𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘺-𝘍𝘰𝘶𝘳

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                             I sighed as I stood up and stretched my arms out, groaning as I popped my neck. I picked up the white sheet of paper and admired my work - Wally was right about it being marvelous. It looked almost realistic! Now, I just wish I could draw flowers this good. I made my way to the door, opening it and glancing down the hall. I wonder where Wally is, I was hoping he'd go with me to Frank's - I'd hate for him to be cooped up here more than he has to be. I walked slowly down the hall, glancing into every room. I made my way to his bedroom and peered in, seeing him standing in front of the bed putting on.. gloves? What does he need gloves for?

"Wally? What are you doing?" I asked, holding in a laugh when he jumped and spun around quickly.

"Oh, darling! You startled me.. I'm just trying new outfit's, that's all." He said dismissively, putting his hands behind his back.

"Consider the scare payback. Anyway, do you wanna tag along with me? I was thinking about asking Frank to help me put it together since I think he makes his own study equipment. I don't want you to be here all by yourself." I stepped into full view of the doorway, waving the paper up so he knew I was finished.

"Ah- yes! I'd love to join you, dear." He said nervously.

Why is he so up tight? Maybe he's just in a mood today, that has to be it. I smiled and began making my way down the hall and to the door, feeling Wally's presence follow behind me. I leaned over and picked up the box of parts Wally got from Sally, opening the door and waving 'bye' to Home as I stepped a foot onto the yellow path. Wally joined me at my side and I held out my hand for him. He looked at it seemingly surprised and took it with a small blush creeping onto his cheeks, a cheeky little smile plastered onto his lips. He listened to me explain the entire blueprint on the walk to Franks, watching me admiringly the entire time. How I loved it when he looked at me like that. Wally had this.. demeanor to him. He could make you feel like you were the only person in the entire world, but he could also make you feel like you were nothing. Wally released my hand sadly as I walked up the porch steps and knocked three times on Frank's door. I stopped back and glanced back at Wally, giving him a cheerful smile. He returned it and his focus shifted to the door that was now unlocked and opened. Frank stood fully in the doorway, watching us with his eyebrow raised questioningly.

"Hi Frank, I know we don't really know each other but.. I was hoping you could help me with something." I said anxiously; I never have been good with people.

"It depends.. what is it." He asked, shifting his gaze to the paper I now held up.

"A.. connection device? What do you need this for?" He said, leaning back and crossing his arms.

"It's- a science project! Haha, yeah.. I'm competing in this science fair so I was hoping you would help me. We have all the parts right here! Please?" I pleaded, giving him my best smile.

"Oh, alright. Come in." He said, stepping to the side.

I smiled and stepped in, marveling at the yellow walls and framed butterfly specimen that were pinned perfectly to them. He had bookshelves everywhere filled with books about plants and animals, pictures of him, Julie and Eddie covered every plain spot on a shelf. It was quite a cutesy house. Wally took a seat on the couch, crossing his legs and resting his hands gentleman like on his leg, cocking his head over to Frank; signaling me to follow after him. I walked behind Frank, looking up at the walls and analyzing the different colored doors. We walked past the famous pink door and I couldn't help but giggle a bit at the memory of Julie and Frank. He led me down to a green door, opening it and holding it open for me. I bowed my head in thanks and stepped in, him closing it behind us. It was a massive study with a big wooden desk in the middle that was covered with blueprints and miscellaneous parts. He had giant paintings of insects covering the walls, I wondered if Wally made these for him. He held a hand out for the blueprints which I awkwardly handed over, balancing the box of parts in one hand as I did so. He took hold of the paper and skimmed over it, walking over to his desk and taking a seat. He placed it down gently in the middle of the table and waved me over. I set the box of parts onto the floor next to him, peering over his shoulder as he put a finger on a certain part and dug for it. He pulled each part out and began getting to work on the base layer of mechanics. I glanced around the room, taking in anything I might've missed. My eyes landed on a small picture of Eddie that laid next to a pile of books and a calculator. I couldn't help but smile, I wish them both the best. Just before my eyes could travel anywhere else, the calculator clicked to life and flashed the words,


Danger? But it's just me and Frank- the door opened as Eddie and Wally made their way in, laughing and catching up on life. Eddie's eyes landed on me and he smiled.

"Hello, detective! How's things?" He joked, bringing a hand up to bow his hat in greeting.

"Hi, Eddie. I'm just having Frank help me with this satellite Wi-Fi connector- fuck." both of my hands flew over my mouth.

I can't believe I just said that.

"A WHAT?!" Eddie and Frank exclaimed at the same time.

Eddie stalked over and gently pulled Frank back away from the table, keeping an arm around his shoulder. Frank blushed lightly but it was soon replaced by a untrustful expression.

"Frank is not going to participate in any crazy experiments like that. You must be insane to try and connect to something outside from here- you could put us all in danger." Eddie said, anger lacing his words like venom.

"Eddie, listen." Wally said, stepping forward and holding his arms out calmly.

"My dear here is in a very serious predicament. If they cannot get access to the outside world, who knows what could happen to them, to us. So please, find it in your hearts to help us with this one thing. We promise never to bother you again after this." Wally said, giving an apologetic smile.

Eddie and Frank glanced at each other nervously, seemingly having an entire conversation with just their expressions. Eddie loosened his grip on Frank's shoulder, letting his arm fall to his side. Frank stepped forward and furrowed his eyebrow at me.

"Fine, I'll finish your invention and after that, you leave me out of this. Got it?" He said, sitting back down at the desk.

I nodded and let out a thankful sigh, glancing over to Wally and mouthing the words, 'thank you'.

Frank got back to work and Eddie peered over his shoulder, complimenting him whenever he put two pieces together. Frank got flustered with every compliment and acted egotistical, saying things like; 'I know, I'm so amazing, I've always been this good.' Those two were awfully cute together. I backed up, making sure nobody was watching and gently slid the calculator into my pocket. I had a feeling this would come in handy later.

I looked back over and saw Wally watching me with an amused expression.

He smiled, whistling and looking around as if he were saying,

'I never saw a thing.'


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𝑩𝒆𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒆𝒚𝒆𝒔 (Wally darling x reader)Where stories live. Discover now