i just saw someones nudes💀

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"BRUCE WAKE UP WERE GOING TO BE LATE!" Amy yells. She's at my door with her bag in her hands. "SHIT!" I say while sprinting to my clothes I folded yesterday. I go to the bathroom and I quickly change. I brush my teeth and put my socks on. I run downstairs and i put my shoes on and grab my backpack.

"BRUCE DID YOU KISS A DUDE AT THE PARTY YESTERDAY!?" My dad yells. "How do you know about that?" I ask him. "I saw a video of you and a boy with curly hair kissing." He says to me." My mom looks at me and winks."it was a game! And i was not in the right mind due to the fact i was drunk." I say. "BUT YOU KISSED A MALE! ARE YOU GAY SON?" He yells. I look at my mom and she nods. My mom knew about my crush on vance since he was at our house. "Bruce. You are aren't you?! ARE YOU FUCKING GAY?" "No. Im not. I was just drunk." I say. I look at my mom and she frowns.

She knows im lying.

"Well bye mom. Bye dad. Lets go amy" i say. Amy follows me to the bus stop and punches my shoulder. "Are you sure your not gay? I mean gwen showed me a photo finney took of you and vance kissing. You seemed to enjoy it rather than hate it." She says before going to gwen. Vance pops up behind me and grabs my shoulder. I  push his hand off and pull him infront of me. "Vance. Please don't touch me. I still don't feel okay about yesterday." I say to him hoping he'll understand.

"Oh sorry about that. I guess your dad found out huh? I heard the screaming from across the street." He says. Did my dad really scream that loud? What a bitch.

"Amy thinks i like you. But i dont" I say to him. "Oh." He says. His face saddened and his hand turns to a fist. Is he about to punch me? He puts his hands down and sighs. "Sorry about that." He says. "Its fine." I say to myself as I stand there. "HEY BRUCE! I'M GOING ON YOUR BUS TODAY!!" Robin yells while sprinting full speed to me. "Hi robin." I say. He touches my shoulder and I flinch. "Oh bruce why did you flinch?" He asks me. "Something bad happened to me...yesterday at the party." I say to him. "Wait..like..?" He says. "Yeah robin. Now please don't touch me. I still am not okay." I say to him. He nods and backs away.

"Why is vance so mad? Hes always joking around." Robin asks me looking back at Vance. " Oh I told him that Amy thought I liked him and i said i didn't and he just said oh and his hands were in a fist." I tell robin. "Yep he definitely likes you bruce. He never does that when others say it. He just says ok and? With attitude. Like he never makes a fist when he gets rejected." He says. "Oh..so he likes me?" I say. "Yeah he does. You broke his unbreakable heart bruce. You must be very special to him if he does that." He says. I nod looking at the bus that is driving to my stop.

The bus stops and the doors open. I rush in and wait for vance. He steps on and i wave to him. He sits next to me but doesn't say anything. "Vance im sorry. I didn't know you actually liked me." I say to him. His face tells me that he forgave me. But the words he says say otherwise.

"What about the fucking letter i left you huh? Didn't that give you a hint? What about all the times you would catch me looking at you. THE FUCKING WINKS I DID TO YOU?! DID THAT NOT GIVE YOU A GODDAMN HINT?!" He yells. The whole bus to heard him which causes them look at us. "Vance..I'm sorry I thought you were teasing me." I say. He sighs and folds his arms.

The bus comes to a stop and I get out. "Bruce. It didn't sound like it went well huh?" Robin says. I sigh. "How was i supposed to know he wasn't joking?" I say throwing my hands in the air. "I don't know man..but you like him too don't you?" Robin says. "I.... yeah i do.." i say. He looks behind him andv sees vance  right behind us. Shit. He heard me.

Robin laughs and runs away leaving me with vance. "So...heard all of it. Why didn't you just tell me?" He says. "Because vance. I am not in a good mindset right now after yesterday and my fathers homophobia. Just give me some time to work it out okay?" I say.

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