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Chapter 24

There are advantages and disadvantages to talking about business at the wine table, the advantage is that Qi Jie not only received orders for wine sales, but also received a lot of orders for cotton underwear, beef and mutton, and fruits and vegetables. The downside is that this little white tender tofu is drunk. He held the wine glass in his hand, and pushed the glass towards Yu Lang vigorously: "Come on, dry, and ... One more drink. Wine is known to be less than a thousand glasses, wine is more worried, wine is not drunk, people are drunk, a pot of wine between flowers, drinking alone without blind dates. Come on, dry up! Féon

: ...

Drink it again, it is estimated that he will not even remember who he is. What's all this mess up with? He is your knowledge, so what am I? Yu Lang also drank a lot, looking at the two hooked shoulders, Fei Ang couldn't stand it anymore. He walked directly over with long legs, carried Qi Jie and walked towards the bedroom. Before going out, he instructed Sister Qingtian: "Prepare a cover for Yu Fa Cai, and nest wherever he goes."

Of course, Sister Qingtian would not let the rich man Yu find a place to nest in casually. Although there are not many courtyards that have just been built, there is nothing to sleep in a rough room in the summer. It's just that there are many mosquitoes in summer, and this night can be a bitter rich man. When I woke up in the morning, I was bitten by mosquitoes and turned into a flower face, although the earth's food is delicious, the earth's mosquitoes are also fierce!

However, this night, the most comfortable person to sleep was Fei Yiguan. Delicious little white tender tofu in your arms, not too soft. They are already drunk like this, and if he doesn't pay attention to his clothes, of course, it will dishonor his reputation as a well-dressed beast. So, this night, the soft and obedient little white tender tofu was first this way and then like that, and then like that.

(When there is an H here, omit 10,000 words.) When

he woke up the next day, Zijie reached out and touched something hard. Hard with soft, and a little hot. Although it was summer, it was still a little cold in the morning and night, so Qi Jie leaned towards the hard state. As soon as I turned over, I immediately realized that something was wrong, why did I hurt here and there? Especially the place in the back, it hurts like a tear! Muma, the god horse happened last night? But the brain went blank, and any images of yesterday were wiped out as if they had been demagnetized.

Qi Jie rubbed his head, forget it, don't think about it, no matter what happened to him, it is important to fill his stomach first. But when he came together, he happened to see a certain big-tailed wolf looking at him for a moment. And he was all over his body, showing in front of the other party naked. Without explaining anything, the pain that came from the unspeakable place before the kiss marks on his body made him realize a problem. Last night he lost! Body! Finish!

Qi Jie was stunned for a long time, who will tell him how to face this situation? Should he be red-faced and accused of his animal behavior, or should he throw himself into his arms with a rain of powder, pounding his chest with a pink fist and crying that you are bad, you are bad, you are bad, bad? Or pretend that nothing happened, and say shyly about last night's events, we all forgot!

Nima, who can tell him what to do when this happens! He is a man, not a sister, and he can't pull the collar of this clothed beast to make him responsible. I can't cry out with tears in my eyes, oh no, what should I do?

Just when Qi Jie was at a loss, Fei Ang took his shoulders and took him into his arms: "What's wrong?" Where is it uncomfortable? I already helped you with the medicine last night, and fortunately, I didn't hurt you. I also helped clean up the things inside, if you still feel uncomfortable, go take a bath, maybe you are a little uncomfortable in the past two days. But it's okay, you'll love it later. After speaking, he took a sip on Qi Jie's forehead and pinched the bridge of his nose.

The corner of Qi Jie's mouth twitched, the one who dares to be on the quilt is not you, for Mao, can you face this matter so naturally? Qi Jie's brain twitched and said, "Don't you think it's better for us to meet the parents of both sides before doing this?" After all, this kind of thing is only allowed in the cave room on a candlelight night! Isn't there any pressure at all for you as a national civil servant to do the matter of getting on the bus first and then making up the ticket?

Feang was obviously shocked after listening to Qi Jie's words, he thought that this little guy would explode, get angry, and make a fuss. He was ready to coax him. But he never expected that this little white tender tofu would wrinkle a small face and teach him such a serious lesson. That is to say, he is not rejecting this matter, but just needs a name?

Feion exhaled softly and hugged him into his arms again: "I'm sorry dear, but I didn't think it through enough." What do you think of this? Next week, there happens to be a military exercise, and my father will go to the nearest main star to patrol. I asked him to stop by and settle the matter for the two of us. Fei Ang thought for a while: "By the way, let him bring the president of the civil affairs council, by the way, we will get the certificate, how about it?" Qi

Jie now wants to kill his own heart, why did he just cast his brain to say those words? Now in this case, at least he can refuse him, if as he said, 'By the way, let's get the certificate' won't it become a legal force? No, no, no, he would never allow that to happen. Qi Jie immediately shook his hand and said, "No, no, forget it, I'm just joking." His old man is so busy, it's better not to bother. Ah, are you hungry, how about I feed you below?

Fei Ang said with a smile: "I have already eaten yesterday, don't be shy, don't worry about your father's attitude." We were allowed by him before, and asked him to come, but it was just a supplementary ticket as you said. Come, get dressed, I just asked Sister Sunny to prepare porridge, go and drink a little first. Qi

Jie Muran's quilt was put on, and now it was good, even the eldest sister on a sunny day was for him to drive. This colorful life, by God, why did he drink so much wine last night?

Although Qi Jie's mood was very painful, based on the thick and strong thigh, he had to accept it resignedly. So his mood turned from sad to low. However, when he went out and saw Yu Fei, his low mood immediately improved. Looking at Yu Fei's still handsome face yesterday, which turned into adolescent sequelae overnight, Qi Jie knew what happened last night. Although he was very unkind, he still laughed very unkindly with Fei Yiguan.

Yu Fei rolled his eyes angrily: "Smile and smile, what's so ridiculous?" I'm like this, you can still laugh? What kind of creature was that last night? Why are you both okay? "

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