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Chapter 33

The Earth System Food Experimental Site finally opened under Yu Fei's intense Zhang Luo, and the first batch of materials delivered was enough for them to operate for a month. In addition to various earth-based stir-fries, the first batch of dishes was also grilled meat and hot pot. Qi Jie originally wanted to add another teppanyaki, but because the iron plate has always been inappropriate, he left it for the time being. But for full-time foodie Fion, every fresh delicacy is something he never forgets. What he can't forget in his heart is to let Qi Jie bake one for him! So he was practicing the soldiers' empty space, and when he had nothing to do, he went to the back mountain to lead his brother to catch wild boars.

However, Qi Jie has been busy hitting the back of his head these days, and he has no time to bake one for him, but it has enriched the breeding industry in the global village. Wild boars are too fierce and can only be kept separately from other animals. In order to prevent the wild boar from attacking other animals and humans, Fion asked the brethren to dig a large pit, throw the wild boar into it, and then sit on the edge of the pit and watch the wild boar race. Life is so pleasant.

And Qi Jie was shocked by the energy of the star slaves these days, since the house was divided, the star slaves got up before dawn to work hard. Male laborers went to cultivate land and build greenhouses. The women built flapjacks and stir-fried shredded pickles for the men to eat. Then boil a pot of mung bean soup to relieve the heat and fatigue. The men ate directly in the field and went to work. The women returned from cleaning up the pots and stoves, and then went to raise silkworms to collect flowers and weave fabrics.

The children carried flapjack rolls and pickles to collect various fruit fungi, wild vegetables and melons. While picking and transporting to the warehouse, the warehouse was filled with them for a morning. had to let them temporarily put them on the deck, Qi Jie had no choice, so he had to let Yu Fei quickly contact the star orbit ship to pull it away for sale. For the star slaves' chicken-blooded way of working, Qi Jie is also happy to see it. However, I still advise everyone that each person must drink a pot of mung bean soup, a pot of chrysanthemum tea, and a bowl of lotus heart water every day. Pay attention to the heat and never fall. The star slaves said that this is hairy? Back then, labor and management carried a beast in one hand and still chased a group of big guys with no way to escape, and the temperature in our hometown was simply the flame mountain of the main population compared to here!

Qi Jie said that the star slaves' physique is not sharp. I had to let them go to □, and I had to improve their food a little. But the women's flapjack rolls with shredded pickle meat, the taste is called a compliment! When he was a child, his favorite thing was to eat stir-fried shredded meat with pickles, and he could eat it in one breath with a roll of flapjacks! However, after looking at the food intake of the star slaves and the food intake of Feon, he felt that he could simply be called a little bird stomach. After watching Fei Ang eat five flapjack rolls and shredded pickle meat in one go, Qi Jie said that people with large amounts of rice hated the most!

In addition to flapjacks, Zijer also taught women to make pancakes. Pancakes can be made with a variety of grains, corn, sorghum, mung beans, millet, etc., all coarse grain flour and into a paste, brush on the bottom pan, after drying and peel off, roll green onions and pickles, crispy, crispy and fragrant. Star slaves love to eat, Qi Jie loves to eat, and Feion loves to eat. This one is stronger than flapjacks, and it smells of coarse grains. After Yu Fei ate it once, he added another variety - pancake roll green onions to the earth-based gourmet test site.

Unexpectedly, this down-to-earth multigrain staple food unexpectedly received high praise. It has become a must-order staple in the store, and almost every diner is full of praise for it. They all asked what it was made of and why the taste was so unique. So Yu Fei thought of a way to ask Qi Jie to make a propaganda poster introducing the origin of the food. For example, pancake rolls with shredded pickles, what kind of corn is used to make pancakes, and what nutritional characteristics it contains. When I was done, I posted it to the door, and I found that everyone was interested in this strange-looking plant and wanted to visit the plantation.

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