Seth and Sherri{。}

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I couldn't take my eyes off of Sherri she was beautiful in everyway. I sigh ofcource a girl like her would have a boyfriend Jake was next to me I guess Nessie ran home from there walk poor Jake I saw some dark haired guy walk in.

I growled looking at sherry's boyfriend kiss her I think his name was Dean? I overheard Nessie say his name.

"Seth you can't get mad your not hers. You guys just meet!" Leah said

"But shes Mine" I said all love strucked. God? I'm turning into one of those teenage shows like teen wolf? or pretty little liars?

"Dont worry litte bro, Nessie told me that she kinda likes you" Leah whispered to me. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks! I'm a dude! dudes don't blush?!

But that made me light up with joy but I still couldn't stand seeing the love of my life yeah yeah we just meet but werewolf genes makes it feel like I've known her for a thousand years. I can't stand seeing her with someone eles I ran outside and phased.....

Leah's P.O.V.

Its so cute my brother found the love of his life and he's already so possessive. But yet I didn't like seeing him like this so I walked over to Sherri and Dean who by the way is where way to much hair gel and colone jeez acting like he came out of playboy magazines.

"Sherri can I talk to you"

"Sure Leah lets go outside" She said a little confused and outside we went.

"Why are you with Dean?" I asked getting straight to the point. She looked at my like "And this is your business because?" but then her expression lighten up.

"You know leah I don't remember we use to have so much chemistry but now I don't fell anything anymore his popular which has its perks his cute again perks but does that matter I should be with someone I L-love right and.... I think I'm in love with seth I know I just met him but...." she rambled all dream like

"Aww thats so sweet" I said "You know he really likes you too...."

She stopped and looked shocked but a good kind of shocked."Seriously wow um Really!?.... but what about dean???? I dont wanna hurt him?!"

"Well....."I singed not knowing what to say

"We should be getting back anyway" Sherri said. I nodded and we turned around "Race ya!" She shouted and took off I laughed as I followed her already feeling a sister bond I ofcource being a werewolf I'm faster than her so I beat her to the door stop she puts on a fake pouty face than laughs and congratulates me.

Right when we walk to the front door Sherri stops dead in her tracks frozen by the sencery playing infront of her Dean liplocking some blond girl I think she was the head cheerleader at her school That ASS before I can conformt her.

Sherri started to tear up and run alot faster than she was when we were racing.

Dean pulled away from that slut just as she began to run.

"SHERRI BABE WAIT ITS NOT-" He was cut off by your truly my little brother Seth Clearwater who was now looking like the big bad wolf, without the wolf


I never seen him so angry until Dean said something that was a big mistake.

"She was just good in bed, Someone I Fucked when nothing good was on tv. I was going to dump her anyway and how is this any of your business? What you have some school girl silly crush on her she'd never date you!" He snickered, nice knowing ya kid. NOT

Seth phased and then ripped Deans head completely off and torn him limb from limb that was the end of that jerko Dean...

Sherri's P.O.V.

I can't belive Dean was cheating on me I should of known I fell so stupid the way we never clicked the same and how he use to always 'study' over at her house I'm so naive! I sat there balling my eyes out til I felt someone brush next to me I figured it was Leah

"Please go away Leah I'm not in the mood to talk"

"Not, Leah" A husky voice spoke I soon I realized it was Seth crap I don't want him to see me like this I'm so embarrassed. When I didn't speak he continued.

"He never deserved you" He sayd scooting closer to me.

"I never deserved him..." It's true he was Mr. Popular and I was just the in betweener crowd.

"Dont ever say that he cheated on you his the stupid one" he said were so close if I move closer I'd be on his lap.

I was still crying then I finally faced Seth his dark spikey hair shinning in the moonlight just right I just wanted to run my fingers through them. I noticed him smiling and leaning in before I can even think I'm to leaning in our lips meet and sparks shoot through me his lips felt warm and soft it felt like a million kisses from him. My heart beat speed up I knew he could hear it but it didnt bother him we would of kissed for hours if Leah didn't come...

"Hey you guys...." she trailed off as we both brake apart starled

"Oh sorry...." she said smiling and then walked away. I laugh while Seth smiles one of those millions dollar smiles but it fades away..

"Sherri I imprinted on you...." He said worriedly 

I knew what imprinting was because I'm bestfriends with a vampire well half and shes bestfriends with wolves let's just say theres never a dull moment. I gasped excitedly

"Is that why you were always staring at me and like beat the crap outta Dean?" I ask

"I did more than beat him up I .... killed him"

I was frightened this guy killed someone well I guess werewolf genes got the best of him. I was also happy he loved me that much to kill someone over me? I finally smiled and said "Wow your one love sick pup aren't you?" I baby talk to him

We both laughed and kissed again sadly not like the first one. I guess were boyfriend and girlfriend right? We walked back to the party holding hands every part of him was warm it just made me melt inside that this boy was all mine I hope? I'll ask him about our relationship status later.

sorry its short havnt got any feedback about it please comment vote something taken all ideas!!!!!

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