Black Jelly Beans

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Steve and Eddie woke up early Tuesday morning after only a couple of hours of sleep and drove to Ciudad Madero. It was a six hour drive that Steve was happy to make to put as much distance as he could between his husband and the man who raped him. That thought was stuck in his head, that Alex had raped Eddie two years ago, then he had the nerve to try and talk to him, to touch him again. He really wished he'd bashed his head in with that baseball bat when he broke his arm. But he worked hard to push those thoughts away. He didn't want to think about Alex or what he'd done to Eddie.

Once they crossed over into Mexico, Eddie gave up the wheel and asked Steve to drive. He gladly took over because Eddie seemed to have no concept of speed limits and Steve didn't want to get pulled over. Eddie was wearing Steve's old Hawkins Tigers basketball shorts, the only shorts he ever wore because he thought his legs were too skinny and wasn't a fan of the way he looked in shorts. But Steve thought Eddie had fantastic legs and he liked him in his shorts. They were small and fit snugly and Eddie looked amazing in them. Eddie took his shirt off, reclined his seat a little, and basked in the sun while Steve drove.

Eventually Eddie drifted off, so Steve had turned down the music some and let Eddie rest while he enjoyed the scenery, driving along the Gulf Coast, probably the most beautiful place he'd ever seen. The further south they went, the bluer the water got and the whiter the sandy beaches became. Steve made a mental note to buy a disposable camera when they got where they were going since neither he nor Eddie had thought to pack theirs when they left Indiana. And he wanted pictures to remember this trip. There would be the wedding pictures and he was looking forward to seeing those. But Eddie on a beach in tiny green shorts, against the beautiful blue and white backdrop, with palm trees swaying in the wind, that was something Steve didn't ever want to forget.

They spent five days doing nothing but relaxing, shopping, eating and drinking all day and having sex all night. The rooms at the hotel they found were actually private bungalows situated on the beach with walls of palms and tropical flowers separating them from the bungalows on either side of them, essentially giving them their own private beach. The entire back wall of the bungalow opened up to the beach and they left those doors and all the windows open so the warm tropical breezes filled the room with the smell of ocean air. They were in paradise and Steve had never seen Eddie happier or more relaxed.

Eddie found a beat-up acoustic guitar in a junk shop on Wednesday and he serenaded Steve on the beach all that afternoon, playing and singing anything Steve asked him to until they eventually had sex right there on the beach. This went on for five days and nights and when Saturday night finally rolled around, they went to sleep early so they could get up early to drive back to Brownsville the next morning.

Their flight home was in the late afternoon, and by the time they got back to Indiana, sunburnt and exhausted, all they wanted to do was go home, get into their own bed, and sleep, something they didn't do quite enough of in Mexico because they didn't want to miss a minute of it. At their apartment, Eddie called Wayne, then Steve called his parents, to let them know they were home and had survived the trip.

They ordered a pizza because there was nothing to cook and neither of them was in the mood to go out. Eddie would have to go grocery shopping in the morning while Steve was at work. After eating, they both crawled into bed and fell asleep in each other's arms, both smiling and happy, dreaming of their honeymoon in Ciudad Madero.

When Steve's alarm went off the next morning, Steve kissed Eddie and told him to stay in bed. Since there was nothing to cook for breakfast, he would just have a slice of leftover pizza. Eddie was grateful for the opportunity to continue sleeping. He hadn't slept past sunrise in over a week. So, Steve got up, showered, ate, and got ready for work, then went back to the bed and smoothed Eddie's hair back and kissed him again before leaving. He'd call at lunch, just to make sure Eddie was awake. He didn't like sleeping all day unless he'd been out until all hours of the morning playing a show.

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