New Child. New Love.

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Nessie P.O.V.

I was with sherry at carlisle house since her 4 weeks of being PREGGO CHICK were almost over uhg no i cant make fun of her being fat like her and Ashley did with me we were up in carlisle mini hospital thats what i call it it was me and seth.

alice and rose were down stairs they couldn't wait for a new baby since the twins looked about 5 now so alice and rose wanted another baby to hold.

sherry wont probably get to even see her daughter! Seth was rubbing her stomach his very sweet they were such a cute couple ! better than her last boyfriend dean but if anyone ever mentione his name seth growls. uhg werewolfs these days.


nessie walked out the room and all of a sudden While seth was rubbing My stomach i felt a kick i know seth felt it to because he was smiling then she started to kick harder and alot

"Carlisle its time" Seth shouted

Carlisle ran vampire speed into the room and injected me with morphine i looked away as he took out the scalpel me and seth were facing each other the entire time he obviously didnt wanna see it either.

I felt something sharp the pain was excruciating i was crushing seths hand he fell down to his knee then i loosen my grip on his hand we both heard a cry and turned to face Carlisle.

who was handing me my beautiful daughter she looked like a combination of me and seth since i had a darker completion then seth our daughter was tan like red skinned she had seths eyes my smile but she was warm like seth how cute she had my brown hair actually her hair was mixed with brown and black seths hair is black also.

since she looked like a combination of me and seth i decided to give her a name that sounded like both of ours it took alot of thinking then i found a perfect name....

"What do you wanna name her?" seth asked


He smiled

"Any middle names???"

"Shaliya sue clearwater"

He smiled i loved sue she was the best mother in law ever i cant wait for her to meet Shaliya.

i got cleaned up and when i went down stairs i was suprise seth was still holding Shaliya alice and rose didnt take her well they wanted to and seth finally caved in and gave her to them. alice put her in a purple shirt that read 'Imma Big deal' i rolled my eyes.

"Can i have my baby back" i asked

rose and alice looked said actually rose looked like she wanted to say no

"babe give her back her baby you have plenty of time to play with her later" Emmett said

she pouted but then gave her to me and walked over to emmett Iris and laura came over to me

"Who is this aunt sherry" Laura asked

"Your new cousin shaliya"

they smiled and iris gave her a hug they all looked so sweet nessie wedding is tommorow too bad that shaliya wont be able to walk by that age so i might probably walk behind her and throw the flowers for her or she might use iris and laura.

Jacob and leah Came over and smiled and shaliya "Awww she looks like seth" Leah said

Jacob also smiled and said " Maybe she should have a nickname shaliya is a little long ..... what about liya!"

"I Like that ..... Liya!" I said

Me Seth and Liya went home i put her in her pink crib since she was already alseep and kissed her on her forehead and got back in bed with seth who was kissing me all over my body

"Seth...... We Literally just had a daughter....."

He laughed and we both went to sleep.

*****The Next Day... The Wedding*********

Renesmee P.O.V.

I was Nervous As Hell I didnt even eat I got into the shower took an extra long one since i didn't take one at all yesterday when i got out alice rose and sherry were waiting for me .

rose did my hair just like mind and even put in grandma swans family harloom that one day will soon be Laura's ans iris's

Alice Put on my dress it was nothing like sherrys well it was White and then sherry did my makeup nothing hevy since they say my face was already flawless.

"Dad Shes Ready" sherry said

"Coming he said Rushing vampire speed up stairs"

and sherry and alice and rose took their position.

dad told me it wasn't to late to back out and how he loved me and his proud of me whatever im so not backing out.

the music began playing and we walked down the asle sherry laura and iris were infront of me that because sherry was holding liya since she was to young to walk and they were throwing the flowers

we got to the alter i saw jacobs perfect smile not paying any attention to the man saying the vows since i memorized them and it came time to say i do and i said it really fast actually me and jake said it at the same time .

and then Kissed it felt better than any kiss we ever shared.....

we didnt go on a honeymoon since we wanted to get right to real life so we did.

thanks for reading sorry if its crap but Yeahh

thankyou post again next time!

Renesmee After Dawn(Being Edited)(WATTY AWARDS 2013)Where stories live. Discover now