First Double Date{。}

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Renesmee P.O.V.

I talked to Jacob I told him I wasn't mad anymore I just thought that I had a right to know information like that.

I guess me and Jake are like together now its like a dream come true!!!! Woah, did that though just cross my mind, I've clearly been spending to much time with Alice And Rosalie anyway,

I have to text Sherri and Ashley. I got on my laptop enter our pravite chat room

Sherry - Hey Nessie

Ashley- Wassup Ness

Me- Me and Jake OUR DATING YOUR ADVICE WORKED!!! (I Think, Boys Are Complicated)

Sherry - Told ya!!

Ashley- DUHHHH thats like wayy overdue

Sherry - I have some good news to.... and bad news.

Me- what?

Ashley ?

Sherry - bad news Dean was cheating on me with that blond cheerleader from school goodish news Seth killed him like literally killed him BEST NEWS IN THE WORLD WERE DATING (I thinl, boys are Complicated...."

Ashley - Dean is a jerk I'm glad Seth killed him and you and Seth AHHHHHHHH

Me- WOAH YOU AND SETH OMG!!!! WERE WOLF GIRLS and I told you Dean wasn't any good for you

Sherry - yes nessie I know your always right and we need to hook Ashley up!

I could almost see the sacasm written all over Sherri's face.

Ashley - Uh. no I'm capable of finding my own (complicated) boyfriend

Me- You guys are crazy love yall got to go have fun with Sethhhhh!!! :)

Sherry - shutup Nessie have fun with Jakeyyy and bye Ashley bye Nessie oh yay were going on a double date seya their :)

Ashley - bye you guys seya laters :):):)

I shut down my laptop smiling I love those girls I have to get ready for my double date me and Jake and Sherry and Seth mann, we need to get Ashley a boyfriend!!!! so we can triple date!!!! God, I'm turning into Alice.

Sherry came over and put me in a blue shiny dress while she was wearing a pitch black dress it really showed off her chest area she looked amazing as always she let my natural curls hang down and I curled her hair.

We took pictures like we always do she had some matching shoes for me and a matching handbag wow shes been around Alice a little to much but aleast shes still using her signature dark mysterious colors and strapless dresses.

Seth And Jacob both arrived Seth was wearing a black shirt so they kinda looked all matchey and Jacob wore a blue shirt matching exactly to my dress, suspicious.

Sherry smiled at me confirming my suspicion. I knew she had something to do with us looking all matchey. We took my red car I was so happy my dad gave permission for Jake to take me on a date and to use to my brand new car!

We went to some restaurant by lapush beach Seth and Sherry sat somewhere eles they were such a cute couple and so were me and Jake. Speaking of Jake I noticed alot of cute full chested girls smiling and staring at Jake this made me jelous My face must of showed it.

"Nessie I don't care what girl is looking at me I only see you.."

" Aww Jakey!!! " I said clearly blushing

*********1hr later**********

Jacobs P.O.V.

We left a tip grabing Sherry and Seth I dropped Neessie off home Seth took Sherry to his house I guess for an 'extended' date Nessie looked so beautiful in the moonlight we both leaned in right when our lips were about to meet ......

Edward open the door "Time to come in Renesmee " he said all cold like" and he growled at me. What a pain!

Renesmee P.O.V.

"Renesmee what were you thinking I told you and Jacob to take things slow your to young for kissing"

"But dad I'm like 15 and we love each other"

"Your only 5 if you wanna be logical"

I sighed I hate when he always does this"fine im going to my room and maybe I'll finger paint you something, or but on my onezie and feetie pajamas" I say sarcastically.

I can't believe my dad just ruined what would of been the best day of my exists urg, what a pain he can be sometimes not scatch that ALL the time


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