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Chapter 12

Building a house is not a simple task, first build it on the mountain, dig the foundation is quite a difficult task. However, it is not easy to rely on the large number of people, dozens of star slaves even chiseled and dug, and the foundation was knocked out in three days. Qi Jie found a large stone, but there was no rammer, so he had to manually lay the foundation.

The star slaves looked very fresh, and the place they used to live in was either a cave or a tree house, and there was no mention of a foundation. Uncle Qi also felt fresh, because now interstellar buildings are made of a newly synthesized lightweight material. Whether it is built in the air or on the ground, there is no need to lay a foundation. Qi Jie's method of building a house is also unheard of and unheard of. For a while, he was a little in a trance, after coming to this asteroid named Earth by the young master, the young master seemed to become different from before. Not only do I know many species that ordinary people don't know, but I even know many things that even ordinary children can't do. Is such a young master really the young master who was timid and afraid of things before, and did not even dare to breathe when he saw his brothers?

Seeing Uncle Qi in a daze on the side, Qi Jie stretched out his right hand and shook it in front of him: "Uncle Qi, what are you thinking?"


Qi immediately reacted: "No, no, I'm just thinking about what we are going to do next." When will we go back to W Main Star to sell a batch of goods into a batch of goods and come back, you know, if we want to survive the winter here safely, we still need a lot of cold supplies!

Qi Jie thought for a while and said, "Uncle Qi, you are right, but I want you to run in person this trip, and I want to stay and take the star slaves to see if there are other resources that can be used." Eli's wife took the women and children to tidy up the land, and I had to teach them how to sow seeds and raise more livestock. By the way, there is a small lake in the valley where we can also raise fish. I have instructed the star slaves of the second squad to pick apples and cherries, don't mention Uncle Qi, the cherries here are big and sweet, and they taste really good. And the grapes, I also let them pick quite a few. Add in the stored meat, and it should be enough for you to run. There is no hurry to protect yourself from the cold, you can enter a batch of special equipment for farming. If you rely on labor, it is too wasteful of manpower. Ah, also, last time I said that the tools for roasting meat can be improved. You can have someone open a shop in W Star that specializes in processed cooked food. Perhaps, after mass production, it is also a way to make money.


Qi nodded and wrote them down one by one in his mind. He now has a feeling of returning to his youth, and he remembers that when he just developed the vein with Mr. Qi Lao, he also developed step by step. Unexpectedly, when he was old, he was given a chance to exert his residual heat. Uncle Qi was very content, and his mind automatically hid those doubts about the young master in his heart.

Three days later, Uncle Qi set off with a full load of goods. There was also a little white rabbit brought with him, Uncle Qi is a man who talks about credibility, since he promised the little girl, he should do what he says. In addition to a little white rabbit and a bottle of wine that he has already made, girls drink wine best. Not only beauty and beauty, but also regulate physiology.

Qi Jie sent off Uncle Qi in a good mood, and he led the star slaves to start the treasure hunt. Because the planet's plants grow a lot of things, he must carefully look for various resources hidden in the grass. For example, watermelon bodies hidden in stinky bushes, strawberry bushes hiding in wild hemp bushes. Wild strawberries are small, but bright in color and sweet and sour. It is not comparable to strawberries in ordinary greenhouses. When he thought of the greenhouse, Qi Jie's heart suddenly moved, why must he store food for the winter? Why can't you build a greenhouse?

Anyway, it's still early in winter, and the next time Uncle Qi comes back, he will definitely let him bring something similar to the thickness of plastic film. In this way, in winter, there can also be endless vegetables. It is not like the main star like W, the climate is mild all year round, or the main star does not have four seasons at all. They don't have much temperature difference, and fresh vegetables are eaten all year round. It's different here, it gets cold in winter, and if you don't have enough food, you're likely to go hungry.

After making up his mind, Qi Jie felt that the future did not seem to be as difficult as he imagined. So he greeted the star slave behind him and said, "Transplant the plants we found back to our base camp according to the method I taught you." There is a large clearing in front of the valley where strawberries and watermelons are planted first. As we move on, there should be more food waiting to be discovered.

However, they walked for half a day, and in addition to finding the most common wheat and another corn field, they found only a small pond with fish flowers. Qi Jie was not too annoyed, he knew that luck could not be good forever. Besides, if the mountains are full of food, it makes him feel unreal.

After resting for half an hour, Qi Jie ate some fruit and nibbled on half a cold steamed bun, and continued to move forward with the star slaves. This time, only a dozen star slaves were followed, as well as teenage children and a few women. Because of the shortage of human resources, most of the star slaves went to build houses according to the drawings drawn by Qi Jie. So the burden of finding food fell to them, old and young women and children. It's not a lot of work, everyone enjoys enjoying the scenery along the way.

After resting, Qi Jie continued to lead everyone forward, and there was an open plain in front of him. At this time, it was two o'clock in the afternoon, and the skin was a little itchy with the sun wine. The plain is endless, and any plant can be seen clearly. Not far away is a wetland, covered with a large area of reeds. Pheasants flock in flocks, which is another good dish. Eggs are estimated to be quite a lot, and Zijie silently marked an egg mark on the map. Further away, the vast expanse of land is also roaming in groups. Qi Jie felt that he had arrived in a prairie, which was simply the cradle of life.

So Qi Jie lowered his head and drew a large piece of meat on the map. In a short time, they no longer have to worry about running out of meat. But hunting is not long, and from now on, they will start keeping livestock in captivity. Today's harvest is quite large, although only two new species have been discovered, but there are many of them. Qi Jie was just about to give the order to go home, but he was attracted by a green plant with white flowers on the highland not far away.

So Qi Jie walked over unhurriedly, there were still a lot of plants, and a large area grew a high land. Qi Jie's eyes lit up, isn't this - cotton? Qi Jie greeted everyone excitedly: "Look quickly, we have clothes, we have a quilt for the cold in winter!" "

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