Chapter Four:

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After getting over the shock of the voice in my head, wondering who or maybe what it could of been, I began my way over to the dinner hall. Once I walked through the large doors, I scanned the room for Millicent who was sat waiting for me at the end of the table. "You okay? You look rather pale" she asked with a concerned tone. "Yeah fine, just hungry" I replied not wanting to go into detail, "What did Lesso want? did you get in trouble?" she questioned again. "Um nothing really she just saw the page about ripping out hearts and wanted to know what we were doing." I explained bluntly not wanting to talk much. The rest of the meal was filled with small talk, I excused myself shortly after explaining I was tired, I gave my goodbyes and left to my dorm.


"Mum!" you whispered to yourself. You were in the clearing again, watching the memory that had scared your memories and was still haunting your dreams. The beast let off a low growl as it's long talons grasp your mothers already weak and tired body, the claws began to tighten around the evil queens waist her dress soaking in her own crimson blood. A loud scream pierced the air filled with pain, "Mum!" you screamed running towards her wanting to save your mother, without realising you let out a high pitch emotional scream in your sleep. "Look away dear" a male voice said, this had never happened before there was never anyone else in your dream. "No!" you yelled watching the familiar sight of the beast brutally devouring your mother, "Look away child" the voice said again while you felt a grip tighten around your wrist a cold fingers grabbed your chin. Tears streamed down your face as you looked at the unfamiliar man, he had twinkling blue eyes and wide full lips, he was much taller than you and was quite attractive but seemed cold, must be a never if you had to guess. "My Love, don't let these thoughts haunt you. Own them become so powerful you can slaughter the beast that frightens you. There's no need to be afraid." he softly spoke while caressing your cheek, wiping away the continuous tears that flowed down your cheeks. "Who are you?" I whispered straightening up to seem less weak as the man in-front of me clearly had power. "My dear, I am Rafal I used to be one of the school masters as the school for good and evil. My brother became consumed with power and tried to kill me when I attempted to stop him. As you can see he half succeeded." he replied with a calm but cold tone.

"Rafal? The Evil headmaster? I thought you were the corrupt one?" I questioned him back, "Yes I am but I was not the corrupt one as many chose to believe, be careful around my brother. I must go now, remember embrace the pain own it and you shall overcome it. Own your power, don't be afraid, my love" he said as he began to walk away, black smoke surrounding him. "Rafal" I shouted but he had already disappeared leaving me alone with my dead mother and the murderous beast. Suddenly I heard a shout "Y/n! Wake up!", my vision went black and I bolted upright in my bed to see the redhead dean standing over me with a worried expression.


A painful cry pierced the silent room, wakening me from my peaceful sleep. I rushed over to the only room near me, Y/n's, I checked the pocket watch lying in my coat pocket that was hanging up it read 02:30. As I pushed open her door in a hurried manner, I saw the young girl lying in her bed tears streaming down her face, I began to shake her awake but nothing happened. "Rafal!" she shouted sending shivers down my spine, I froze, why was she saying his name. Did she know him? She had been here just over a day, how was he already corrupting her. I didn't want to invade her privacy but needed to know what they were talking about or what was going on in her head. Summoning my magic I entered the girls mind only to be meet with darkness, a powerful force was stopping me entering her thoughts. I curse to myself trying to figure out how to wake her. "Y/n!" I shouted shaking the poor girl. Suddenly she bolted upright looking directly at me.


"What are you doing in my room?" I questioned, "You were screaming in your sleep." she replied coldly but with a hint of worry "What were you dreaming about?". "Nothing I replied harshly not wanting to discuss it, "Please Y/n you can tell me anything it won't leave this room, I won't think less of you." Lesso replied with a kinder tone as she raised her hand to wipe away my tears, I flinched initially but allowed her to touch me. "It was nothing, just the memory of my mothers death. I get them a lot, sorry to wake you." I replied bluntly. "It's fine don't worry, did anything else happen?" she questioned again, "No it was just me watching my mother getting brutally torn apart my a demonic beast" I answered bored of the questioning. I saw her face drop as if she was disappointed, "I'll leave you to rest, enjoy your first day tomorrow" Lesso responded with a small smile before turning and leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I relaxed back in my bed scared to fall back asleep, you only had one thought in my mind Rafal, who was this man? Was he telling the truth? That is how you spent the rest of the night unable to fall back asleep.

You watched as the sun slowly rose over the school for good, it was beautiful sight the colours filling the sky getting brighter and brighter. You slowly left you bed and decided to have a cold shower to refresh your mind and body. Your body began to shiver as the freezing water flowed over your tired body, wrapping a towel around your body you looked in the mirror, noticing your eyes which had dark circles around them. Great I look like shit you thought to yourself, applying minimal make up and a bit of eyeliner, hoping to make the dark circles look like apart of your makeup.

You looked at the clock it was 7:50, breakfast started at 8:00 but you didn't feel like eating. You picked your outfit for the day, a pair of black cargo trousers, a long sleeved corseted top paired with some black heeled boots and jewellery. You left your hair down not having the effort to style it.

You grabbed your bag that had the books you needed for the day plus some parchment, quill and ink if you needed them. You left the room decided to explore the outside of the school as you already seen most of the inside with millicent. After a while of wondering around the gardens which were quite beautiful for a the evil side, you expected rotting and revolting flowers or weed but were pleasantly surprised with red and black roses and vines woven around the concrete. You eventually found yourself gazing at the gates for the endless woods which were much more intimating than the rest of the scenery. After a few moment you heard the soft whisper of a male voice the same as you heard in the library yesterday, "Come to me.". You were very curious to who this person was, your hands began to rise, ready to open the gates into the unknown. "Y/N! You're not allowed in the endless woods" an all to familiar voice said harshly, you whipped your head around meeting the dean violet eyes, "Sorry Lady Lesso, I was merely looking." you replied quickly. "You missed breakfast." she stated not sure if you were suppose to reply "You don't want to be late for Uglification" she finished. You nodded as a goodbye and began to walk back towards the school for your first class, feeling Lady Lesso gaze upon you the whole way.

Sitting in the back of the class you waited for the rest of the students to arrive, millicent came in and gave you a soft smile as she slid into the seat next to you. "Morning, why weren't you at breakfast?" she asked, "Overslept" I lied. The door opened with a loud bang as it hit the wall and professor Manley began his class. I tuned out almost immediately as he started to talk about why we have to be ugly, in my opinion its a bunch of bullshit why be ugly was it the benefit, plus have they seen the dean for this school she the hottest person here. The end of the class was coming around and we had all been tasked with a potion to make us more ugly.

"Y/N!" he called "It's your turn to show us, drink the potion.", "No" I replied bluntly. "Drink it now, you must be ugly or you will fail my class." he demanded. "I said no, did you not hear me" I replied not sure were this confidence came from but I was enjoying this new me "It's beneath me, why should I be Ugly? It wont make me less evil, I can still rip out your heart". I saw as his face started to turn red with anger, "Drink it!" he shouted slamming his hand on my desk making me jump, remembering all the times my 'carer' had done this. Scared he was going to hit me, I threw the potion at this face "There now you're more ugly. You're welcome.".

Professor Manley let out a cry, I wasn't sure if it was anger or pain "Lady Lesso office now!" he bellowed. "Ugh" I cried grabbing my belonging and seeing a worried and shocked expression on Millicent face. I made my way up the never ending stairs towards the deans office, stopping in-front of her door. I began to knock when the same voice called to me "Come to me, my love" he said. "Rafal" I whispered staring out the window towards the endless forest, just as I did Lesso opened the door to see me standing there completely out of it. Giving a small cough to get my attention she asked "Did you say something?", "No." I replied not wanting to tell her.

A few moments passed, she was waiting of me to tell her why I was there. "Professor Manley told me to come to your office as we had a bit of a falling out." I answered not that she actually asked anything. "Ugh fine, what did you do?" she huffed. I made my way into the room and sat down opposite her desk as I explained to her what happened. "What to do with you, my little troublemaker." she said breaking the silence. I could see her mind thinking, making me nervous thinking about all the consequences that could follow. "Let me think on it, I will give you an answer shortly." she said dismissing me. "Oh Y/n." she called out as I made my way to the door "Do try to be on your best behaviour, you already broken a few rules and my class is next". "I'll do my best" I whispered but she still heard me as I exited the room.

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