I'll Never Let You Go

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Corroded Coffin tore through their set to a roaring, cheering crowd. The loudest of which were Dustin, Mike, Lucas, Jeff, Gareth, and Grant up front, and Steve in the back. Eddie had no trouble finding Steve standing between his parents and Wayne with Jamie and Shawn right next to them. He also spotted Nancy, Robin, Max, El, and Erica huddled protectively between Will and Jonathan somewhere in the middle of the crowd. Robin's enthusiasm and erratic bouncing was hard to miss. When Eddie recognized the twins from the plane, he dedicated a song to 'the prettiest girls in Indiana'. They knew who Eddie meant, but he didn't miss the way Nancy, Robin, Max, El, and Erica all smiled giddily at that as well.

And unfortunately, Eddie also spotted Alex. He wasn't out in the crowd, but he was at the side of the stage, watching Eddie closely. Andre saw him as well and he approached Eddie on stage, leaned back against him as they played and darted his eyes towards Alex. Eddie didn't even have to look, he knew where Andre was looking. Eddie shook his head. Forget it, he said wordlessly with his eyes, and after a long moment, checking Eddie out to make sure it was all okay, Andre grabbed him, plopped a sloppy kiss on top of his head, then spun away as Eddie went back to his mic to finish the song they were playing. When they got to the end of the set, they tore into Seek and Destroy. It was an oldie for them, one they hadn't played in years, not live anyway. But they still played around with it in rehearsal. Eddie growled aggressively into his mic as he turned slightly to one side and caught Alex's gaze.

"We're scanning the scene in the city tonight," Eddie snarled into his mic, shooting daggers at Alex with his eyes. "We're looking for you to start up a fight. There's an evil feeling in our brains. But it's nothing new, you know it drives us insane." And that was when Ace noticed where Eddie was looking. It took him a moment to recognize him, but when he did, he circled Eddie and planted himself between the two of them, directly facing the side of the stage as he gave Alex a warning look. "Running. On our way, hiding. You will pay, dying one thousand deaths." He repeated that bridge again before glaring hatefully at Alex. "Searching! Seek and destroy!"

Ace turned away from Alex and got in Eddie's face as he continued to sing. Eddie knew exactly what he was trying to do, distract him. He nodded towards the crowd. Then leaned in and pressed his lips to Eddie's ear to be heard over the music.

"Your husband is out there," he shouted.

The band blazed through the rest of the song and by the time it ended, Alex was no longer at the side of the stage. Corroded Coffin tried to leave but the crowd chanted their name and they came back on stage for one more song. Ace nudged Eddie, then motioned towards the crowd again. He needed to sing a song for Steve.

"I'm drawing a blank," Eddie told Ace. "What the fuck do we do now?" Ace thought for a moment then pulled Andre over to Brian's drum kit. After a brief conversation they started playing. A grin broke out on Eddie's face as he realized what song it was. They'd never done it live, only messed with it in jam sessions, but Eddie really liked it, and at the moment, it was perfect. He turned back to his mic, scanned the crowd, found Steve and locked eyes with him. "For anyone who missed the interviews I did earlier today, I got married yesterday." The crowd went wild, chanting Eddie's name. "Steve, baby." Steve nodded and put a hand over his heart. There was so much love on his face that Eddie had to fight back tears. "This is for you."

"Sing it for him," Ace shouted into Eddie's ear as he started singing.

"Angel eyes, you have angel eyes. Such a smile that lights up my life, oh. You're a dream come true, now I'm holding you. And I'll never, never let you go. I will never let you go." Eddie watched as Steve reached up and wiped a tear from his cheek. "First time I laid my eyes upon you, all my dreams were answered. First time I kissed your tender lips, my love to you I surrendered." Eddie glanced towards the side of the stage. He kind of wished Alex was still there. He wanted him to see him singing this song to Steve. "I'll never let you go. You're always on my mind. You're the only one for me. You're all I need. And I'll never, never let you go." Eddie fell away from the mic as he and Ace let loose on the guitar solo. They played off each other, feeding off the energy that the other was putting out. That was what made them such a great team. They could feel each other's moods and emotions and put every ounce of that into what they were playing. "Angel eyes, my heart relies on the love you give to me," Eddie sang, again holding Steve's loving gaze. "You never let me down. You're always by my side. And I'll never, never let you go. When my heart starts to crumble, and the tears start to fall, you hold me close with tender loving, and give me strength to carry on."

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