I Do

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Steve woke up early Sunday morning. He had a plan and wanted to get up before Eddie. But when he rolled over and opened his eyes, Eddie was already awake. Steve watched him where he was perched on a chair across the room, naked, his new guitar that Steve had given him in his hands, strumming, playing a rockabilly tune that Steve was more than familiar with. It was a song he loved and Eddie had learned to play it for him. Steve watched him in the early dawn light coming through the window. After a minute, Eddie glanced over and saw that Steve was awake so he played louder, so Steve could hear him.

"Well, I'll pass the bar on the way to my dingy hotel room," Eddie sang with a smile on his face. "I spent all my money. Been drinkin' since a half past noon." He got up and moved to the bed to sit next to Steve as he pulled himself upright. "I'll wake there in the mornin'. Or maybe in the county jail."

"Times are hard, getting harder," Steve sang and Eddie let him take over. "I'm born to lose and destined to fail."

Eddie leaned over and kissed Steve softly. "Good morning," he whispered.

"Play something else," Steve told him.

Eddie started strumming, a haunting melody that Steve only barely recognized. He'd heard Eddie listening to it but didn't know the song or the band. "I'm the man in the box. Buried in my shit," Eddie sang. "Won't you come and save me?" Steve laid his hand over Eddie's on the fretboard. "Something wrong, babe?"

"Something not so morose." Eddie laughed. "It's going to be a good day, Eddie. Play us something more upbeat."

Eddie thought for a moment then started playing again. It was a peppy, upbeat rock tune and Steve knew exactly what it was, especially when Eddie curled up his lip and sneered at him as he started to sing. Steve listened to the song with a smile on his face, his eyes closed. But they sprang open when Eddie suddenly threw a leg over him and started grinding against him as he sang the next verse.

"Yeah, flesh for your Romeo," Eddie sang, the words dripping from him like sex. "Oh yeah, baby, I hear you moan, It's easy. You know how to please me yeah. Ow!" Steve had never seen anything sexier than Eddie naked on top of him with a guitar, singing Billy Idol. "Cause love starts my rolling train. You can't stop it. It ain't in vain. I ain't nobody's fool." Eddie leaned down and dropped a kiss on Steve's lips. "Come on, shake it up, whatever I do. Ow!" Eddie stopped playing, took the guitar off and laid it on the bed next to them. "Better?"

"Much," Steve answered as he pulled Eddie down into a longer, more intimate kiss. "Got any plans today?"

"What the hell kind of question is that," Eddie laughed and Steve just shrugged. Eddie sat up and looked into Steve's eyes, his head cocked to one side, one eye squinted shut. He knew Steve and the way he thought. He had something specific in mind. "What are you up to, babe?"

"Why don't we take a shower, then get dressed and go for a drive?"

"Anywhere in particular?"

"Don't worry about it." Steve cupped Eddie's ass and squeezed it. "Get in the shower. I'll be there in a minute."

Eddie jumped out of bed and dashed for the bathroom. He turned the shower on full blast and watched the steam fill the room as he waited for Steve to join him. A minute later, Steve was there. He had Eddie in his arms, their lips crashing together, and Steve backed Eddie into the shower. Under the stream of water, Eddie melted into Steve. They both took a moment to look down at their tattoos, right against each other, mirrored together with each other's names. Then Steve turned Eddie, gently leaned him into the cool tile wall, took his dick in one hand, and pushed deep into Eddie. Eddie moaned loudly, went up on his toes and pushed back against Steve. Steve reached around and took Eddie's dick into his hand. He pumped it a few times and Eddie was hard in his fist. He stroked Eddie in time with his thrusts, filling Eddie completely, stretching him around his swollen erection.

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