chapter one

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(Also this story is in 2023. Requests are open so you can dm me any ideas you have!)


Bruces pov.

Beep beep beep.

Beep beep beep

I smack my alarm not wanting to hear anymore beeps. I get out of bed to get ready for school. I get my towel and some clothes and go into the bathroom.
I turn on the shower and get in.

After his shower.

I get out of the bathroom and get some socks. (He has clothes on btw) I put my socks on and then dry my hair. I style my hair the way it usually is and I grab my phone from my dresser.  I go downstairs and sit down at the table with Amy and my parents.

"Good morning honey" my mom says placing my pancakes onto my plate. "Good morning mom" I say eating my pancakes while amy goes upstairs to get ready for school. I finish my pancakes so i go wash my plate. I dry the plate and put it in the cupboard.

"Have a great day at school son." My dad says not even Looking at me. I go upstairs to get my uniform and go back down to get my bag. I put my uniform in my bag and i close it. I put my shoes on and wait for amy. "AMY COME ON YOUR GOING TO MISS THE BUS!" my mom yells from. The kitchen. Amy runs downstairs and grabs her bag. She puts her shoes on and we go outside.

We get on the bus and she sits in the front with gwen while i sit in the middle by myself. The bus starts driving for a few minutes until the bus comes to a stop for another kid. Vance gets on the bus and looks for a seat that's empty. 
"Fucking hell. Why the fuck is this bus always full?" Vance says to himself. He then sits next to me so I scoot away from him. I guess he noticed that because he looks at me and scoffs. "Why the fuck are you scared of me?" He asks. "Im not scared of you I'm giving your fatass space." I say looking out the window. I feel a harsh hand grab my wrist tightly.

"I don't think you would want your pretty face  covered in bruises and cuts do you?" He says getting closer. I hear people gasp at the fact that bruce yamada, the golden child is talking back to vance hopper. I don't find him scary at all. He only knows the words "bitch" "fuck you" "dumb shit" and "suck dick". What's so scary about that? Vance lets go of my wrist because I'm not awnsering his question.

The bus soon arrives at school so the doors open. I stand up instantly and push vance out of the way. I look behind me and see vance with his hands in a fist. He speed walks towards me so I walk faster. I jump out of the bus instead of using the steps. I run into the school building and go straight to my locker.

"HEY DIPSHIT! WHY THE FUCK DID YOU PUSH ME HUH?" Vance screams at me while walking towards me. I back up into a person so i look back and see me friend donna.

"Hey bruce. Seems like you got some trouble huh? Did you push him again" she asks me in disappointment. I nod looking over my shoulder. Vance is right behind me. Like very close. He was going to grab me but donna pulls me away. "You need to really be careful when close to vance bruce. You know what will happen if he ever catches you. " she says side eyeing vance.

I look at him and he gives me the middle finger. He walks away angrily like a child who didn't get their robux for Christmas.

"Why is he even at school? He only comes when the kid that sells drugs is selling or when its a special occasion." I ask donna. Vance hasn't come to school since we had a science fair. Which was 10 months ago. He actually won the whole thing which was impossible because his project was a poorly made model of the earth. I go back to my locker and put my non-important stuff inside.

The bell rings so I close my locker and go to class.

I sit in the back because the seats are taken by the "weird" kids. One of them said they were going to shoot up the school last month but it never happened. Kinda hope they did though.  The teacher comes in the class and sits in her chair. "Alright class so today you guys will be doing a project on your home life. It is due next week so no worries about tha-" the teacher says getting abruptly interrupted by the door swinging open.

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