𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘺-𝘍𝘰𝘶𝘳

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Wally pulled the pie out of the oven and I couldn't help but drool at the sweet scent that filled my nostrils. Wally took off his oven mitts and wiped his forehead with a sigh, turning back to me and smiling.

"What do you think?" He opened a drawer and pulled out a big knife, positioning it over the pie and cutting it precisely.

"It smells amazing, Wally! You're going to have to make me one too." I said jokingly, watching him cut the pie into sixths.

He hummed in delight at my answer, setting the dirtied knife into the sink. He reached back into the drawer and pulled out some tinfoil, wrapping it around the pie to keep it warm on our trip. I hopped off of the kitchen stool and made my way over to the door, putting on the bright red shoes Julie had given to me. Wally exited the kitchen holding the pie with both of his hands, smiling down at me excitedly. I reached for the doorknob but was stopped by someone grabbing my healing shoulder. I squeaked in pain and turned around to see.. Wally. Illusion Wally. He let go and smiled sinisterly, pointing a finger to his mouth and licking his lips. I glanced over to Wally and saw his entire expression turn dark.

"Relax, I won't hurt you." The illusion said, giggling under his breath.

I swear I saw a single bloody tear escape from Wally's eye but I was soon distracted at the feeling of my hand being taken. I gulped watched as he brought my hand up to his mouth and kissed all over it. He flipped it over and licked a long line up the cut on my palm before biting down and ripping the fresh scab off. I cried out in pain but it only lasted for a few seconds. The illusion had licked up my blood quickly and by the time I opened my eyes, it was bandaged and he let go of my hand. The illusion backed up and merged with the wall, his eyes never leaving mine as he did so. Wally pulled me by my other hand out of the door quickly. He walked fast causing me to stumble as I tried to keep up with him. I started feeling a bit.. dizzy. I felt the urge to throw up but I pushed it down, not wanting to delay the conversation with Sally. Wally finally let go as he pranced up the steps, smoothed his hair back and rang the doorbell. Sally answered almost immediately, grimacing as her eyes landed on me but quickly smiling when she noticed Wally with the pie.

"Oh, Wally! I missed getting pies from you. You're too kind!" She said, taking the pie from him and holding the door open invitingly.

Wally smiled and entered. I followed him but jumped back as Sally let go of the door, almost causing it to slam closed on my face. I sighed annoyingly and pushed the door open, making my way over to where Wally sat on the couch. I plopped down next to him, immediately noticing how Sally avoided me.

"So, what brings you here?" She said, placing the pie on her kitchen counter and turning to Wally.

"We were wondering if we could borrow some of your tech. My friend here is a detective and they're investigating the children's disappearances here. I was hoping you could help!" Wally said, crossing his legs.

Friend? Why did he call me a friend? Friends don't do what we do. I pushed down the agonizing ache in my heart and tried to remain calm. I watched Sally roll her eyes slightly and make her way over, sitting awfully close to Wally.

"I guess I could help.. but it depends. What parts are you taking? I was thinking about making some new stage lights and they take a lot of important parts." She said, stretching her arms out and wrapping one around Wally's shoulder.

"Do you mind if we see what you have? Then we can decide what we'll need. Does that work for you, my dear?" Wally said, a small blush forming on his cheeks.

What the hell. Why is he calling her dear? I thought I was the only one he did that to. I felt my lip quiver at the scene unfolding in front of me but I decided to stay quiet, not wanting to anger Wally. Sally nodded and hopped up, taking Wally's hand and leading him down the hallway to an open door next to her bedroom. I didn't move. Wally can handle this by himself if he's going to be an asshole. I heard the sounds of talking and laughter, Wally returned a few minutes later carrying a box of parts and wires. He didn't even look at me, not even a small glance in my direction. It was like I didn't exist.

"Thank you so much, Sally. We really appreciate it!" Wally beamed, staring down admirably at the box of miscellaneous parts.

"Anytime, hun. You're always welcome around here." She said, glancing over and me and smirking.

Wally walked past where I sat on the couch, opening the propped door with his foot and exiting onto the porch, seemingly waiting for me. I stood and smiled over to Sally.

"What are you smiling for? You should be crying. He doesn't even want you!" She laughed, smirking evilly and placing her hands onto her hips.

"Oh, Yeah? Well last time I checked, I'm the one he's kissing and keeping at his house. Why would I be jealous of someone he only comes to when he needs something? Especially someone that looks like you, your fashion is outdated by twenty years and you look like you've been awake for ten with those eye bags." I smirked mockingly at her as her mouth fell open.

I watched her hands travel under her eyes and feel the massive eye bags she had, seeming rather embarrassed. I backed away and shot up both middle fingers as I exited the door. I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face, man it felt good to get that out. I skipped past Wally, not caring to respond to his questions. He was an ass to do that to me, so until he makes it up,

I'm going to do it right back.


I smell.. jealousyyyyy! I think I'm starting to hate Sally guys.. anyways, I have a playlist under my conversation tab which I think some of you might want to check for hints- I mean good songs 👀 love you guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

 anyways, I have a playlist under my conversation tab which I think some of you might want to check for hints- I mean good songs 👀 love you guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter

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𝑩𝒆𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒆𝒚𝒆𝒔 (Wally darling x reader)Where stories live. Discover now