𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘺-𝘚𝘪𝘹

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I sat at the kitchen counter, scribbling different designs onto a white sheet of paper. I was trying to remember the mechanics we used back in my robotics class in high school, but it had all slipped my mind over time. I groaned and slammed my head down onto the counter. I reached over and pulled the cardboard box down, sending the parts flying out in front of me. I sat up and began to look through them all, hating myself for letting Wally get them alone. He had gotten items I didn't even know existed, that's how old they were. I glanced back over my shoulder and noticed the file box I hadn't dug deep into yet. It couldn't hurt to get some more information, could it? I popped up from the stool, making my way over to the box and rummaging through it. I pulled out a pretty big file and turned it over, realizing it was.. about the detective? Why would my mom have this? Maybe it's because he was working the case and she didn't want him to find out. I was about to crack it open but couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. I turned around and jumped as I came face-to-face with Wally. How long had he been standing there?

"Sorry to scare you, dear. Julie brought these over for you." He said dismissively, holding out the tray of colorful cat cookies.

I smiled to myself and set the folder back down onto the box, taking one of the cookies off the tray and sitting on the couch. I examined it and I swear I had dejavu. I remember the detective eating a cookie like this the day he died.. when I rushed in, he had it sitting on a napkin on his desk. I gulped and dropped the cookie onto the floor.

"Darling, careful! Now I have to clean." Wally groaned, dropping the tray onto the coffee table and rubbing his forehead in frustration.

I didn't respond, instead I pushed past him and grabbed the file box. I ran with it down the hall and into the paint room, sliding into a spot in front of the old computer.

"I told you not to go back here without me! Home could trick you again." He said, rushing in with a broom in hand.

Wally sighed loudly and dropped it lazily onto the floor, sliding in next to me. I ignored him and started to type in my town and the history of the detectives department. I pressed search and bit my nails eagerly.

"Oh, so you're finally figuring it out? Goodjob, oh I'm so proud!" Wally exclaimed, resting his head on my shoulder and watching the screen load.

I squinted my eyes at the screen as it turned white, popping up with the detective department home page. Everything was normal about it, why was I expecting it not to be? I shook my head and scrolled down, pressing on the 'about me' section. It took me to a separate page, showing a picture of detective Johnson and goes on about his fifteen years in service. Nothing interesting. I skimmed through it and my eyes landed on the fact he included his high school..

The same high school my mother went to.

No, this is just some messed up coincidence. Anyone can go to high school together and not meet, everything is fine. I shook my head and pulled up another tab, typing in the name of the high school and working my way through a school barrier to find the yearly records. Every student of every graduating year's information is stored here. What courses they took, their electives, and even how many hours they spent on after school activities. I typed in detective Johnson's name, clicking the first picture that popped up. He looks so.. young. I pulled up his course history and pulled the tab to the side, popping open another one and entering my mothers information. I looked through their classes for each semester and that's when I saw it.

Criminology course 1 || Criminology course 1

They shared a criminology course together in their senior year. I gulped and closed the tabs, coming back to the detectives page. I selected his full name and typed it into the search bar, praying it would provide some useful information. I felt Wally's hands travel to my back, beginning to massage my shoulders. I had to admit, it felt pretty good. I've been hunching over for so long so it was nice to break some of the tension. I scrolled through the searches;

1967 Class Genius
1965 star quarterback
1995 disappearances - where did they go?

I gasped and double clicked the last link, my eyes lighting up as it took me to a news page dedicated to preserving and solving the Welcome Home mysteries. I wasn't the first person to look into this case. I read through their theories, noticing how every one of them held the detective as a main suspect for.. closing the case. Why would he just close such an important case in less than five months of it being open? This doesn't add up.

My eyes landed on one accusation in particular, one about Johnson being involved in a.. religious cult.

This cannot be happening right now. My free hand made it way to my face, voicing my mouth as I clicked on the thread and read through all of the evidence. There were pictures taken of him , back in his high school years, entering a church that was rumored to be satanic in the town hand-in-hand with a lady. Everyone on the thread claimed that it was a senior prank - that Johnson had led this woman, or significant other there as a joke.

But, what if.. what if she never thought it was a joke.

What if she listened to their words and believed it?

What if that woman Johnson was with..

Just so happened to be my own mother.

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𝑩𝒆𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒆𝒚𝒆𝒔 (Wally darling x reader)Where stories live. Discover now