in my mouth, allowing me to close my lips before he pulled it out. My eyes lit up as the flavors hit my tongue. It was surprisingly.. good. I quickly opened my mouth for more, earning a chuckle from Wally as he placed another bite of it into my mouth.

Once I had finished, I licked my lips as he took the plate back into the kitchen - presumably placing it into the sink. I leaned back against the couch, almost letting a small smile escape before catching myself. He came back into the living room, filling the same space he had been in just moments before.

"Thank you." I mumbled under my breath and looked straight forward, not daring to stare at him.

"You're very welcome!" He said cheerfully, before following my eyes to the television. "Would you like to watch a movie?" He asked, reaching for the remote.

I didn't respond. I didn't want to talk to him and act like everything is fine when I'm sitting next to a literal kidnapper who's keeping me locked in his house. He clicked the television to life and put on a movie with a rather.. romantic title. We sat in silence as the movie played, but I knew he wasn't paying attention. From the corner of my eye, I saw him watching me through the entire thing. I had been fighting back the urge to sleep but my eyelids had grown so heavy.

I felt sleep take over as my body fell limply right onto Wally.

"Sleep well, darling." He cooed as I drifted off to a peaceful dream world.

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𝑩𝒆𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒆𝒚𝒆𝒔 (Wally darling x reader)Where stories live. Discover now