Matching Tattoos

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Eddie stashed the Soul Armageddon CD in his sock drawer, far in the back where Steve wouldn't find it. He didn't want Steve to know that he had it. Then he went to check on the soup he was making. It was coming along nicely. He tasted the broth. It was good but it needed a little something. He thought for a long moment. He'd already added fresh herbs; parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme. He smiled to himself as Scarborough Fair started playing in the back of his head. Fucking Wayne and his damned hippie folk music. He made a mental note to call Wayne later. He tasted the broth again then grabbed a lemon from the bowl of produce next to the coffee maker. He cut it in half and squeezed both halves into the slow cooker before taking another taste. Perfect. Steve would love it.

When Steve came in from work, Eddie was waiting at the door with a beer. He took Steve's briefcase and helped him out of his jacket before kissing him and handing him the beer. Steve took it as he sniffed the air and gave Eddie a hopeful look. Eddie nodded. Dinner was almost ready. Steve excused himself long enough to change out of his work clothes and Eddie sat down to wait for him, picking up his new guitar and strumming absently. When Steve came back, he stood there, sipping his beer and watching Eddie who was so lost in the music that he didn't even notice Steve there. Eddie's head was down, his hair hanging over his face, and he was playing softly. Even without the guitar being plugged into an amplifier, Steve could tell what he was playing.

"Simon and Garfunkel," he asked and Eddie looked up, still playing. "Really?"

"Wayne loved this song," Eddie told him. "It got stuck in my head earlier."

"It sounds good." Steve motioned towards the guitar. "You like it?"

"Fuck yeah," Eddie sighed happily then sat the guitar aside and stood up. He pushed his body against Steve's and Steve wrapped his free arm around Eddie. "I don't know how to thank you for such a beautiful gift."

"Show me your tattoo again." Eddie stepped back, opened his jeans, then folded one side down so Steve could see his name permanently etched into his boyfriend's skin. "God damn, I love that."

"We could get you one too," Eddie smirked as Steve pulled him closer again. "Property of Eddie Munson. I like that idea."

"So do I."

Eddie's eyes went wide. That wasn't what he expected Steve to say. Steve had never expressed interest in getting a tattoo. Even as many times as he went with Eddie to get one, and as many times as Eddie had joked about him getting one, Steve had never seemed like he'd ever consider it. But then, Eddie had never suggested that Steve get his name tattooed on him. It had always been some other idea, something matching one of Eddie's many tattoos.

"Are you serious?" Steve nodded just as the timer in the kitchen sounded. "Dinner's ready." Eddie spun out of Steve's embrace but caught his hand as he went and pulled Steve along behind him to the kitchen. "You'd really get my name tattooed?"

"Yeah," Steve said as he sat down at the kitchen table. "Just like your tattoo. Same place."

"Opposite side," Eddie told him as he ladled soup into bowls. "So when we're laying next to each other, they'll be together, or when I'm on top of you, they'll be touching."

"Good idea." Steve took the bowl of soup Eddie offered him. "Thank you, babe. It smells fantastic." Eddie smiled his thanks, then got himself a beer and another one for Steve. "You want to go tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow?" Eddie took the rolls out of the oven and put them in the breadbasket then sat them on the table before sitting down across from Steve. "You're not kidding?"

"I'm not." He took a bite of the soup. "Damn, baby. This is delicious. What did you do to it? There's something different than last time you made it?"

"Lemon juice," Eddie said. "Instead of salt." He winked at Steve. "Got to keep your heart healthy."

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