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Rose P.O.V.

seth and sherry left for their honeymoon I Didn't like the fact she married a dog but if it had to be anyone from the wolf pack i like is seth he actually likes us vampires well 'bloodsuckers' as jake calls us.

Sherry Is My new necice i love her i love doing her hair now i only have nessie shes not that in to it wait i have iris but not laura unfortunately shes likes nessie and Bella sherry will be back in 2 weeks i hope me Alice and esme got them a house about 2 mi from our house .

I was sitting with Emmett My Mate He kissed me on the cheeks brushing my hair back. I wonder what sherry is doing ? with her new dog husband!

Sherry P.O.V.

today was the best day ever im offically Mrs. Clearwater i love that ring to my new name as me and seth got to our swept in Malibu he picked me up bridal style since it was traditional he

took mostly all the bags all i had was my carry on. Good thing im not full vampire or I'd sparkle since this is the most sunnest place ever.

Seth Came over a his warm lips kissed my cold lips well not cold cold but not warm either his kiss just took me out of my thougts.

I Kissed him back and he threw me on the bed it literally got warmer in the room.

He took off his shirt and looked even more perfect than before i took of mine and well you know what happens on a couples 'honeymoon'.....

The next Morning me and seth decided to go to the beach i grabed my swim suit and went into the bathroom to change .

when i got out seth was shirtless but had on swimming trunks. We went outside to Malibu's beach and it was ALOT OF PEOPLE not really i big fan of crowds . Not all the time anyways.

While Me and seth were talking some random guy was looking at us but seth didn't noticed he left to go get something from the icecream cart and then that random guy walked over and stater flirting with me not going to lie he was cute not as cute as seth but cute.

I wasn't really paying attention i saw a blonde girl walk up to seth being half vampire i can hear really well bitch was flirting 1-800- Choke dhat hoe!

Then i got up and walked down to wear seth was that dude was following me and seth noticed he was flirting like really his just Noticing. I was like two inches from the hoes face about to beat her down when seth kissed me.

Like really! then that bitch looked all embrassesed and walked away but apparently the dude still was in to me.

"Sooooo... anyways are you available Saturday" His dumb ass said!

Seth Looked like he was about to snap! Seth Punched him in the face OHHHHH boy boy!!!

So we literally walked away like nothing happen. no fair seth got to hit that random dude but i couldn't use 1-800 chock dhat hoe!

We Swam Alittle and surfed well he surfed i was doing more splashing then surfing he also got pushed alot!

We went back to the hotel took a shower not together but that could be a good idea!! lol. i got out of the shower put on a purple t-shirt and some shorts!

Im usually the one who picks out seth clothes since i hate his fashion choices I got him a holester black shirt and some cargos! with van shoes! He looked okay i guess.

Then we packed well i packed our bags since we were leaving tommorow he was eating as always! Good thing i know how to cook. Wolves eat ALOT!

so i finished packing and seth came over to me kissing on my neck and i pulled him to the bed were we kept kissing and a little extra?? if you know what i mean...

****** The Next Morning *******

I woke up in seths warm arms god i love having him to keep me warm all night every night! But this morning i felt a little sick? i tried to shake it off i got out of bed not trying to wake seth successfully i didn't until i ran to the bathroom and puked.

He sounded freakin gross coming out and when i saw it i knew i woke seth up because i felt his warm hand on my back "Im fine" I lied.

he gave me a look i knew he knew i lied but he went along with it carried the bags and gave me a piggy back ride to the rental car outside . We were at the airport like that! and ofcource he carried me to the plane to how sweet is he!

Uhg a 19 hour flight back to forks! i listened to music for a while an seth slept the whole time why do wolves sleep alot i occasionally went to the bathroom to puke . and finally this death trap with wings landed!

I woke up Seth So he can carry me again! And in the car was alice and rose i missed them so much i ran and gave them a hug while seth and rose were putting the bags in the car alice came to talk to me...

"Congratulations" she said smileing as always

"Congratulations???? For what?"

"Your pregnant!"

i looked shocked but that would explain my morning sickness i wonder what it was?

"Its a girl..... shes due in 4 weeks. So we dont have much time to buy baby things so your comings tommorow"

Uhggg I love shopping but go shopping with alice she will make you hate it! I got in the car and rose and seth did to we began driving to carlisle house or so i thought.

Me and seth were looking lost as fuck. Then alice had that same smile that ment she knew something but now rose had that smile

"Where the hell are we going?"

"Home" alice said

"Whos home...?"

"Yours" Rose said handing me a key

we got out the car and walked in it was cute like a little cabin a big tv even a nursery for the baby girl and two more extra rooms i guess alice knew that we would want more kids . and our room sorta looked like our Malibu swept but better!.

i loved it and i especially loved my closet cleary rose and alice did this and seths closet hands down Emmett did this. Uhg dont worry ill fix it later.

Seth fell alseep again !!! Ashley and nessie walked in.

"PREGGO CHICK" Ashley and nessie said.

"what are you going to name her " nessie said

"i dont know i want something unique something pretty"

" Heres an awsome unique name..... ASHLEY!!" Ashley crazy self said.

i laughed and shook my head no and then dad and mom walked in jeez what the hell is this a family gathering i thought.

"Watch your language we just wanted to see you " He said.

crap why did he have to be a mind reader.... you cant even have privacy in your own mind what kind of bullshit is that. he gave me a look.

"I know i know watch the language" i said in a mocking tone.

" Your Daughter is going to be my flower girl" nessie said and then Ashley recived a text message from alice.

"Alice says shes way ahead of you too on the flower girl things"

"Ofcource she is" i said and everyone stared laughing


thanks for reading!!!

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