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Ashley's P.O.V.

I was at Embry's house at quellings reservation along with the entire wolf pack they were watching football Uhg. i hate sports but i pretend to watch until embry gets up and answers the phone i think hes talking to carlisle his been spending alot of time with carlisle actually. i wonder what they're up too....

Embry Returned "Hey ash we should get you back to the cullens house."'I looked confused since i usually stay with embry and the pack. Now tonight im going to be cold like really cold I couldn't find anything to say but


He drove me to carlisle house and my bags were already in their guess room and again embry was talking to carlisle he saw me looking and just gave me a crooked smile....

So i took a shower but on some long fuzzy pants long sleeve shirt and socks yeah im in a house full of vampires its cold!! So i went to sleep.


Embry has asked me to transform his mate into a vampire since he wanted to live forever with her he has asked me to do it while she was alseep shes been alseep for 30 mins

I walked up to the guess room i dont really like changing people but noone deserves to loose a love one ..

I pulled her soft brown hair back uncoveing her neck i could smell her warm blood . as i got closer and closer to her neck the smell became stronger i sanked my teeth into her neck. she had no reaction it was really hard to stop she tasted amazing but some how i managed to...

She still had no recation to the venom i could fell and she her skin becoming cold and pale soon her hair perfect porcelain eyelids Flick Open And a red eyed Ashley awoken....

The strange thing about it was her heart still seamed to be beating... She smiled and walked to the mirror she was now something unbreakable, perfect, without flaw.

"Wheres Embry?" She asked

"His downstairs but before you can see anyone you need to hunt."

I took her outside edward joined us and we ran vampire speed into the woods it didnt take her long to get the hang of things she smelled all the animals caught a deer and bear she was a natural.

Edward P.O.V.

we walked back to the house and saw sherry and nessie and jake and Embry she wasn't to phased since she didnt really like the smell of the wolves but she couldn't smell embry only jake.

I read her mind she wanted to attack nessie and sherry they had human blood in their veins sherry was about to hug her i gave her a look that meant not to and i walked Ashley inside with embry

"Listen Ashley i read your mind is it okay if you live with our cousin the until you can control yourself embry can go with you"

She nooded she knew it would be best for her friends and without telling them she left.

"Hey dad were Ashley" sherry and nessie said

"She went to live with the Denali coven until she can adapt to this lifestyle"

They looked sad they didnt know why she had to leave so i told them

"Outside she wanted to attack you guys and iris and laura have the most human blood it was driving her crazy"

They looked more sad but now they knew why she had to leave to protect them iris... Laura... nessie.... sherry and her unborn child would be in danger with Ashley

"She will be back in a few months"

I assured them

Nessie left iris and laura with me today while her and sherry can do something together like old times.

Ashley P.O.V.

Me and embry drove in silence all. the way to the Denali's place it was going to be hard living without my friends i can only imagine how embry was taking it i mean living with a bunch of vampires!

When we arrived Kate and Carmen were outside waiting for us embry took our bags inside while i went hunting with kate and Carmen . with embry living here that gave them a reason to buy food.

sorry its short.

had homework to do but thanks for reading.

Renesmee After Dawn(Being Edited)(WATTY AWARDS 2013)Where stories live. Discover now