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Renesme P.O.V.

it was getting Late So me and jake went down to lapush to get Iris And Laura was hanging out with jared that made Jacob mad but his just going to have to accept it.

When we got home we saw that sherry and seth were already home since they live next to us. and when we walked in we saw someone who we didnt plan on seeing....


From the volturi she had a smile on her face she knew we weren't expecting her. then she spoke

"I have a message from aro. "

"well lets here it" Jake said looking ready to phase at any moment if needed

"He sees you and jake and sherry and seth have gotten married and had children. werewolf are or natural emnimes and its ununimaginable to what these one thrid vampire, wolfes, and humans will become"

"were not sure if they're wolves mostly boys are" jake said

"Yes we no that dog. and in the neat future you guys will plan to birth a boy"

"Yes we do but we can asure you they will not be a danger to our kind"

"Will be back to check"


"Dont worry about that"

and like that she was gone....

I told Laura and iris to got to bed. they were sweet girls they listened and they loved me and jake so much why did jane have to ruin our night.

I wonder if they twins or liya have any special ability??


A few Months later we found out the twins powers Iris Could send anyone anywhere she wanted to send them. and laura could control technology.

Also Liya was looking like a 3yr old the twins looked 7. Liya power was sorta the opposite of my dad she could let her thoughts be heard so we have to teach her not to use it around humans

seth and jake were taking out liya's crib and putting a bed in her room i know sherrys sad her babygirl is growing up but im pretty sure alice and rose are sader but then her expression changed i guess liya told them something in their mind because they said

"Awww Liya"

Liya came over to me she was so cute she reminds me of sherry when i first met her but sherry grew at a normal rate well that is until she got older techinally sherrys 13 So shes done growing and im 9 so im done growing.

were all going to school once the kids get fully grown Jared and laura are acting like bestfriends they use to act like brother and sister but not anymore and each time laura grows Jacob gets mader and mader that his little girl is going to be with Jared

We saw a black car outside It was the Denali clan which meant ASHLEY was back me and sherry ran to hug her she wasnt as cold as our parents but wasnt as warm as us?? And honestly she looked a little fat?

liya came up to her and so did the twins Ashley never seen liya and she havnt seen the twins in like a year! liya said

"Hi Im Shaliya clearwater but they call me liya"

"Im Ashley you looked just like your mom but with seths smile"

Ashley looked kinda sick so me and sherry took the kids back inside and went on a walk with Ashley.

"Ashley are you okay????"

"Yeah never better im a vampire"

"How does embry fell about all this"

"He was the one to arange it"

"Did it hurt"

"No i didnt fell anything"

Ashley started throwing up blood we had a felling she was pregnant! but shes a full vampire how????? we walked back to carlisle house and told carlisle everything he couldn't believe it but as always he had an explanation

"When i changed her she had no reactions they're might be apart of her that is still human because she not as cold as us and she still has a heartbeat"

Everyone looked shock rose and alice were jelous a vampire having a child! but they were happy it would be another baby to hold!

Embry P.O.V.

i was happy that my mate was having a child when i asked carlisle to change her i knew she wouldn't be aloud to bear a child but now she can the first well the first heard vampire to have a child.

sorry its short what do you guys think of my twist

give any ideas please thanks for reading more to come soon!

Renesmee After Dawn(Being Edited)(WATTY AWARDS 2013)Where stories live. Discover now