The Wedding..!

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Sherry's P.O.V.

I woke up this morning with alice Ashley and nessie literally staring at me waiting for me to wake up .

"What the fuck!?!" i said since they like freaking startled me..

They laughed that shit wasnt funny then i remember today was they day i was going To Be MRS. CLEARWATER EHHHHHP!.

alice noticed my expression....

"come on mrs. Clearwater Go Eat The Wedding is not for another 3 hours"

I nooded uhg that was so freakin long me nessie and Ashley came down stairs wow this is like the first time we've been together alone!

"Were's Iris and laura?"

"At Home with Leah asleep"

Oh I wonder where Seth, Jake and embry are.. as i thought that edward came behind me

"Their Over at quelling reservation"

He can be really annoying some times when he do that freakin mind reading shit

"I heard that" He said walking out the room smileing

Omg Speaking of the cullens Edward and Bella Adopted me im their new daughter well i guess i've always been theirs the way their always their for me but now its official!!

Esme Cooked us pancake, sausage, eggs, bacon, orange juice. Woah who the fuck do she think we are wolves well Ashley eats like one but yeah

"Thanks Esme" We all said.

This is the biggest most important day of my entire life and she expectes me to eat im to nervous to eat even drink.... WAIT hell no i can still eat!

I wolfed down 10 pancakes some sausages, Bacon, not eggs their gross, and i drunk alot of orange juice.

"Look whos wolfing down now" Ashley said smirking!

I rolled My eyes and me and Ashley wait for like 20 mins for nessie to finish eating I was 2 Hrs and 15 mins till the wedding Yeahh... im counting down the minutes.

each minute that ticked by i got nore nervous alice rose nessie and Ashley were up stairs doing something for the wedding.

So Edward was keeping me company yes a mind reading freak.

"So Havning second thoughts about this. its not to late to back out"


"Chill... Just saying"

Woah did edward just say chill?!?!!

"Oh and Sherry You Can call me dad.."

I smiled almost about to cry then i replied

"Okay Edward.. Urrr Dad!"

A huge crooked smile spread across his face the one that bella urrr mom loves the most i gotta get use to calling them mom and dad..

I decide to watch tv since alice still had my phone under lock and key damn shes such a bum! anyone i was watching tv some kid vampire show.

Its so fuckin offensive these vampire shows 1. we dont have fangs 2. we dont have to wear glasses in the sun 3. we can go outside in the sun 4. we dont sprout into fucking bats!

After about 1hr. 30 mins till the wedding alice and rose came for me to get ready got thing we had more than on bathroom because Ashley and nessie have to get ready!.

while i was getting ready i saw Carlisle and Emmett and jasper who were already ready. in tuxedos wow thats a first i seen Emmett in one!!! and esme was packing my clothes for my honeymoon.

Anyone im being dragged into the shower getting my hair washed putting on my under clothes and a robe and just leaving the rest to alice and rose .

Alice Did My makeup , mascara, eye shadow, lip gloss, etc.

and blonde was doing ny hair she blind folded me like wtf i was actually scared . all i remember was feeling heat after about 15 mins i felt her stick something into my hair like on the side of my hair.

She un folded the blind fold and to my suprise i looked cute she must of noticed how i use to always wear bows in my hair so she put a white one in my hair was in curls cany curls.

Bella , esme, Nessie and Ashley came in

"You Look beautiful" bella said

i smiled "Thanks mom"

Woah i called her mom that apparently made her smile.

"THE DRESS!!!" Alice said

this i was sorta excited about since i got to pick it out my self!

Alice and rose helped me in and i put on my white heels . i went to look in the mirror Ashley and nessie came back .

"Awww sherry" Ashley said

"That dress looks exactly like something you would choose" she added

They Both gave me a kiss on the cheek and handed me my flowers and they got theirs too.

They left and went to their position in the alter.

Edward came in ans stood next to me in the mirror.

"Im glad to have you as a daughter even thou you've always been like a daughter to me. you and nessie act just like siblings sometimes yall new each other your whole lives"

He kissed me on the forehead

"You've always been like a dad to me"

He grabbed my arm "You're ready?"

i nooded and the music began to play i could hear my heard pounding and ik dad could hear it to but he just smiled.... Iris and laura were infront of us throwing rose petals on the ground they looked so adorable in their matching dresses!!

My Heart Beat Went Back To Normal When I saw Seth He was smiling it was sk freakin cute!!! I even blushed a little Uhgg Curse My Cheeks!.

When We Got closer to the alter right before edward was about to sit down he said in a low voice

"Take care of her , dog i know were you live"

I gave him a look that ment No!! please stop!

He smiled and sat down with bella

The man began to say some stuff about do i take him to be my husband i wasn't really listening to him because clearly these vows were meant for humans since vampires and wolfevs live forever.

it came the time to say i do and all that nessie gave me my ring and jake gave seth his. seth said "i do" almost immediately after he did and i do the same.

We kissed it felt like a million .

after that they all cheered and my cheeks were burning with blush! uhgg It came time to to throw the flowers!!!!

Ashley Literally pushed one girl out of they way just to catch it! im pretty sure she pushed rose her and rose were fighting over it almost the rest of the wedding.

Speaking of the wedding!!!

CAKE!!!!!! the twins had got alot of cake and the next thing we knew is that they were covered in it!!!

" everythings in the car you guys" Ashley said

i went to the bathroom with her so she could help me take off my wedding dress and into a regular black short dress.

and just like that we left to who knows where noone would tell me.

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