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Rosalie is now doing my hair in brown gorgeous bouncy curls , Turns out my usual messy bun or natural waves won't cut it. Alice is applying my makeup only lightly cause my face is pretty much flawless as they call it.

Then comes the dress....... It was actually cute, Shiny red and black lace strapless dress matching handbag and red shimmering shoes it was beautiful.

They got me dress and apparently I put the bra on wrong no wonder it felt very uncomfortable. Then came the dress I was very careful wearing this because I'm not use to wearing nice things even though were rich my everyday clothing consist of jeans and a random shirt. Now its 2:30 which meant time for my party

I walked down stairs to the living room and saw my parents my dad said "You look beautiful honey!" My mom looked like if she could cry she would cry the Mississippi River I also saw Sherri and Ashley they gasped because like them I'm not much of a girly girly either.

before I can even finish saying my hellos and waiting for all the guest to arrive.

"Presents time" Alice squeaked. Jeez the party just began and she can't wait to show me her big and most likely expensive gift!

I sat down and my parents gave me their gift which was an iPhone5. Then my best friends gave me a necklace that read B.F.F and our name on the back I cried and hugged them. Emmett and Rose got me a car... a red shiny car but too bad its for me when I turn seven. Esme and Carlise got me some books about cooking and med stuff

"Now Esme you got to teach me how to cook and Carlisle I need to know med stuff" I smirk which earns many laughs from the room and I hugged them. Alice and jasper got me a gift card for $1,000

"Tommorow I'll take you to go spend all of it" Alice said so excited

"Alice I'm fine I'll spend it later"

She frowned but quickly got over it thanks guys. "Wait you have one more present" I heard Jacobs sexy, husky voice say while he walk through door with that million dollar smile.

He handed me a bracket with a wolf on it and.... a little heart! oh god I'm literally going to die this is sooo sweet!

"Thanks Jacob I love it" I observed it more closer and soon remembered my mom has one just like it. I went over to my friends and noticed Seth was looking at Sherri all weird???. and I could of sworn I saw SherrI .... BLUSH?!?! stop the present Sherri doesn't ever I mean never blush!!! I draged her into the kitchen asked Esme to give us some privacy.

"WOAH umm.. Sherri do you like Seth?!?" Yeahh I'm a snop but they get involved with my love life so its only fair!

"You little snooper! ... But he could never like a girl like me I mean look at him his so cute, and funny and sweet and plus I already have a boyfriend" she stated matter-of-factually almost trying to convince herself.

"Oh my god! Go talk to him use your own advice once in awhile and forgot Dean his not right for you." I shouted he really was'nt I mean Sherri isn't exactly a "ray of sunshine" but Dean is a urg. can't think of the it because again mind reading dad!!

When I said that Dean walked in and and kissed her on the cheek and they walked out of the kitchen. I could hear Seth growling with my super vampire hearing. I then thought about how I should tell Jake how I fell then my dad walked in... "Hello Hun". "Hey Daddy"

"Nessie I think you should tell Jacob how you fell." Oh crap can't believe he heard that thought

"okay da-" he interrupted me " If it does go well promise me you guys will take it slow . because your still my little girl."

"Okay dad I promise".

"Oh and one more thing!" he says

making me turn around to face him. I nod for him to continue.

"Don't be afraid to think what you want to think every time your around me you try to block your thoughts or when you fantasy you quickly change it to how embarrassing it would be if I am listening.

I nod and say "Okay, thanks daddy" I haven't called him daddy in awhile and with that I too leave the kitchen. To be greeted by the sex god that is Jacob Black!

"Hey Nessie can I talk to you" Jake said a bit shaky

"Sure Jake" . "Lets take a walk in the forest." Jake said we've always take walks in the forest, ever since I was younger.

We walk, no particular place and then he turned his body so our faces are inches away.

"Nessie I. Love. You......"

*Gasp* "Really Jake I have a huge crush on you to!!!!" I exclaimed!

" No. Nessie It's more than a silly crush ..... I Imprinted on you"

I was shocked I knew what imprinting was something like love at first sight saying I was happy is not enough credit I'm over the moon! because I was truly in love with Jacob so I'm glad he made me "HIS!"

but I was mad because no one told me I have a right to know when someone puts a Wolfe claim on me! I ran away back to my house and locked myself in my room I could hear Jake saying more like begging and pleading

"Nessie wait" but I kept going not wanting to see him or anyone.

*Edwards P.O.V.

Renesmee And Jacob went on a walk to talk about something I presume it was to confess her love for him, I saw him come back without..... my daughter! I swear if lost her hurt her I'll have him personally nurtured myself!

"WHERES RENESMEE" I screamed then his thoughts pooled into my mind before they got passed his lip he told her he imprinted on her. "What you told her !!!!" my voice now getting enraged that Bella ran vampire speed by my side

"Whats going on?" she spoke

"He told her he imprinted on her"

"WHAT JAKE YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO TELL HER. WHERE THE HELL IS SHE!!!!" her voice to enraged almost matching mine, I felt everyone eyes on me, I don't care If I'm drawing attettion to myself

"SHE RAN HOME" He yelled getting upset probably the feelings of rejection overcoming him.

Me and Bella ran vampire speed home and knocked on Renesmee's room "GO AWAY I DON'T WANNA SEE YOU GUYS!" She said in a sobbing tone that just shatters my unbeaten heart.

"Honney whats the matter, please let us in" bella said in a pleading manner.

"How come you guys never told me I'm Jacobs imprint?" She growled back in a more angry tone.

"Can you open the door and we can talk face to face. Please.... "

Renesmee's P.O.V.

I opened the door and they both walked in "We never told you because we didn't want you to fell forced into loving him, we wanted you to love him or anyone else on your own terms" Mom said as always in her calming voice.

I sniffled "well I have a right to know" I state matter-of-factly.

"Yes you do, and you have ever right to be mad at us, but don't be mad at Jacob he wanted to tell you" My mom said

"I've read both of you guys mind you both obviously love each other" my dad said.

"Okay I'll go talk to Jake. Thanks mom and dad I love you guys so much"

"And we love you to Renesmee" They said together in unison

comment . vote. idea. should i keep going our stop. anyone like it or no????

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