Texas Metal Fest

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Eddie was up again before Steve the next morning. By the time Steve woke up, Eddie had already showered and gone in search of coffee and breakfast for them. So Steve woke up to the smell of freshly baked pastries, hot coffee, and the coconut shampoo Eddie had used as he hovered over Steve, coaxing him out of his slumber with soft kisses and caresses. Steve snaked his arms around Eddie and flipped him onto the bed, covering his body with his own. They kissed for several long minutes before Eddie finally wormed his way out of Steve's arms.

They ate breakfast in bed. Eddie was fully dressed but Steve was still naked and Steve somehow convinced Eddie that he needed a blowjob before Eddie ran off and left him alone to get ready for his performance later that evening. Not that it took much convincing because Eddie was always ready to put his mouth on Steve whenever he could. Just as Steve finished cleaning himself up and wrapped a fluffy bathrobe around himself, there was an insistent banging on the hotel room door and they could hear Brian, Andre, and Ace shouting for Eddie from the hallway. Steve let them in while Eddie put his guitar in its case.

"Man, it smells like two dudes fucking in here," Ace laughed.

"Yeah?" Eddie stood up to face him. "You familiar with that smell, Ace?"

"Been smelling it on you for years." He ducked out of the path of Eddie's playful punch.

"So, how are the newlyweds this morning?" Eddie and Steve gazed longingly at each other in response to Brian's question. "All right. Enough with the goo goo eyes. Stop it before we end up witnessing two dudes fucking."

"Yo, Steve," Andre said. "You coming to setup and soundcheck with us?"

"Nah," Steve answered. "You'll be busy all afternoon and I'll just get in the way."

"Fuck that," Eddie said and slipped an arm around Steve. "You're never in the way. Put something on and you can hang out with us."

"I think I'm going to catch up with the others," he said. "But I'll be there for the show." Eddie frowned a little. "Seriously, baby. You'll be so busy that you won't even miss me. I've got my pass and VIP laminate that we picked up yesterday, so I'll be backstage before you go on."

"We play at six," Brian told him.

"Meet me at the side gate around five," Luke said. "I'll take you to Eddie when you get there." Steve nodded. "Let's go boys. We have to be there by noon and there's a shit ton of people out there we have to wade through. And you have an interview with a local radio station at twelve-thirty."

Eddie turned and kissed Steve one more time. "Mind if I tell the world I got married yesterday?"

"Shout it from the rooftops if you want," Steve said and kissed him back. "I'll see you in a few hours."

"I love you, Mr. Munson," Eddie said dreamily.

"And I love you, Mr. Harrington," Steve replied.

Eddie and the others left and Steve took a shower then called Dustin and invited him to lunch. Dustin wanted to invite the others as well, but Steve asked if they could meet alone. Dustin agreed, he could tell that Steve wanted to talk about something. For a guy who just married his soul mate, there was something off in his tone of voice. He should have been ecstatically happy, but there was something sad underneath it all. Steve got dressed in a pair of jeans and a Corroded Coffin shirt, because he was going to represent his husband everywhere he went, then he headed out to meet Dustin at a diner on the other end of the island, close to Dustin's hotel, not that the island was so big that he couldn't have walked there.

In the car, Steve randomly selected one of Eddie's CDs, and put it in. He didn't care what it was. He just wanted to listen to something that he knew Eddie loved. He smiled when the music started. This was actually one of Steve's CDs. And though Eddie always groaned and complained when Steve played it, he'd also caught Eddie singing along to it several times over the years. He secretly loved it but would never admit that to Steve. Steve turned the music up loud and started singing.

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