Kittens, Caller ID, and Basketball

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Steve had already bought all the supplies for the kitten when he bought Eddie's Easter basket. In his trunk were food and water bowls, a litter pan, bags of litter and food, cat treats, cat toys, a brush, everything Eddie would need. So, after showering and getting dressed, they carried everything into the apartment then headed to the shelter so Eddie could pick a kitten.

It took Eddie almost two hours to decide. He played with every cat at the shelter, even the adult cats, but ultimately decided on a six month old tuxedo kitten. He was almost solid black except for a small white patch on his tummy, a thin white line from that patch up to his little white chin, and a white spot between his ears that looked suspiciously like devil horns to Steve. Although Eddie said he didn't notice the devil horns, Steve suspected that had been the deciding factor in which kitten Eddie had chosen.

The kitten took to Eddie immediately, climbing up on his lap and into his arms like he owned Eddie. He snuggled against Eddie's chest and Eddie looked up at Steve. He was in love. So, Steve filled out the paperwork, paid the adoption fees, and they left with Eddie's new kitten. Even though they walked out with the kitten in a carboard kennel carrier, in the car, Eddie held him in his arms and stroked him while whispering soothing words to him. It was obvious he did not enjoy car rides.

Eddie and Steve stood in the middle of the living room, an arm around each other's waist, watching the kitten explore his new home. He stopped to sniff at everything, and when he got to Eddie's acoustic guitar, he flopped over against it and rubbed against it lovingly.

"Think of a name yet?"

"Blackie," Eddie answered, and Steve gave him a sideways look. "Like Blackie Lawless from W.A.S.P., but Clawless, since he's declawed."

"Ah, right," Steve chuckled. "Blackie Clawless. I like it." He dropped a kiss on Eddie's cheek. "It fits him perfectly."

"Go get your camera. We have to take pictures to send our parents." Steve left the room and returned a moment later with his camera. He snapped several shots of Blackie being cute then a few more as he tried to climb Eddie's leg.

"I think he wants you to get down there and play with him."

Eddie sat down and Blackie immediately crawled onto his lap and snuggled against him before going up on his hind legs and pushing against Eddie with his front paws. Eddie laughed and fell back onto the floor as Blackie sniffed and explored Eddie's stomach and chest. Steve continued taking pictures while Eddie laughed and submitted to the tiny kitten who had already stolen his heart. Blackie walked up onto Eddie's face and stood there for a moment, sniffing his hair, then slid down into the mass of it spread on the floor and curled himself into a ball.

"Help me, baby," Eddie said to Steve.

"Nope." Steve snapped another picture. "Looks like he's going to sleep there. You're stuck."

"At least come down here so we can get a picture of all three of us," Eddie said as he reached up and carefully extracted Blackie from his hair. "Family photo, you know?"

Steve sat down on the floor next to Eddie and Eddie held Blackie up between them. Steve held the camera out in front of them and they both smiled as he took the picture. Eddie sat Blackie in his lap then caught Steve's chin with his fingers and turned him to face him. They smiled at each other for a moment, then Eddie kissed him.

"How's it feel to be a dad?"

"I feel like this one will be a lot easier to deal with than Dustin ever was," Eddie laughed. They watched as Blackie scrambled his way up Eddie's chest to perch on his shoulder. He laid down and snuggled against Eddie's neck and hair. "I think he likes me."

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